Assume AWS IAM roles from GitHub Actions workflows with no stored secrets

AWS IAM roles for GitHub Actions workflows

Background and rationale

GitHub Actions are a pretty nice solution for CI/CD. Where they fall short is integration with other services, like AWS. The approach suggested by AWS is to create an IAM user, allocate it a long-lived access key and store those credentials in GitHub's secret storage. This is undesirable for folks working in an environment where IAM users are not permitted.

This repo is a GitHub action that can grant your workflows access to AWS via an AWS IAM role session. This means no need to store long-lived credentials in GitHub and comes with a few other benefits.


Inside AWS

api.yml is a CloudFormation template to deploy in one of your AWS accounts. It has three resources:

  • GithubSecret is an AWS::SecretsManager::Secret for storing credentials to access the GitHub API. It needs both a GitHub personal access token and the user_session cookie for from a logged-in user.

  • ExampleRoleForGithub is an AWS::IAM::Role to demonstrate how you can create a role that is assumable by a GitHub Actions workflow. Specifically it demonstrates the role having tags and allowing the Lambda function to pass role session tags.

  • Function is an AWS::Serverless::Function that creates both an API Gateway and a Lambda function as its backend. It has an example IAM policy and set of role session tags that are likely useful.

In your GitHub Action workflows

  - push
name: example
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: keygen
        uses: glassechidna/actions2aws/[email protected]

      - name: assume role
        uses: glassechidna/actions2aws/[email protected]
          step: keygen
          url: ${{ secrets.URL }}
          role: arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.ACCOUNT_ID }}:role/actions2aws-ExampleRoleForGithub
          # these values should look something like:  
          # url:
          # role: arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/actions2aws-ExampleRoleForGithub

      - run: aws sts get-caller-identity # or whatever else you want

Things worth knowing

  • The user_session cookie value is needed because the GitHub public API currently won't return logs for an in-progress workflow run.

  • How you define your role's trust policies is really up to you. My recommendations would be (these are all defined in api.yml):

    • Restrict the Lambda function's role to only be allowed to assume specific roles. In my case, I don't have a naming scheme - so I limit it to roles with a github:actions-role = true tag.
    • Restrict the Lambda function's role to only be allowed to pass particular session tags (e.g. only github:*)
    • Match the above session tag restrictions on the target role side too, i.e. limit the allowable session tags in the role's trust policy.
    • Limit target roles to only being assumable by the Lambda function, rather than the entire account hosting the Lambda function.

How it works


  • The keygen action generates an age public-private keypair, saves the private half to disk and logs the public half to the console.
  • The request action invokes the Lambda (via the API Gateway) with a POST body that identifies which repo, workflow and run it is.
  • The Lambda uses this POST body to lookup information about the in-progress run (including its public key logged to the console) and assume a role for the run.
  • The Lambda returns the assumed role session credentials encrypted with the public key displayed in the logs for the keygen step. This ensures that no one else can receive valid credentials on behalf of that workflow run.
  • The request action then sets AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables for future steps.

sequence diagram

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  • Protecting against malicious PRs

    Protecting against malicious PRs

    I think this is a very neat idea, great job on coming up with it!

    A couple of attacks come to mind, this is one of them.

    Could a malicious PR obtain credentials? An attacker:

    1. Forks the repo
    2. Changes the workflow to send the creds to themself
    3. Creates a PR.
    4. The action runs, the lambda generates creds, and the subverted job sends them on to the attacker.

    Or is that what this check is protecting against? The comment mentions forks, I'm not familiar enough with the github api to know if this is protecting against PRs running in the genuine repo but sourced from a fork.

    If this is already protected against (and the lambda won't return creds for PRs sourced from forks), then I think it would be worth mentioning in the README.

  • Potential AWS critical vulnerability

    Potential AWS critical vulnerability

    Anyone with knowledge of the endpoint url for lambda and the AWS accountId has the capability to assume the role. This is because there is no way to verify the token that comes in is actually from github.

    Any one can create a Personal Access Token (as well as any one inside a private org with READ access to any repo for private org repos) which can trick the lambda into granting credentials.

    Until GitHub provides the capability to verify token issuer (via OAuth2.0 JWKs for examples), I recommend Do not use this repository to grant access to AWS.

  • Public key injection

    Public key injection

    I think there is a potential attack on the integrity of the public key.

    An attacker can call the API at any point, and specify any run/job/step combo for which to search the output for a public key. If they can get their own public key included in the output of any step of any job, they can then obtain creds for the victim's account by calling the API specifying where it should look.

    Whilst this won't be exploitable against all workflows, according to Project Zero's research:

    almost any project with somewhat complex Github actions is vulnerable to this bug class

    It's not obvious to users that if you're using actions2aws then allowing attacker-controlled text to appear in the output of any job grants that attacker access to your AWS account.

    One mitigation would be to make the job/step config part of the lambda deployment, so it's not under attacker control.

  • Considerations about Potential Privilege Escalation

    Considerations about Potential Privilege Escalation

    Hi. Thank you for sharing your solution 😀. I just came across your implementation and had a look at your diagram. I’m asking myself how the lambda makes sure the requested credentials are delivered to an action belonging to your repos/org? What’s preventing a malicious GitHub action with any valid GitHub repo and any valid user session token from generating a key pair calling the api and getting your aws creds ? Any thoughts on this ? Kind regards Rocco

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