A repository for plotting and visualizing data

Gonum Plot

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gonum/plot is the new, official fork of code.google.com/p/plotinum. It provides an API for building and drawing plots in Go. Note that this new API is still in flux and may change. See the wiki for some example plots.

For additional Plotters, see the Community Plotters Wiki page.

There is a discussion list on Google Groups: [email protected].

gonum/plot is split into a few packages:

  • The plot package provides simple interface for laying out a plot and provides primitives for drawing to it.
  • The plotter package provides a standard set of Plotters which use the primitives provided by the plot package for drawing lines, scatter plots, box plots, error bars, etc. to a plot. You do not need to use the plotter package to make use of gonum/plot, however: see the wiki for a tutorial on making your own custom plotters.
  • The plotutil package contains a few routines that allow some common plot types to be made very easily. This package is quite new so it is not as well tested as the others and it is bound to change.
  • The vg package provides a generic vector graphics API that sits on top of other vector graphics back-ends such as a custom EPS back-end, draw2d, SVGo, X-Window, gopdf, and Gio.


Documentation is available at:



You can get gonum/plot using go get:

go get gonum.org/v1/plot/...

If you write a cool plotter that you think others may be interested in using, please post to the list so that we can link to it in the gonum/plot wiki or possibly integrate it into the plotter package.

Consistent, composable, and comprehensible scientific code
  • Adds capability for colored scatter plots (issue #195)

    Adds capability for colored scatter plots (issue #195)

    I have closed the previous pull request, and created this one according to your comments @kortschak and @ctessum. Thanks!

    @ctessum I decided to send this PR anyway (and it's up to you, obviously, to accept it or not right now), so that at least the plot has this capability and it will fix the #195 issue. Meanwhile, I will start working on the alternative solution which you have proposed. It should definitely look much more elegant and be an improvement of the existing way of making scatter, scatter colour and bubble plots.

  • Creating a heatmap with 0 depth (min value == max value) causes panic

    Creating a heatmap with 0 depth (min value == max value) causes panic

    Converting depth / Z range into colorbar scaling generates a divide by 0 NaN.

    While 0 depth / flat heatmaps are not themselves meaningful, generating heatmaps on provided data sets can see cases where all values in the map are identically equal...

  • Liberation fonts

    Liberation fonts

    First stab at embedding Liberation fonts.

    The embedded asset is generated by running go generate ./vg/fonts vg/fonts/mk-fonts.go downloads a version of the liberation fonts from Fedora, untars it somewhere and runs go-bindata -o liberation_fonts_generated.go

    The increase in size for a given binary (the histogram test) is as follows:

    run-hist-old  8458416
    run-hist-new 10809200

    perhaps we could recoup some space by having people import _ "gonum.org/plot/vg/fonts" using the same kind of mechanism than database/sql's Driver ? In that case, perhaps it would be better to have the Liberation fonts live under "gonum.org/plot/vg/fonts/liberation" and put the fonts registration mechanism under "vg/fonts" But this would require client's code modification... (a relatively simple one, but still...)

    Also, there is a fair amount of test-files updates... could someone make sure I haven't made any mistake? (the Liberation fonts are somewhat different in height.)

    Fixes #107

  • added method for canvas tiles; changed plotter examples to tiles

    added method for canvas tiles; changed plotter examples to tiles

    I've created a method for tiling the canvas to make subfigures, and I have also changed the plotter examples to be put into subfigures instead of a bunch of individual files. PTAL.

  • vgsvg: express font size in px units, not points

    vgsvg: express font size in px units, not points

    We need to properly scale the fonts size relative to the graphs size.

    Currently, the size of the graph (lines, glyphs) is expressed in "user unit" (px), and the font size in point units (pt).

    The size of text relative to the graph would vary with different dpi.

    The suggested solution is to express font size in px, which is the same as without unit. This will require to define a scaling factor involving c.dpi.

    This is with current master.

  • plot: fix axis labelling

    plot: fix axis labelling

    This goes a long way towards fixing #403, though there are problems that I believe are a result of aggressive cropping of the plot space after the axes have been decided (the axes that show up here with only one major tick mark do have the labels created, but the plot does not end up rendering them).

    @eaburns Can you suggest anything here?

    /cc @decibelcooper

  • Update freetype imports

    Update freetype imports

    Looks like code.google.com/p/freetype-go redirects to github.com/golang/freetype now. This fixes go get for this project, but some dependent projects like draw2d may still refer to the old path.

  • plotter: plotting an histogram in logscale

    plotter: plotting an histogram in logscale


    consider the following code:

    func TestHistogramLogScale(t *testing.T) {
    	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
    	n := 1000
    	vals := make(Values, n)
    	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    		vals[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
    	p, err := plot.New()
    	if err != nil {
    	p.Title.Text = "Histogram in logy"
    	p.Y.Min = 0.1
    	p.Y.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
    	p.Y.Tick.Marker = plot.LogTicks{}
    	h, err := NewHist(vals, 16)
    	if err != nil {
    	err = p.Save(200, 200, "testdata/histogram_log.png")
    	if err != nil {

    this will panic:

    === RUN   TestHistogramLogScale
    --- FAIL: TestHistogramLogScale (0.01s)
    panic: Values must be greater than 0 for a log scale. [recovered]
    	panic: Values must be greater than 0 for a log scale.
    goroutine 5 [running]:
    	/usr/lib/go/src/testing/testing.go:622 +0x29d
    panic(0x7d7160, 0xc4200f7790)
    	/usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:489 +0x2cf
    github.com/gonum/plot.LogTicks.Ticks(0x0, 0x3fda71c2dac35ff2, 0xc420123420, 0x4cbec8, 0x857cfb)
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/axis.go:429 +0x400
    github.com/gonum/plot.(*LogTicks).Ticks(0xc89e68, 0x0, 0x3fda71c2dac35ff2, 0x4cc5a5, 0x857cfb, 0x9)
    	<autogenerated>:42 +0x5d
    github.com/gonum/plot.(*verticalAxis).size(0xc420123af8, 0x40278e0000000000)
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/axis.go:282 +0x7a
    github.com/gonum/plot.(*Plot).Draw(0xc4200b3000, 0x7f6fa2e5d428, 0xc420058de0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4069000000000000, 0x406712b000000000)
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/plot.go:168 +0x232
    github.com/gonum/plot.(*Plot).WriterTo(0xc4200b3000, 0x4069000000000000, 0x4069000000000000, 0x86945b, 0x3, 0x0, 0x400aa49aec34e97f, 0x1, 0xc4200f7190)
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/plot.go:455 +0x143
    github.com/gonum/plot.(*Plot).Save(0xc4200b3000, 0x4069000000000000, 0x4069000000000000, 0x869444, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/plot.go:481 +0x147
    	/home/binet/work/gonum/src/github.com/gonum/plot/plotter/histogram_test.go:129 +0x42b
    testing.tRunner(0xc42005a9c0, 0x873468)
    	/usr/lib/go/src/testing/testing.go:657 +0x96
    created by testing.(*T).Run
    	/usr/lib/go/src/testing/testing.go:697 +0x2ca
    exit status 2

    because, even though p.Y.Min was set, the empty bins of the histogram will still be "evaluated".

    Locally, I have implemented a not completely satisfactory hack: implement "clipping" decorators for LogScale and LogTicks:

    type ClipScale struct {
    	Min  float64
    	Max  float64
    	Norm plot.Normalizer
    func (cs ClipScale) Normalize(min, max, x float64) float64 {
    	min = math.Max(cs.Min, min)
    	max = math.Min(cs.Max, max)
    	switch {
    	case x < cs.Min:
    		x = cs.Min
    	case x > cs.Max:
    		x = cs.Max
    	return cs.Norm.Normalize(min, max, x)
    var _ plot.Normalizer = ClipScale{}
    type ClipTicker struct {
    	Min    float64
    	Max    float64
    	Ticker plot.Ticker
    var _ plot.Ticker = ClipTicker{}
    func (ct ClipTicker) Ticks(min, max float64) []plot.Tick {
    	min = math.Max(min, ct.Min)
    	max = math.Min(max, ct.Max)
    	return ct.Ticker.Ticks(min, max)

    and with:

    		p.Y.Scale = ClipScale{p.Y.Min, math.Inf(+1), plot.LogScale{}}
    		p.Y.Tick.Marker = ClipTicker{p.Y.Min, math.Inf(+1), plot.LogTicks{}}

    but it's not competely satisfactory because then we get histo-bars for these empty bins: histogram_log

    any idea ?

  • axis: Incorrect positioning of tick marks new scheme

    axis: Incorrect positioning of tick marks new scheme

    Starting with commit e7f526d68a91a8b21c225cdbbbd8662d53c541f4, there is a problem with positioning and/or labeling of tick marks. The new scheme rounds tick labels, but the tick marks do not move to reflect this. The code could be changed to move the tick marks to reflect the labels, but this would ruin the regular tick mark positioning. I believe it fundamentally does not make sense to round the tick marks and/or labels.

    The problem is exemplified by this plot generated before and after the commit in question (using the go-hep.org hplot package which in-turn uses gonum plot), where the peak on the y axis is ideally 3.096:





    One can see that in the After case, the vertical tick labels misrepresent the position of the peak.

  • vgx11: fix translate offset

    vgx11: fix translate offset

    Address issue #179 by translating the image to (0,-h) so (0,0) is at the bottom-left corner for the X11 backend.

    go test ./... will skip the X11 test if $DISPLAY is not defined.

  • Fonts are distributed as datafiles

    Fonts are distributed as datafiles

    Original issue 80 created by eaburns on 2012-09-20T16:12:32.000Z:

    If Plotinum is included with a program than that binary cannot be distributed to machines without the Plotinum source.

    A possible solution to this is to embed the data files into the Plotinum source. This may violate some GPL stuff, however...

  • vg/vggio seems broken with current release of gioui

    vg/vggio seems broken with current release of gioui

    I'm trying to use gonum plot with gio.

    I copied the example at https://github.com/gonum/plot/blob/master/vg/vggio/vggio_example_test.go and tried to run it somehow. The result when building is:

    Build Error: go build -o /Users/maygames/Projects/plottest/__debug_bin -gcflags all=-N -l .
    # gonum.org/v1/plot/vg/vggio
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/context.go:36:13: undefined: op.StateOp
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/context.go:45:23: undefined: op.Save
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/context.go:63:12: cannot use f32.Pt(float32(x), float32(y)) (value of type "gioui.org/f32".Point) as type image.Point in argument to op.Offset
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:231:15: undefined: clip.Dash
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:241:3: unknown field 'Style' in struct literal of type clip.Stroke
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:241:15: undefined: clip.StrokeStyle
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:243:16: undefined: clip.FlatCap
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:245:3: unknown field 'Dashes' in struct literal of type clip.Stroke
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:260:9: clip.Outline{…}.Op().Add undefined (type clip.Op has no field or method Add)
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:334:8: undefined: unit.Px
    ../../go/pkg/mod/gonum.org/v1/[email protected]/vg/vggio/vggio.go:245:3: too many errors (exit status 2)

    I ran

    go get -u
    go mod tidy

    but the result stays the same.

    Maybe I did not consider certain version dependencies. At the same time, it seems that vggio is not compatible with the current version of gio, or that the above mentioned example file maybe is outdated. Is there any fix available for this?

  • No tick numbers on a log axis plots

    No tick numbers on a log axis plots

    What are you trying to do?

    Plot data with labels on a log-log plot. Sometimes, no tick numbers are being displayed (depending on the data).

    What did you do?

    See a full example at: https://gist.github.com/tdegris/d1844e7c209d77962ecc891b47d3a04a


    	p := plot.New()
    	p.X.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
    	p.X.Tick.Marker = plot.LogTicks{}
    	p.Y.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
    	p.Y.Tick.Marker = plot.LogTicks{}
    		XYs: data,
    		LineStyle: draw.LineStyle{ [...] },

    What did you expect to happen?

    Some numbers on the ticks of the Y axis.

    What actually happened?

    No tick numbers on the Y axis.


    What version of Go and Gonum/plot are you using?

    go version:

    go version go1.18.3 darwin/arm64

    gonum/plot version:

    $ git rev-parse HEAD
  • plot: Align doesn't exactly align axes

    plot: Align doesn't exactly align axes

    as can be noticed from the produced plot in #732, (even with the 1:1 ratio), axes are not exactly aligned between plots (Y-axis for top-left/bottom-left, X-axis for bottom-left/bottom-right): rotated-canvas

    I've tested that with release up to v0.7.0 (so it's not a fall out from the "fonts revamp" work.) rot-v0 7 0

  • plot: consider implementing a rotated/transformed canvas

    plot: consider implementing a rotated/transformed canvas

    this has come up on slack. it would be great to be able to implement this kind of plot:

    • https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/axes_grid1/scatter_hist_locatable_axes.html#sphx-glr-gallery-axes-grid1-scatter-hist-locatable-axes-py plot

    to achieve this sort of thing, we need to be able to rotate a plot to tack it on the right hand side of the bottom left plot.

    the following program is an attempt at reproducing the same plot (sans the rotated canvas).

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	var ratio = flag.Bool("ratio", false, "apply a 1/3 ratio")
    	const (
    		rows = 2
    		cols = 2
    	var blue = color.RGBA{R: 24, G: 90, B: 169, A: 255}
    	ps := make([][]*plot.Plot, rows)
    	for i := range ps {
    		ps[i] = make([]*plot.Plot, cols)
    		for j := range ps[i] {
    			if i == 0 && j == 1 {
    			ps[i][j] = plot.New()
    	const N = 1000
    	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
    	data := make(plotter.XYs, N)
    	xs := make(plotter.Values, N)
    	ys := make(plotter.Values, N)
    	for i := range data {
    		xs[i] = rnd.NormFloat64() * 2
    		ys[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
    		data[i].X = xs[i]
    		data[i].Y = ys[i]
    	s, err := plotter.NewScatter(data)
    	if err != nil {
    	s.GlyphStyle.Color = blue
    	s.GlyphStyle.Radius = vg.Points(3)
    	// histo-x
    	hx, err := plotter.NewHist(xs, 20)
    	if err != nil {
    	hx.FillColor = blue
    	hx.LineStyle.Color = blue
    	// histo-y
    	hy, err := plotter.NewHist(ys, 20)
    	if err != nil {
    	hy.FillColor = blue
    	hy.LineStyle.Color = blue
    	const (
    		xsize = 30 * vg.Centimeter
    		ysize = 30 * vg.Centimeter
    	img := vgimg.New(xsize, ysize)
    	dc := draw.New(img)
    	const padding = 0.2 * vg.Centimeter
    	t := draw.Tiles{
    		Rows:      rows,
    		Cols:      cols,
    		PadTop:    padding,
    		PadBottom: padding,
    		PadRight:  padding,
    		PadLeft:   padding,
    		PadX:      padding,
    		PadY:      padding,
    	cs := plot.Align(ps, t, dc)
    	// aspect ratio.
    	if *ratio {
    		var (
    			top = &cs[0][0]
    			mid = &cs[1][0]
    			rhs = &cs[1][1]
    		top.Rectangle.Min.Y += 0.6 * top.Rectangle.Size().Y
    		top.Rectangle.Max.X += 0.6 * top.Rectangle.Size().X
    		mid.Rectangle.Max.Y += 0.6 * mid.Rectangle.Size().Y
    		mid.Rectangle.Max.X += 0.6 * mid.Rectangle.Size().X
    		rhs.Rectangle.Max.Y += 0.6 * rhs.Rectangle.Size().Y
    		rhs.Rectangle.Min.X += 0.6 * rhs.Rectangle.Size().X
    	ps[0][0].X.Tick.Marker = NoTicks{}
    	ps[1][1].Y.Tick.Marker = NoTicks{}
    	for j := 0; j < rows; j++ {
    		for i := 0; i < cols; i++ {
    			if ps[j][i] == nil {
    	w, err := os.Create("rotated-canvas.png")
    	if err != nil {
    	defer w.Close()
    	png := vgimg.PngCanvas{Canvas: img}
    	if _, err := png.WriteTo(w); err != nil {
    // NoTicks implements plot.Ticker but does not display any tick.
    type NoTicks struct{}
    // Ticks returns Ticks in a specified range
    func (NoTicks) Ticks(min, max float64) []plot.Tick {
    	return nil


  • plot: test glyphboxes for plain and latex handlers

    plot: test glyphboxes for plain and latex handlers

    working on https://github.com/gonum/plot/pull/708 uncovered a slew of bugs related to plot.GlyphBox{,er}. we should probably test more thoroughly the various modes in which plot.GlyphBoxes are involved:

    • [ ] with a text.Plain handler (the default)
    • [ ] with a text.Latex handler
    • [ ] with and without a plot.Plot.Title
    • [ ] with and without a plot.Plot.{X,Y}.Label
    • [ ] with and without rotated labels, title and legend entries (#722, #724)
    • [ ] with and without a centered plot.Plot.{X,Y}.Label (+ rotated or not?) (#723)
  • plot: glyphbox for Legend

    plot: glyphbox for Legend

    plot.Legend doesn't implement plot.GlyphBoxer. It probably should so we don't unadvertantly cut off some of its symbols or glyphs.

    one should check the display of testdata/legend_standalone_golden.png as noted in https://github.com/gonum/plot/pull/708#issuecomment-869558221.

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