This an implementation of Jsonnet in pure Go.


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This an implementation of Jsonnet in pure Go. It is a feature complete, production-ready implementation. It is compatible with the original Jsonnet C++ implementation. Bindings to C and Python are available (but not battle-tested yet).

This code is known to work on Go 1.12 and above. We recommend always using the newest stable release of Go.

Installation instructions

go get

It's also available on Homebrew:

brew install go-jsonnet

jsonnetfmt and jsonnet-lint are also available as pre-commit hooks. Example .pre-commit-config.yaml:

- repo:
  rev: # ref you want to point at, e.g. v0.17.0
    - id: jsonnet-format
    - id: jsonnet-lint

It can also be embedded in your own Go programs as a library:

package main

import (


func main() {
	vm := jsonnet.MakeVM()

	snippet := `{
		person1: {
		    name: "Alice",
		    welcome: "Hello " + + "!",
		person2: self.person1 { name: "Bob" },

	jsonStr, err := vm.EvaluateAnonymousSnippet("example1.jsonnet", snippet)
	if err != nil {

	     "person1": {
	         "name": "Alice",
	         "welcome": "Hello Alice!"
	     "person2": {
	         "name": "Bob",
	         "welcome": "Hello Bob!"

Build instructions (go 1.12+)

git clone [email protected]:google/go-jsonnet.git
cd go-jsonnet
go build ./cmd/jsonnet
go build ./cmd/jsonnetfmt
go build ./cmd/jsonnet-deps

To build with Bazel instead:

git clone [email protected]:google/go-jsonnet.git
cd go-jsonnet
git submodule init
git submodule update
bazel build //cmd/jsonnet
bazel build //cmd/jsonnetfmt
bazel build //cmd/jsonnet-deps

The resulting jsonnet program will then be available at a platform-specific path, such as bazel-bin/cmd/jsonnet/darwin_amd64_stripped/jsonnet for macOS.

Bazel also accommodates cross-compiling the program. To build the jsonnet program for various popular platforms, run the following commands:

Target platform Build command
Current host bazel build //cmd/jsonnet
Linux bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 //cmd/jsonnet
macOS bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:darwin_amd64 //cmd/jsonnet
Windows bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:windows_amd64 //cmd/jsonnet

For additional target platform names, see the per-Go release definitions here in the rules_go Bazel package.

Additionally if any files were moved around, see the section Keeping the Bazel files up to date.

Building libjsonnet.wasm

GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o libjsonnet.wasm ./cmd/wasm 

Or if using bazel:

bazel build //cmd/wasm:libjsonnet.wasm

Running tests

./  # Also runs `go test ./...`

Running Benchmarks

Method 1

go get
  1. Make sure you build a jsonnet binary prior to making changes.
go build -o jsonnet-old ./cmd/jsonnet
  1. Make changes (iterate as needed), and rebuild new binary
go build ./cmd/jsonnet
  1. Run benchmark:
# e.g. ./ Builtin
./ <TestNameFilter>

Method 2

  1. get benchcmp
go get
  1. Make sure you build a jsonnet binary prior to making changes.
make build-old
  1. iterate with (which will also automatically rebuild the new binary ./jsonnet)

replace the FILTER with the name of the test you are working on

FILTER=Builtin_manifestJsonEx make benchmark

Implementation Notes

We are generating some helper classes on types by using Do the following to regenerate these if necessary:

go get
go get
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin  # If you haven't already
go generate

Update cpp-jsonnet sub-repo

This repo depends on the original Jsonnet repo. Shared parts include the standard library, headers files for C API and some tests.

You can update the submodule and regenerate dependent files with one command:


Note: It needs to be run from repo root.

Updating and modifying the standard library

Standard library source code is kept in cpp-jsonnet submodule, because it is shared with Jsonnet C++ implementation.

For performance reasons we perform preprocessing on the standard library, so for the changes to be visible, regeneration is necessary:

go run cmd/dumpstdlibast/dumpstdlibast.go cpp-jsonnet/stdlib/std.jsonnet > astgen/stdast.go


The above command creates the astgen/stdast.go file which puts the desugared standard library into the right data structures, which lets us avoid the parsing overhead during execution. Note that this step is not necessary to perform manually when building with Bazel; the Bazel target regenerates the astgen/stdast.go (writing it into Bazel's build sandbox directory tree) file when necessary.

Keeping the Bazel files up to date

Note that we maintain the Go-related Bazel targets with the Gazelle tool. The Go module (go.mod in the root directory) remains the primary source of truth. Gazelle analyzes both that file and the rest of the Go files in the repository to create and adjust appropriate Bazel targets for building Go packages and executable programs.

After changing any dependencies within the files covered by this Go module, it is helpful to run go mod tidy to ensure that the module declarations match the state of the Go source code. In order to synchronize the Bazel rules with material changes to the Go module, run the following command to invoke Gazelle's update-repos command:

bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=bazel/deps.bzl%jsonnet_go_dependencies

Similarly, after adding or removing Go source files, it may be necessary to synchronize the Bazel rules by running the following command:

bazel run //:gazelle
Google ❤️ Open Source
  • Dump ast to source code

    Dump ast to source code

    utter( is powerful to dump go data structure as go source code.

    To dump ast and make the source code usable in other package, we need make "loc" and "freeVariables" in NodeBase struct as public. Otherwise, the dumped source code can only be used in "ast" package.

    This pr is just send out for further comment and feedback and demonstrates that pre-parse stdlib is practicable. If this way looks good, I will close this and send several elaborate PRs:

    • make "loc" and "freeVariables" in NodeBase struct as public
    • add a "Dump()" function in "ast" package, which leveraging utter(
    • add a dump command line tool which can read a jsonnet file and dump it's ast. The dump tool will call the "Dump()" function in "ast" package
    • using the dump tool to generate go source code for stdlib, and embed it into vm.
  • Make jsonnetfmt add plus objects instead of removing them

    Make jsonnetfmt add plus objects instead of removing them


    • I reused the fix_plus_sign.go file instead of removing it and creating a new one. Let me know if you would like rename it.
    • I don't add new Fodder nor interact with existing Fodder in any way. I think that is correct but that's for someone more knowledgeable to say.
    • I'm not sure if the comments are correct so please check them.
  • feat: simplify and streamline development

    feat: simplify and streamline development

    This streamlines and simplifies local development by adding a Makefile and moving a majority of commands listed in the README to a Make target.


    Add support for asdf-managed versions of bazel

  • Adds std.parseYaml

    Adds std.parseYaml

    Adds std.parseYaml to address the YAML aspect of:

    CPP jsonnet implemented here:

  • Allow building and testing the

    Allow building and testing the "go-jsonnet" project with Bazel

    In order to more easily facilitate use of the Go port of the jsonnet tool—instead of the C++ port—from consuming projects like rules_jsonnet, allow this project to be built with Bazel.

    There are a few concessions introduced here:

    • Generate the standard library AST into a dedicated package (astgen)
      Doing so breaks a circular dependency otherwise caused by generating this source file into the ast package.
    • Export all the fields in the struct types exported from the ast package
      Writing the dumped struct initializers into the astgen package requires being able to mention the struct fields defined in the ast package from a separate package (astgen).
    • Install the standard library AST into the ast package explicitly
      The AST generated in the astgen package is made available to programs that import it, but it doesn't automatically set this AST as the one used by the ast package. Doing so is possible in an init function in the generated in the astgen package, but setting it up automatically there felt too mysterious. Instead, do it explicitly where necessary: in the jsonnet tool and in the test package that uses it.
    • Make fewer assumptions about the right file paths needed by the dumpstdlibast program
      When running the program with Bazel, both its input file path and its output file path differ from the seemingly more obvious paths used when invoking it outside of Bazel.
    • Make fewer assumptions about the include file paths used in the c-bindings program
      When building with Bazel, the include file paths are different from the paths used when building outside of Bazel. Use the cgo directives to accommodate both environments.
  • Automatically create output folders

    Automatically create output folders

    This is an implementation of for the Go version since the concerns mentioned in that issue are of no concern in a Go application. It's just a very quick fix done for my own needs, feel free to reject in case you don't want any divergence from the C++ implementation.

  • Submodule problems with Gazelle when  simply using go_repository

    Submodule problems with Gazelle when simply using go_repository

    go-jsonnet's release packages don't contain cpp-jsonnet/stdlib, but does contain a BUILD file referring to this directory.

    This breaks building this repository using go_repository module from rules_go (and also, makes gazelle's autogenerated configuration unusable). There's a workaround proposed by gazelle maintainers (, but this requires manual configuration.

  • Object field caching

    Object field caching

    So far I did this in a way which is intended to be minimally invasive, even at the cost of worse performance and some weirdness. Most importantly valueCachedObject should probably replace valueObject interface to avoid some indirection (and it shouldn't be at the same "level" as valueSimpleObject/valueExtendedObject (these should no longer even be values on their own).

    This is a reasonable proof of concept, which we can try benchmarking on the real world code.

  • Positional argument after a named argument is not allowed

    Positional argument after a named argument is not allowed

    $ cat foo.jsonnet
    local f(x, y = 123, z) = x + y + z;
    f(1, 2, 3)
    $ jsonnet/bazel-bin/cmd/jsonnet foo.jsonnet
    $ ./sjsonnet.jar foo.jsonnet
    $ go-jsonnet/jsonnet  foo.jsonnet
    foo.jsonnet:1:21-22 Positional argument after a named argument is not allowed
    local f(x, y = 123, z) = x + y + z;

    This seems to be a new error in the go-jsonnet implementation. The old C++ google/jsonnet or Scala databricks/sjsonnet don't have any problems with no-default-value params like z following with-default-value params like y. Anyway, the message doesn't make much sense because whether an argument as a default or not, it can always be passed either positionally or via its name.

    This is on the following version:

    $ go-jsonnet/jsonnet
    Jsonnet commandline interpreter v0.13.0
  • Static import analysis

    Static import analysis


    In an effort to build a static import analysis tool while creating Tanka (, we have been using some dirty-patching on jsonnet to speed up analysis speed.

    Basically we are implementing a custom Importer that traces its way through the Imports to build a list of transient dependencies after all.

    • Import Analysis:
    • TraceImporter:

    A full evaluation of jsonnet is not required here, which means we abort early:

    However, this patch is definitely not the right way, however I am not familiar enough with the jsonnet codebase to do a better one.

    I have seen the efforts in 21c00f1b9ebc856aabf72e2bdb818e1f5b3c11f7 as well, however it is not obvious to me whether I can make use of this.

    @sbarzowski Can you provide some details on this, whether I can use the efforts from 21c00f1b9ebc856aabf72e2bdb818e1f5b3c11f7 for my use-case or how to a better patch into go-jsonnet

  • Preserve object key ordering when generating output

    Preserve object key ordering when generating output

    👋 Hi there, similar to ksonnet, there is interest in the drone community to use jsonnet to simplify pipeline configuration files. Our community is building increasingly complex yaml files like this that could really benefit from jsonnet.

    For reference, this is a simple example of a yaml pipeline configuration that defines two pipeline steps, executed sequentially:

        image: node
          - npm install
          - npm test
        image: golang
          - go build
          - go test

    Ideally a jsonnet representation would directly mirror the yaml structure, giving developers the ability to more easily migrate from yaml to jsonnet. For example:

      frontend: {
        image: "node",
        commands: [
          "npm install",
          "npm test"
      backend: {
        image: "golang",
        commands: [
          "go build",
          "go test"

    The challenge we face is that jsonnet orders keys alphabetically, which means we cannot rely on the ordering of the pipeline steps. Changing our yaml pipeline structure to use a slice instead of a map is unfortunately not an option for us, since it would break a large number of our existing installations.

    I was therefore wondering if the community would be open to (optionally) retaining order, perhaps in a manner similar to go-yaml. The go-yaml package implements custom types that retain order when unmarshaled and marshaled:


    I do apologize if it seems forward to ask a go-jsonnet to add complexity to its implementation to support the a single project/community, and I certainly understand if such a change/customization is not desired. If there is interest, however, I would happily volunteer to author such a change. Thanks for the consideration!

  • fix: Make lstripChars and rStripChars work with multibyte characters

    fix: Make lstripChars and rStripChars work with multibyte characters

    We're currently working with the length of the string itself, which is the number of bytes. That's wrong in these functions which operate at the level of characters. When applied to a string with a multibyte character they can return the wrong result. For example, evaluating std.rstripChars('• foo\n', '\n') results in "• f".

    What we need to do instead is get the number of runes, and remove one rune at a time.

    Fixes std.lstripChars and std.rstripChars when the source string contains multibyte (e.g. Unicode) characters.

  • [1037] escapeStringXml was added to jsonnet; please make it available in go-jsonnet's std as well

    [1037] escapeStringXml was added to jsonnet; please make it available in go-jsonnet's std as well

    I added std.stringEscapeXml in - found that work is needed to update it here (


  • parseYaml inserts null when document stream starts with a comment

    parseYaml inserts null when document stream starts with a comment

    I just found out that a null value is added to the array when I parse a stream of YAML documents that starts with a comment.


    # Test
    foo: bar
    baz: cuux


    std.parseYaml(importstr 'test.yaml')


          "foo": "bar"
          "baz": "cuux"

    Expected Result

          "foo": "bar"
          "baz": "cuux"

    Current Workaround

    std.prune(std.parseYaml(importstr 'test.yaml'))
  • jsonnetfmt sorts imports weirdly

    jsonnetfmt sorts imports weirdly

    Let's say I have a seet of imports

    service = import "./service.jsonnet"
    serviceAddOn = import "./service-add-on.jsonnet"

    Well, with jsonnefmt it comes out sorted as :

    serviceAddOn = import "./service-add-on.jsonnet"
    service = import "./service.jsonnet"

    This is because "-" comes before "." in the ASCII alphabet. However, if you would simply drop the '.jsonnet' from each file name before sorting them, it would come out in what most people perceive as the correct order :

    service = import "./service.jsonnet"
    serviceAddOn = import "./service-add-on.jsonnet"
  • Limiting memory/cpu usage on vm

    Limiting memory/cpu usage on vm

    How can we limit the memory/cpu usage when for evaluating jsonnet file? Is it possible withing this library or do we need to use some other library to limit memory/cpu used by go-jsonnet

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