Aws-parameter-bulk - Export AWS SSM Parameter Store values in bulk to .env files


Utility to read parameters from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store in bulk and output them in environment-file or json format. It can read all parameters for a given path, or read a list of single parameters. If the parameters contain json, this can be parsed as single values via a flag. It uses your current aws profile to access AWS SSM, you can supply a different profile if you need to read from a different account. Have your AWS CLI set up correctly. See below for instructions.

The output can be used as .env in your development workspace, as --from-env in docker, or as Kubernetes secret.


get reads names from single values, or from a path recursively. Use --help for usage and parameters.

$ aws-parameter-bulk --help

$ aws-parameter-bulk get --help

Assuming you have the following structure in SSM, and the parameters are filled with "valueOfParam1" etc.:


Get Path

These are the outputs you can create for a path variable. Note that the last part of the path will be printed in upper case, if you supply the --upper flag. To be a valid ENV Identifier the output has to use this format: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*

$ aws-parameter-bulk get /dev/test --upper

Get Multiple Paths

You can supply multiple paths:

$ aws-parameter-bulk get /dev/test,/dev/other --upper

Overwrite Values

An env file key must be unique, therefore it will be filtered so each key only occurs once. The last key to appear will be printed out, so this will overwrite /dev/test/param1 with /dev/testextend/param1. This can be used to first read some default values and overwrite some of them.

$ aws-parameter-bulk get /dev/test,/dev/testextend --upper

JSON Output

Output path parameters as JSON file:

$ aws-parameter-bulk get /dev/test,/dev/other --upper --outjson
    "PARAM1": "valueOfParam1",
    "PARAM2": "valueOfParam2",
    "PARAM3": "valueOfParam3",
    "OTHER1": "valueOfOther1",
    "OTHER2": "valueOfOther2"

Get Single Parameters

Reading single (non-path) SSM Parameters.

$ aws-parameter-bulk get someparam1,someparam2 --upper

Get Parameters Containing JSON

Reading SSM Parameters containing JSON, parsing and converting them. This also works for path parameters. Each parameter has to be json.

Assuming this is jsonparam1:

  "Json1a": "value1a",
  "Json1b": "value1b"

And jsonparam2:

  "JSON2a": "value2a",
  "JSON2b": "value2b"

This will be the output:

$ aws-parameter-bulk get jsonparam1,jsonparam2 --injson --upper

Saving From .env File To SSM Names

Takes a file in KEY=value form, and store each line as name and valie in ssm.

$ aws-parameter-bulk save .env

Saving From .env File To SSM Paths

Takes a file in KEY=value form, prefixes each key with the given path, and stores it in ssm.

$ aws-parameter-bulk save .env /dev/something

Saving From JSON File To SSM Paths

Using a json file as input and storing it to a path

$ aws-parameter-bulk save .env /dev/something --injson

2021-12-07T22:38:19Z INF pkg/util/awsssm.go:174 > Output: {
  Version: 1
2021-12-07T22:38:20Z INF pkg/util/awsssm.go:174 > Output: {
  Version: 1



$ SSM_LOG_LEVEL=debug aws-parameter-bulk get jsonparam1, jsonparam2 --injson --upper

Web UI

Start with parameter "web" to start a web ui on http://localhost:8888. Change the listen ip and port with the --address flag.

$ aws-parameter-bulk web

$ aws-parameter-bulk web --address :1234

AWS Setup

It is important that you set your region in your aws profile.

$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]: json

If you have multiple profiles like this (.aws/config):

account = 11111111111
region = eu-central-1
output = json

[profile other]
account = 2222222222
region = eu-central-1
output = json
source_profile = default

You can read the SSM Parameters from the other account like this:

$ AWS_PROFILE=other aws-parameter-bulk get /dev/test
Adam Malik
Software Developer, DevOps Engineer
Adam Malik
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