Traffic - Sinatra inspired regexp/pattern mux and web framework for Go


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Package traffic - a Sinatra inspired regexp/pattern mux for Go.


go get


Development Features

development is the default environment. The above middlewares are loaded only in development.

If you want to run your application in production, export TRAFFIC_ENV with production as value.

TRAFFIC_ENV=production your-executable-name


Dowload the Traffic code:

go get

Build the command line tool:

go get

Create a new project:

traffic new hello

Run your project:

cd hello
go build && ./hello

You can use Fresh if you want to build and restart your application every time you create/modify/delete a file.


The following code is a simple example, the documentation in still in development. For more examples check the examples folder.

package main

import (

func rootHandler(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello World\n")

func pageHandler(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  params := r.URL.Query()
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "Category ID: %s\n", params.Get("category_id"))
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "Page ID: %s\n", params.Get("id"))

func main() {
  router := traffic.New()

  // Routes
  router.Get("/", rootHandler)
  router.Get("/categories/:category_id/pages/:id", pageHandler)


Before Filters

You can also add "before filters" to all your routes or just to some of them:

router := traffic.New()

// Executed before all handlers

// Routes
router.Get("/", rootHandler)
router.Get("/categories/:category_id/pages/:id", pageHandler)

// "/private" has one more before filter that checks for a second api key (private_api_key)
router.Get("/private", privatePageHandler).

Complete example:

func rootHandler(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello World\n")

func privatePageHandler(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello Private Page\n")

func pageHandler(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  params := r.URL.Query()
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "Category ID: %s\n", params.Get("category_id"))
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "Page ID: %s\n", params.Get("id"))

func checkApiKey(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  params := r.URL.Query()
  if params.Get("api_key") != "foo" {

func checkPrivatePageApiKey(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  params := r.URL.Query()
  if params.Get("private_api_key") != "bar" {

func addAppNameHeader(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  w.Header().Add("X-APP-NAME", "My App")

func addTimeHeader(w traffic.ResponseWriter, r *traffic.Request) {
  t := fmt.Sprintf("%s", time.Now())
  w.Header().Add("X-APP-TIME", t)

func main() {
  router := traffic.New()

  // Routes
  router.Get("/", rootHandler)
  router.Get("/categories/:category_id/pages/:id", pageHandler)
  // "/private" has one more before filter that checks for a second api key (private_api_key)
  router.Get("/private", privatePageHandler).

  // Executed before all handlers




  • Can't set Header on NotFoundHandler

    Can't set Header on NotFoundHandler

    I'm trying to override the content-type for the NotFoundHandler to be in Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 but it seems like its still using Content-Type: text/plain even with beforeFilter setup.

  • Need an AfterFilter

    Need an AfterFilter

    I need a filter that executes both before and after a route has executed. I'm trying to add miniprofiler support to traffic, and so need to run a finalizer to stop some timers.

  • Multipe calls to WriteHeader ?

    Multipe calls to WriteHeader ?

    I have a handler which calls WriteHeader(int) on a traffic.ResponseWriter. However I get in the log:

    2014/08/21 13:15:11 http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

    I've confirmed the handler itself only calls it once, and looking at the implementation in traffic I don't see why the error is happening. Nothing seems to break but the "error" is logged.

  • Replace ServeFile with ServeContent to use previously opened file

    Replace ServeFile with ServeContent to use previously opened file

    The previous security fix was just about right but didn't work for one small corner case, that is if you have a file in the public directory with the same name as a file anywhere else on the system, someone can request the file in another location and retrieve it.

    To fix this I replace ServeFile with ServeContent, this also will not open the file twice to serve it.

  • no need

    no need "w" argument

    Show this message cannot use w (type traffic.ResponseWriter) as type string in function argument when I run the appengine example. I fix it. PR , pls.

  • Error when trying

    Error when trying "go get"

    Hi, first of all I want to thank you for your great work.

    I'm using your package in a development workstation based on Mac OSX, everything works great but when trying to install the package on my development server (Ubuntu 12.04 32bits) I get the following output:

    go get
    /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ commentSplitRegexp.Split undefined (type *regexp.Regexp has no field or method Split)
    /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ keyValueSplitRegexp.Split undefined (type *regexp.Regexp has no field or method Split)
  • added RunSSL

    added RunSSL

    To service an HTTPS connection instead of HTTP just run RunSSL with certfile and keyfile instead of ordinary Run. Thanks @pilu for the suggestion. Was a very easy fix.

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