gRelay is an open source project written in Go that provides the circuit break pattern with a relay idea behind.

  • Race condition test is failing (timeout error should appear)

    Race condition test is failing (timeout error should appear)

    Describe the bug The test called: TestGrelayRequestExecWithOneItemInQueueReturningErrGrelayServiceTimedoutShouldReturnErrGrelayServiceTimedout is falling in branch refactoring when we try to run make test-race-condition. We need to solve this issue before merge this PR to main.

    The current implementation works sometimes and other don't. We need to understand and fix this bug.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Run go test ./... -cpu=1,9 -race -count=50 -failfast -run GrelayRequestExecWithOneItemInQueueReturningErrGrelayServiceTimedoutShouldReturnErrGrelayServiceTimedout many times

    Expected behavior The test should pass without problems.

    Screenshots image

  • Update to go 1.18.0

    Update to go 1.18.0

    Update to go 1.18.0 #3


    Updated go version to use v.1.18, as promised code didn't require any modification to be supported in the new version.


    • Updated go.mod with go 1.18
    • Added github actions matrix to test v.1.17 and v1.18 over mac and ubuntu
    • Tests validated

    Alternative Solution (optional)



  • update to go 1.18.0

    update to go 1.18.0

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    • No. With the release of go 1.18, we want to use this version in our project to keep it updated. You can check all release notes here:

    Describe the solution you'd like

    • Update our go.mod file with the new version
    • Update our code with all necessary modifications to keep working with go 1.18.0

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    • N/A

    Additional context

    • N/A
  • Include WithGo method config

    Include WithGo method config

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    In gRelay v0.0.x the default config is using goroutines which costs a lot of memory allocation as you can see in benchmark folder. To improve our future features, we need to do a refactor in our system.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    We would like to have an interface:

    type grelayExec interface {
    	exec(service GrelayService, func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

    and an implementation of this interface:

    type grelayExecWithGo struct {}
    func (e grelayExecWithGo) exec(service GrelayService, func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
    	// implementation

    Change the grelayServiceImpl struct:

    type grelayServiceImpl struct {
    	// ...
    	realExec                    grelayExec
    	// ...

    In NewGrelayService creates grelayExecWithGo:

    func NewGrelayService(c GrelayConfig) GrelayService {
    	var re grelayExec
    	if c.withGo {
    		re = grelayExecWithGo{}
    	g := &grelayServiceImpl{
    		// ...
    		realExec: re
    	// ...

    In GrelayConfig include WithGo method and withGo attribute (put withGo = true as default in the future it will be false):

    type GrelayConfig struct {
    	// ...
    	withGo bool
    func NewGrelayConfig() GrelayConfig {
    	return GrelayConfig{
    		withGo:           true,
    func (c GrelayConfig) WithGo() GrelayConfig {
    	c.withGo = true
    	return c

    move grelayServiceImpl.exec(f func() (interface{}, error)) to grelayExecWithGo.exec(service GrelayService, func() (interface{}, error)). In the final, we would like to have the grelayServiceImpl.exec(f func() (interface{}, error)) like that:

    func (g *grelayServiceImpl) exec(f func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
    	return g.realExec.exec(g, f)
  • Increase time gap between timeout configuration and time.Sleep

    Increase time gap between timeout configuration and time.Sleep

    Increase time gap between timeout configuration and time.Sleep


    We did this change to avoid issues with time and parallel/concurrency. Because time.Sleep does not guarantee any time precision. So we need to increase the gap between times.

  • (refactoring) using context.WithTimeout instead of time.NewTimer

    (refactoring) using context.WithTimeout instead of time.NewTimer

    Using context.WithTimeout instead of time.NewTimer

    Race condition test is failing (timeout error should appear) (#6)


    We noticed that work with time precision is hard with parallel/concurrent program. Go (and many other languages) can't guaranteed the time precision of each goroutine.


    Golang offer a pattern to deal with timeout that uses context.WithTimeout function and we are using it now.

    Besides that, we increase the gap between the time used in the test called TestGrelayRequestExecWithOneItemInQueueReturningErrGrelayServiceTimedoutShouldReturnErrGrelayServiceTimedout. Because there is no documented guaranty how precise time is. We must not assume some (especially low) precision.

  • Refactoring




    We want to organize the project following the structure.


    We have created two packages:

    • pkg (exported packages)
    • internal (internal packages)

    Grelay now has new implementation for a circuit breaker. It is possible to check it in examples folder.

    These changes are important to prepare the application for the version 1.0.0. Grelay won't generate a new tag for that because there are more work to do.

  • V0.1.0


    #1 - Including WithGo function


    • feat: Including WithGo function that is responsible to execute in a goroutine your call function. If get ServiceTimeout, grelay will return instead of hold your call.
    • refactor: Improve performance using time.NewTimer and call Timer.Stop in final instead of time.After
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