Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) plugin

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) plugin

This plugin is a wrapper for the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Go library. It supports fetching OAuth2 access tokens for users in Office 365.


For the configuration schema, see msal.schema.json. Below is a sample configuration.


  - id: msal
    path: /opt/halon/plugins/
        - id: tenant1
          client_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
          cache_file: /tmp/msal_tenant1_cache.json

Exported functions


Fetch an OAuth2 access token using the provided credentials. A successful fetch will return an associative array with a result key that contains the access token. On error an associative array with a error key will be provided.


Below is an example on how to send email through Office 365 using OAuth2.


$tenant = "tenant1";
$username = "[email protected]";
$password = "xxxxxxxx";

$result = msal(["id" => $tenant, "username" => $username, "password" => $password]);

if (!$result["result"]) {
        "reason" => "Could not fetch access token",
        "increment_retry" => false,
        "delay" => 60

$password = "user=".$username."\x01auth=Bearer ".$result["result"]."\x01\x01";

    "server" => "",
    "port" => 587,
    "saslmechanism" => "XOAUTH2",
    "saslpassword" => $password
Halon Extras
HSL modules and native plugins
Halon Extras
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