Libp2p chat with discovery and pubsub

Dicovery - pubsub chat with libp2p

How to test

Run boostrap node

$ go run main/main.go --port 35005 --nick boot --pk XDLjuaVJ2yKQ2zHMmsee5PGHtDHmkkvFAZLvdK3RVLcGcjASwNKpF4UnU6Xi3i6zBY9duGoMdd2mX332NqXxA3Ju3L4QqfL1zaAAf9A3KhoMrqX9j1SeC8GYxZbdHTU1WzBF48VPKCvgNhghko8LwvQ9J2TFQi19ekKfbYB893TgDXnmvN9AiNwuadCHzUmkBz5FWRQdCf4RZnxD5LHorwPoGeofnYNcAneWWpyoCYfasR4oSR38J7nEymbzzF4Ereh4tKvLaU78Ej34cW3oqMgVTsgEESUTwQR2R6VQMi72GJxrSYMpCfu2CG6BsPnULe2Z35NMRhy2PGk1kLJujHcNwoQHo1zaREGgHsKNfjWcizWFm72k3YEGHpi3MBf4esYrLbisyft2RMyYfoYQNk4GwDYvtQaoJe8bvX1C39mZrLZ4z2hYLEzPzfSh7jsmQTupLAMkrqFH4BKm3bYcpd7JrXhgyvDNrTdnw4gHcQJzYGQofSVbMqDyWksvxgontohQLWs4bb1DzQG7MZNBcwv8SUzsA5HgN52qEu8aQxaaYz6vHLL6vg7xNkiwxm4r445JMNUwj4zHGyNjCZHejkYgDyd8tvRseQZvfJRmwNKGFx7J1NqwsXJsezYtUL2icYXWZXoEYf8EE4gWzcYTUeVLwjZJPKbthpR2CcpSSCofxpMke38LBsQ9DMfHS1JKpdZkdqybkvAT2xwvbRKkpEmM19DTUaN9myTPv6KCEGmDnzVMLg8HZ2oWfbT3WxPRh8kCBeRCefoH6EqucaRdHLTwGM36JSrWoyYBKi1ggomVNstkYP91phUfdrC7YXSBzJLAvH2ancqw66sBH4fvZQGfmQUNJy2Kb5pKmyeMLrZGMmYbZZG46e4fSVreCmV7XbXDU5YZNSD4rkBQh2ZmhX9SExhc3Q5wpS66mRABFXPXBnkkgkExznLdWXxa5nkizGb6fhcoGmVJqY3Cygq7B1QtFB4mY83Y85QXGWmM6Ucz89jXHdcwoCNRr7ZHi3WaNXuDEAgd5KQ3x4BgsGs3SQYt5Vkqbn29bEnFDyyrm3A4CMJhh8aiK1MrfpkfXkWVCaXCzR5q2nb6JHDCe4zVZJtK6YUMi67h4E8BXNDpL2JWzSG1o3LDg5EnpPUvPPLJ6bh9oGG1JGfCpDRcSfHb3r4Fdmk7eT16HRbc2qf8FvS5WyKohrioQySDVrwVVJVgyapdU7YJiWYoUJmmnrZewhNPJVoNsbnwDJZRBrFeNDciqmFoQhDTfhMUBoBaxRaxdaPrQgMeKT7QRW4NyPVYDfLy29Ajx5xsZXSKjvKsSzD1WRS6xhsS1AFDCdtSSCnsA2MMZmpe3SRwmtXx46QnXAYe9RuNctmihorK5nDheiKJK1D9D546bhRp5QbSbpo3WuH3JYnwhK2f8QmUeR8BHapBKbXJ5EvuXpsXBwz9FpUT9zzrkLhDyJ46iZLCZokfVMh3z6ywYBn6V6EZ28i6ifTPrQBk6fWs3qVz97Pm1qLVjhs47sKdCjbHvJ5bSWmrEuQ1fvKWcKuVJhREL4BVMUhtWtZ6cMSmNzUinZdVBxSirjaAfo14P2R75fn9574Rd9KGtVUtsEDqNMtif6eboNNofUdSN8DMv7

Run other nodes

  • $ go run main/main.go --nick io --port 35006 --peer /ip4/
  • $ go run main/main.go --nick zabokrec --peer /ip4/ --port 35007
  • $ go run main/main.go --nick jojo --peer /ip4/ --port 35008

Type message from any terminal to send to everyone message or type --- zabokrec --- hej to "send message only" to zabokrec

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