Input Geojson and utilize Dijkstra's formula to provide the best route between two sets of coordinates

Golang GeoJson Dijkstra

Golang GeoJson Dijkstra utilizes GeoJson Feature Collections to find the best the shortest route between two points.


Use go get.

go get

Then import the validator package into your own code.

import ""


Must pass in valid GeoJson FeatureCollection that has a collection of GeoJson Feature's. Everything but Features that have a geometry.type equal to LineString are ignored. Also, currently it is required that all LineString features must only have two coordinates. This may be improved later.


Pass into coordinate arrays and a precision. Coordinate arrays should be in the following format [longitude, latitude] as that corresponds to [x,y]. Precision is how accurate it rounds the latitude and longitude coordinates to. So if you pass in a coordinate of -84.396535122 with a precision of 0.00001 it will round that off to -84.39654. This is important when connections between lines are made.

featureCollection.FindPath(Position, Position, precision)


featureCollection := FeatureCollection{
    Type: "FeatureCollection",
    Features: []Feature{
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396535, 33.792487}, Position{-84.396535, 33.792578}}}},
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396536, 33.79281}, Position{-84.396535, 33.792578}}}},
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396536, 33.79281}, Position{-84.396536, 33.792908}}}},
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396863, 33.792908}, Position{-84.396536, 33.792908}}}},
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396537, 33.792996}, Position{-84.396536, 33.792908}}}},
        Feature{Type: "Feature", Geometry: Geometry{Type: "LineString", Coordinates: []Position{Position{-84.396213, 33.792908}, Position{-84.396536, 33.792908}}}},
path, distance, err := featureCollection.FindPath(Position{-84.396863, 33.792908}, Position{-84.396535, 33.792578}, 0.00001)

// path should come back as an array of coordinates
// [[-84.39654,33.79258],[-84.39654,33.79281],[-84.39654,33.79291],[-84.39686,33.79291]]
// distance should come back as a float64 measure of how far you traveled (in meters)


Distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, please see license file within the code for more details.

VP of Software Engineering @ Smartlink Ventures
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