Gountries provides: Countries (ISO-3166-1), Country Subdivisions(ISO-3166-2), Currencies (ISO 4217), Geo Coordinates(ISO-6709) as well as translations, country borders and other stuff exposed as struct data.


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Inspired by the countries gem for ruby.

Countries (ISO-3166-1), Country Subdivisions(ISO-3166-2), Currencies (ISO 4217), Geo Coordinates(ISO-6709) as well as translations, country borders and other stuff exposed as struct data.

All data is derived from the pariz/countries repo.

This is currently a work in progress, so things may change. More stuff will be added


go get github.com/pariz/gountries



import (

query := gountries.New()

// Find sweden //

sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByName("sweden")
// sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SE")
// sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE")

fmt.Println(sweden.Name.Common) // Output: Sweden
fmt.Println(sweden.Name.Official) // Output: Konungariket Sverige

fmt.Println(sweden.Translations["DEU"].Common) // Output: Schweden
fmt.Println(sweden.Translations["DEU"].Official) // Output: Königreich Schweden

A bit more advanced

import (

query := gountries.New()

// Find the bordering countries of Sweden //

sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE") // "SE" also works..

// Get the bordering countries of sweden
for _, country := range sweden.BorderingCountries() {

// Output:
// Finland
// Norway

// Find all subdivisons for Sweden //

subdivisions := sweden.SubDivisions()

for _, subdivision := range subdivisions {

// Output:
// Västerbottens län
// Uppsala län
// Södermanlands län
// Gotlands län
// Dalarnas län
// ...

// Find all countries bordering Germany and Switzerland //

countryQuery := Country{
	Borders: []string{

countries := query.FindCountries(countryQuery)

for _, c := range countries {

// Output:
// Austria
// France

// Calculate distance between Sweden and Germany (in Kilometers) //

se, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE")
de, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("DEU")

distance := gountries.MeasureDistanceHaversine(se, de)
//distance := MeasureDistancePythagoras(se, de)


// Output:
// 1430.1937864547901

distance = gountries.CalculateHaversine(
	se.Coordinates.MaxLatitude, se.Coordinates.MaxLongitude,
	de.Coordinates.MinLatitude, de.Coordinates.MinLongitude)


// Output:
// 2641.26145088825

Using packed data

The data in the data/yaml subdirectory is embedded using go-bindata. Once you include this library in your project, you won't need to access the data directory. To add or update the data, make changes to the YAML files then run:

go-bindata -pkg gountries data/yaml/*


Has a pretty solid test coverage but is constantly improving.


  • Province/County querying (partially complete)
  • Measurement between coordinates
  • GeoJSON information
  • Suggestions?
Pär Karlsson
I write computer code of the internets.
Pär Karlsson
  • Including translated names in NameToAlpha2

    Including translated names in NameToAlpha2

    Would you be willing to accept a PR that adds translated country names to NameToAlpha2? I've run into several cases where lookups by name have failed but the spelling variant is among the translations.

  • Embed data using go-bindata and use bi-directional map to speed up lookups

    Embed data using go-bindata and use bi-directional map to speed up lookups

    I'm planning on using your library as part of an API and I was going to make a few changes to get faster lookups and embed the data directly into the binary to make it easier to deploy. Interested in a pull request?

    Planned features:

    1. Embed the country data from the YAML files using go-bindata so that the deployment remains a single binary without relying on an external data directory. This would be backwards compatible so that when you populateCountries or populateSubdivisions it checks the bindata first and then falls back to the data directory.
    2. Use a bidirectional tree map from the gods library so that lookups by either country name or alpha code are more efficient.
    3. Support returning either all of the data or a particular subset of countries as a struct that is easily marshaled to JSON. This is useful to populate a frontend web UI for entering billing/shipping addresses.

    This could simplify some of the query functions by using the tree to do lookups, rather than looping through all of the available data.

    I'm going to fork your library and work on this a little bit. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

  • Issues with data directory

    Issues with data directory

    I faced with 2 issues

    • go get doesn't fetch content of data directory so it's empty after obtaining a project
    • example code fails with panic panic: Error loading Countries because it expects current directory of executable to contain data directory. But it's actually not there but inside github.com/pariz/gountries
  • Calling New() concurrently creates data race because of concurrent access to queryInstance global variable

    Calling New() concurrently creates data race because of concurrent access to queryInstance global variable

    I think, we should get rid of global instances at all

    q1 := gountries.NewFromPath('path1') 
    q2 := gountries.NewFromPath('path2') // SURPRISE! q2 actually is q1
  • Add FindCountryByNativeName to take advantage of the available info

    Add FindCountryByNativeName to take advantage of the available info

    • Adding new map with pre processed native names to country alpha2 for quick lookup

    • Followed pattern used for other tests to cover additions/changes

    • Modified SX (Sint Maarten) data, as the Dutch section does not have FR as an official language, this is to prevent collision of native names when building the map (see MF, which contains the french native name)

    More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sint_Maarten#Languages

  • BQ & SH country support

    BQ & SH country support

    Adressing #23 I noticed Carribean Netherlands (BQ) & Saint Helena (SH) country definitions were missing from the library, so I added country and subdivisions files for the two & generated the updated bindata.go

  • Country methods re-parse the data every time they are used.

    Country methods re-parse the data every time they are used.

    This makes the library pretty unsuitable for use in real-world applications. Currently, in order to get, e.g., a Country's list of Subdivisions, it creates a new Query every time you call it. This is horribly inefficient.

    Probably the best way to solve this is make one Query and either make it a global variable that is initialized during package initialization, or allow it to be explicitly initialized if that isn't acceptable.

  • Packed data and query speedups

    Packed data and query speedups

    This pull request packs the YAML data into bindata.go and relies on that first before falling back to the data directory. It also implements a couple of simple indexes to speed up the queries.

    I only implemented two of the things I outlined in ref #5. go-bindata is used to pack the YAML files. This makes it so the library can be embedded in any binary without needing access to the data/ directory. I updated the readme with instructions for how to repack the data if there are changes to the YAML files.

    The countries are now represented as a map[string]Country by Alpha2 key. Then a couple of simple indexes from common name -> alpha2 and alpha2 -> alpha3 are generated at the same time the query is initialized. This provides a pretty significant speed up:

    No query optimizations
    BenchmarkCountryLookupByName-4         10000        136806 ns/op
    Indexed query
    BenchmarkCountryLookupByName-4       2000000           882 ns/op

    All the tests pass. I added one simple query benchmark for looking up a country by name. I also added a sort to a couple of the tests to ensure that the test output comes out in a predictable order.

  • Add FindCountriesByCurrency

    Add FindCountriesByCurrency

    • Adding new map with pre-processed currency names to countries alpha2 for quick lookup
    • Followed pattern used for other tests to cover additions/changes
  • FindCountryByName does not support official names

    FindCountryByName does not support official names

    gountries.New().FindCountryByName("United States of America") 

    does not return a country where this does

    gountries.New().FindCountryByName("United States") 

    "United States of America" should be valid based on https://github.com/pariz/gountries/blob/9f809e356e5cc61e570a77e6b7fe5f5eafab3576/data/yaml/countries/us.yaml#L3

      common: United States
      official: United States of America

    Please extend this method to include official and native text.

    Thank you!

  • Country methods are inconsistent in receivers

    Country methods are inconsistent in receivers

    The methods for countries sometimes take pointer receivers, and sometimes take struct receivers. They should be made consistent. My preference would be to use pointers everywhere in this library, because the data structures are frequently large and shouldn't be needlessly copied.

  • Error handling

    Error handling


    Would it be possible to either:

    • Remove the error formatting which introduces the gountries error part or
    • Make it customizable ?

    Sometimes we want to return the error from gountries to expose what's wrong to the API user, but the gountries part can create confusion as to what's wrong.


  • Some countries missing trailing

    Some countries missing trailing "(the)" in short name lower case

    Some countries have a trailing "(the)" in the ISO short name - for example, the USA: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:US screenshot-prp60

    When gountries is missing this, it causes validations to fail. Could these please be added, potentially behind a feature toggle?

  • Question marks in subdivision names (

    Question marks in subdivision names ( "Al Bay?a'")


    See: "Name": "Al Bay?a'",

    Do you suppose there's a way to add a subdivision.Names.Common - non-special char name for every subdivision like you have for country?

  • Countries missing

    Countries missing

    Found three countries missing:

    • AC (Ascension Island) https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:AC
    • TA (Tristan da Cunha) https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:TA
    • XK (Kosovo) https://countrycode.org/kosovo

    I'm not sure about last one, looks like there is some political context. But iso.org has AC and TA codes.

  • China is using old numeric codes for subdivisions

    China is using old numeric codes for subdivisions

    The codes for subdivisions in China are all numeric. This was changed in 2017-11-23 (see this).

    So the current code for Sichuan is 51, but should be SC

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