Multi-Threaded PURGE Request Method Check Tool


Multi-Threaded PURGE Request Method Check Tool


Build purgex:

git clone
cd purgex
go build purgex.go


Install using Go get:

go install

Run purgex:

.\purgex -h

Note:Ensure you have git version>1.8


type urls.txt|purgex
cat urls.txt | purgex
echo "" | purgex -nobanner


Usage of purgex:
  -headers string
        To use Custom Headers headers.json file
  -maxrequest int
        Maximum requests/urls to try (default 1000)
        Disable Banner
        Outputs only urls with status code between 100-300
  -proxy string
        Use custom proxy [http://ip:port or https://ip:port]
  -t int
        Enter amount of threads (default 8)
  -timeout int
        Enter request timeout in seconds (default 3)


👤 Jayateertha G

Jayateertha Guruprasad
Developer by ☀️, Security Researcher by 🌑
Jayateertha Guruprasad
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