A very simple rate limiter in go, made as a learning project to learn go and rate limiting patterns!


A very simple rate limiter in go, made as a learning project to learn go and rate limiting patterns!



Running the project:

To execute the binary, specify an algorithm:

.\rate-limiter-go.exe noRateLimiting
.\rate-limiter-go.exe tokenBucket
.\rate-limiter-go.exe leakingBucket
.\rate-limiter-go.exe fixedWindowCounter
.\rate-limiter-go.exe slidingWindowLog

To run from source:

go run . noRateLimiting
go run . tokenBucket
go run . leakingBucket
go run . fixedWindowCounter
go run . slidingWindowLog
Jean-Raphaël Poulin Arguin
software engineer @clinia
Jean-Raphaël Poulin Arguin
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