♻️ The most advanced interruptible mechanism to perform actions repetitively until successful.

♻️ retry Awesome Go

The most advanced interruptible mechanism to perform actions repetitively until successful.

Build Documentation Quality Template Coverage Mirror

💡 Idea

The retry based on Rican7/retry but fully reworked and focused on integration with the 🚧 breaker and the built-in context package.

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()

action := func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
	req := req.Clone(ctx)
	resp, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	return err

how := []retry.How{

if err := retry.Do(ctx, action, how...); err != nil {

A full description of the idea is available here.

🏆 Motivation

I developed distributed systems at Lazada, and later at Avito, which communicate with each other through a network, and I need a package to make these communications more reliable.

🤼‍♂️ How to


🧩 Integration

The library uses SemVer for versioning, and it is not BC-safe through major releases. You can use go modules to manage its version.

$ go get github.com/kamilsk/retry/v5@latest

🤲 Outcomes

Console tool to execute commands until successful


See more details here.

made with ❤️ for everyone

  • Preserve context values

    Preserve context values

    retry.Do doesn't preserve context values when calling action. Here is an example:

    ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "asdf", 3)
    action := func(ctx context.Context) error {
    	log.Println(ctx.Value("asdf")) // Doesn't print 3
    	return nil
    retry.Do(ctx, action)

    Does it make sense to change retry.Do to preserve context values?

  • Wrong examples in the README

    Wrong examples in the README

    I'm struggling to follow the examples in the README because I can't relate them to the package actual implementation:

    1. breaker.BreakBySignal as long as the other breakers don't implement the strategy.Breaker interface (the Err() method is missing). This is also a problem in the implementation, that is backing me from using this breaker

    2. The function (second parameter of retry.Do) must accept a context as parameter. This is not reflected in the documentation

  • go get v4 is not working

    go get v4 is not working

    go get -u github.com/kamilsk/retry/v4
    package github.com/kamilsk/retry/v4: cannot find package "github.com/kamilsk/retry/v4" in any of:
  • panic dead lock

    panic dead lock

    If action panic then the done channel is never closed and it hangs forever.


  • fix code quality problems

    fix code quality problems

    cmd/retry/main.go:116:14:warning: error return value not checked (spin.Color("red")) (errcheck)
    cmd/retry/main.go:117:37:warning: error return value not checked (color.New(color.FgYellow).Fprintf(stderr, "#%d attempt at %s... \n", attempt+1, time.Now().Sub(start))) (errcheck)
    cmd/retry/main.go:119::warning: Subprocess launching with variable.,HIGH,HIGH (gas)
    cmd/retry/main.go:67:34:warning: error return value not checked (color.New(color.FgRed).Fprintf(app.Stderr, format, err)) (errcheck)
    cmd/retry/main.go:88:39:warning: error return value not checked (color.New(color.FgYellow).Fprintln(stderr, "notify component is not ready yet")) (errcheck)
    cmd/retry/main.go:90:18:warning: error return value not checked (report.Execute(app.Stdout, struct {) (errcheck)
    cmd/retry/parser_test.go:13::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function Test_parse() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
  • add strategy based on classifier package

    add strategy based on classifier package

    the concept:

    func Whitelist(errors ...error) Strategy {
    	whitelist := classifier.WhitelistClassifier(errors)
    	return func(attempt uint, err error) bool {
    		return whitelist.Classify(err) == classifier.Retry
  • add fix util

    add fix util

    $ go get bitbucket.org/kamilsk/retry
    package bitbucket.org/kamilsk/retry: code in directory $GOPATH/src/bitbucket.org/kamilsk/retry expects import "github.com/kamilsk/retry"

    blocked by https://github.com/kamilsk/retrier/issues/30

  • unexpected Limit behavior

    unexpected Limit behavior

    origin: https://github.com/Rican7/retry/blob/272ad122d6e5ce1be757544007cf8bcd1c9c9ab0/strategy/strategy.go#L25-L29

    what if:

    var resp *http.Response
    action := func(...) error { fill resp }
    if err := retry.Do(action, strategy.Limit(0)); err != nil {
        return err
    json.NewEncoder(resp.Body).Encode() <- nil pointer, because resp is nil, action didn't run
  • goroutine leak in v4

    goroutine leak in v4

    In v4 it is possible to use "infinite" context to call inside an action

    	err = retry.Try(
    		func(uint) error {
    			statuses, err = s.dwhClient.V1Status(ctx, source)
    			return err
    		strategy.Wait(time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*100, time.Millisecond*1000),

    The problem is that if the client doesn't have read/conn timeout the V1Status can block goroutine for a long time.

  • extend breaker interface

    extend breaker interface

    // A Breaker carries a cancellation signal to break an action execution.
    // It is a subset of context.Context and github.com/kamilsk/breaker.Breaker.
    type Breaker interface {
    	// Done returns a channel that's closed when a cancellation signal occurred.
    	Done() <-chan struct{}
    	Error() error
  • TryContext doesn't work properly

    TryContext doesn't work properly

    The main problem is that ctx is not interrupted by func retry.

    Possible solution without breaking changes:

    func TryContext(
    	ctx context.Context,
    	action func(ctx context.Context, attempt uint) error,
    	strategies ...func(attempt uint, err error) bool,
    ) error {
    	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    	err := retry(ctx, currying(ctx, action), strategies...)
    	cancel() // or defer it
    	return err

    Also, I have to delete

    	if (breaker == nil || breaker.Done() == nil) && len(strategies) == 0 {
    		return action(0)
  • prepare to switch to go.octolab.org/retry

    prepare to switch to go.octolab.org/retry

    1. move the repo to octolab org
    2. fork the repo
    3. use https://tip.golang.org/ref/mod#go-mod-file-module-deprecation
    4. write documentation
    5. update awesome list
    6. archive the repo
  • mark CheckError as experimental feature and add typical mistakes

    mark CheckError as experimental feature and add typical mistakes



    • [ ] find bad case usage from goreleaser
  • update consumers

    update consumers

    • https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/kamilsk/retry/v4?tab=importedby
      • [ ] https://github.com/tmaiaroto/aegis, v4.1.0 -> v5.0.0
      • [x] ~https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser, v4.7.2 -> v5.0.0~
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