Pure nodejs EventEmmiter for the Go Programming Language.

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Simple EventEmmiter for Go Programming Language. Inspired by Nodejs EventEmitter.


New() EventEmmiter // New returns a new, empty, EventEmmiter

// AddListener is an alias for .On(eventName, listener).
AddListener(EventName, ...Listener)
// Emit fires a particular event,
// Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named
// eventName, in the order they were registered,
// passing the supplied arguments to each.
Emit(EventName, ...interface{})
// EventNames returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners.
// The values in the array will be strings.
EventNames() []EventName
// GetMaxListeners returns the max listeners for this emmiter
// see SetMaxListeners
GetMaxListeners() int
// ListenerCount returns the length of all registered listeners to a particular event
ListenerCount(EventName) int
// Listeners returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named eventName.
Listeners(EventName) []Listener
// On registers a particular listener for an event, func receiver parameter(s) is/are optional
On(EventName, ...Listener)
// Once adds a one time listener function for the event named eventName.
// The next time eventName is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.
Once(EventName, ...Listener)
// RemoveAllListeners removes all listeners, or those of the specified eventName.
// Note that it will remove the event itself.
// Returns an indicator if event and listeners were found before the remove.
RemoveAllListeners(EventName) bool
// Clear removes all events and all listeners, restores Events to an empty value
// SetMaxListeners obviously this function allows the MaxListeners
// to be decrease or increase. Set to zero for unlimited
// Len returns the length of all registered events
Len() int
import "github.com/kataras/go-events"

// initialize a new EventEmmiter to use
e := events.New()

// register an event with name "my_event" and one listener
e.On("my_event", func(payload ...interface{}) {
  message := payload[0].(string)
  print(message) // prints "this is my payload"

// fire the 'my_event' event
e.Emit("my_event", "this is my payload")

Default/global EventEmmiter

// register an event with name "my_event" and one listener to the global(package level) default EventEmmiter
events.On("my_event", func(payload ...interface{}) {
  message := payload[0].(string)
  print(message) // prints "this is my payload"

// fire the 'my_event' event
events.Emit("my_event", "this is my payload")

Remove an event

events.On("my_event", func(payload ...interface{}) {
  // first listener...
},func (payload ...interface{}){
  // second listener...

println(events.Len()) // prints 1
println(events.ListenerCount("my_event")) // prints 2

// Remove our event, when/if we don't need this or we want to clear all of its listeners

println(events.Len()) // prints 0
println(events.ListenerCount("my_event")) // prints 0


The only requirement is the Go Programming Language.

$ go get -u github.com/kataras/go-events


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Current: v0.0.2

Read more about Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


The author of go-events is @kataras.

If you're willing to donate, feel free to send any amount through paypal


If you are interested in contributing to the go-events project, please make a PR.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

License can be found here.

Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos
🥇 That Greek Gopher | 💨 Senior Backend Engineer at PNOĒ | 🎓My dream is to create an international IT university that will produce flawless developers!
Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos
  • Fix map race condition in Emit

    Fix map race condition in Emit

    This fixes the race condition in Emit. Because Emit now read locks the map I also had to change Once so that it doesn't deadlock. If you don't like the remove in a separate go-routine, another option would be check for the oneTime type in Emit and remove it at the end.

  • Emit reads eventlisteners in a non-thread-safe way

    Emit reads eventlisteners in a non-thread-safe way

    Even though AddListener protects the map on write, Emit does not protect it on read. This can result in panics, as seen below:

    fatal error: concurrent map read and map write
    goroutine 2929 [running]:
    runtime.throw(0xf7c620, 0x21)
            /home/plorenz/.gvm/gos/go1.14.7/src/runtime/panic.go:1116 +0x72 fp=0xc001757c60 sp=0xc001757c30 pc=0x438c82
    runtime.mapaccess1_faststr(0xe453a0, 0xc0003aa360, 0xf6d2b3, 0x13, 0x10)
            /home/plorenz/.gvm/gos/go1.14.7/src/runtime/map_faststr.go:21 +0x43c fp=0xc001757cd0 sp=0xc001757c60 pc=0x41717c
    github.com/kataras/go-events.(*emmiter).Emit(0xc0003ddc60, 0xf6d2b3, 0x13, 0xc00174a260, 0x1, 0x1)
            /home/plorenz/work/nf/build/pkg/mod/github.com/kataras/[email protected]/events.go:148 +0x5c fp=0xc001757d20 sp=0xc001757cd0 pc=0xaba60c
    github.com/openziti/edge/gateway/internal/fabric.(*StateManagerImpl).AddSession(0xc000136360, 0xc0015c1480)
            /home/plorenz/work/nf/build/pkg/mod/github.com/openziti/[email protected]/gateway/internal/fabric/manager.go:149 +0x3ad fp=0xc001757e50 sp=0xc001757d20 pc=0xd0604d
    github.com/openziti/edge/gateway/handler_edge_ctrl.(*sessionAddedHandler).HandleReceive.func1(0xc0019404b0, 0xc0003b01e0)
            /home/plorenz/work/nf/build/pkg/mod/github.com/openziti/[email protected]/gateway/handler_edge_ctrl/sessionAdded.go:48 +0x1af fp=0xc001757fd0 sp=0xc001757e50 pc=0xd0bbff
            /home/plorenz/.gvm/gos/go1.14.7/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373 +0x1 fp=0xc001757fd8 sp=0xc001757fd0 pc=0x4699f1
    created by github.com/openziti/edge/gateway/handler_edge_ctrl.(*sessionAddedHandler).HandleReceive
            /home/plorenz/work/nf/build/pkg/mod/github.com/openziti/[email protected]/gateway/handler_edge_ctrl/sessionAdded.go:43 +0x49
  • Fix wrong payload for Once handler.

    Fix wrong payload for Once handler.

    To Once's listeners, there are all arguments passed as array in first argument, what is obviously wrong.

    Although this issue was introduced in 6e0eeb3dcfa58085193392580e9db163f08c5304, it was never part of a release until recently.

    Please after merging this fix also create new tag so that it can be properly distributed using golang dependencies.

  • Calling the RemoveListener event in the Emit event will cause a deadlock

    Calling the RemoveListener event in the Emit event will cause a deadlock

    Calling the RemoveListener event in the Emit event will cause a deadlock:

    foo := func(...any){
    event.On("test", func(...any){
  • Add RemoveListener for root emitter

    Add RemoveListener for root emitter

    This'll add the 'RemoveListener' function for the root emitter. You can remove listeners when you create a new emitter, but this library supports an emitter out of the box, I like to call it the 'root' emitter.

    There was no way to remove listeners on that emitter in a simple way. And most functions have a wrapper foor the root emitter. So I've created one for the RemoveListener.

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