Kubectl-explore - A kubectl plugin for fuzzy-find fields to explain.


This command is a better kubectl explain with the fuzzy-finder.


kubectl-explore finds fields associated with each supported API resource to explain.


kubectl explain is already helpful, but typing the accurate path to the filed to explain is a tedious and typo-prone.

  • Unable to compile

    Unable to compile

    /usr/lib/golang/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/b001/_pkg_.a -trimpath "$WORK/b001=>" -shared -p main -complete -installsuffix shared -buildid rMzng1wxnKdfx0-b_Hcb/rMzng1wxnKdfx0-b_Hcb -goversion go1.16.12 -D "" -importcfg $WORK/b001/importcfg -pack ./_build/src/github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore/explorer.go ./_build/src/github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore/main.go ./_build/src/github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore/options.go
    # github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore
    _build/src/github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore/options.go:62:112: genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(true).WithDeprecatedPasswordFlag().WithDiscoveryBurst(300).WithDiscoveryQPS undefined (type *genericclioptions.ConfigFlags has no field or method WithDiscoveryQPS)
  • Sorting order is unstable?

    Sorting order is unstable?

    Hi 👋 . It's a very nice tool.


    It might be a minor issue, but I just realized that the order of the results seems unstable (the order of the APIGroups is consistent, but the Resources within the APIGroup change every time). I have tested with the AKS cluster (1.22.6).

    I could only test in my local environment, but does this behavior happen in other settings? (If so, how do you think about adding sorting?)


    $ kubectl explore
    > namespace


    $ kubectl explore
    > replicationcontroller


    • The order of kubectl api-resources result is stable in my environment. The default behavior of api-resources seems to sort APIGroup and Name, as the logic sorts the results explicitly.

      • https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl/blob/77a7b65409fc364fa3ff37060cc9342dc0527292/pkg/cmd/apiresources/apiresources.go#L202
      • https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl/blob/77a7b65409fc364fa3ff37060cc9342dc0527292/pkg/cmd/apiresources/apiresources.go#L264
    • I just briefly tested with the following patch for sorting behavior (making the order as similar as kubectl api-resources, though the displayed order is reversed).

    diff --git a/options.go b/options.go
    index 9ac4627..2be1974 100644
    --- a/options.go
    +++ b/options.go
    @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
     import (
    +       "sort"
    @@ -164,6 +165,12 @@ func (o *Options) listGVKs() ([]schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {
                    if err != nil {
    +               sort.Slice(list.APIResources,
    +                       func(i, j int) bool {
    +                               return list.APIResources[i].Name < list.APIResources[j].Name
    +                       },
    +               )
                    for _, r := range list.APIResources {
                            gvks = append(gvks, schema.GroupVersionKind{
                                    Group:   gv.Group,
  • Sort a slice of GroupVersionKind in alphabetical order

    Sort a slice of GroupVersionKind in alphabetical order


    After this PR, displaying sorted kinds in alphabetical order when running kubectl explore. Screen Shot 2022-05-29 at 22 50 23


    Solves https://github.com/keisku/kubectl-explore/issues/9

  • Add preview when fuzzy-finding resources

    Add preview when fuzzy-finding resources


    When fuzzy-finding of a resource, I couldn't tell if it was the same kind.

    What to change

    • Add preview to show Group, Version, Kind of a resource during fuzzy-finding.
    • Update demo.gif according to this change.

    Additional notes Add motivation why I created this plugin.

  • Krew Support

    Krew Support

    This pr is blocked by https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew-index/pull/1891 and solves https://github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore/issues/2

    I updated as follows.

    • Added krew-release-bot to GitHub Actions according to this yaml.
    • Added .krew.yaml for the bot above according to this .krew.yaml.
    • Edited README to add the krew installation guide.
  • Update goreleaser configuration

    Update goreleaser configuration

    I have updated goreleaser config and related with reference to the following.

    • https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectl-tree/blob/master/.github/workflows/release.yml
    • https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectl-tree/blob/master/.goreleaser.yml

    After merging this PR, I will create v0.3.2 tag.

  • fix library installation command using go install

    fix library installation command using go install

    go install can install an executable binary, but if the version suffix is missing, it tries to install the given package with module-aware mode. (ref: New module changes in Go 1.16 - The Go Programming Language)

    As a result, if the command is run outside of any Go module, it shows the below error:

    $ cd $HOME # not inside of any module
    $ go install github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore
    go install: version is required when current directory is not in a module
    	Try 'go install github.com/kei6u/kubectl-explore@latest' to install the latest version

    By appending the suffix ( @0.1.0 or even @latest should be OK), it successfully installs the command.

    Another reference: Deprecation of 'go get' for installing executables - The Go Programming Language

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