Clean database for testing, inspired by database_cleaner for Ruby


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Clean database for testing, inspired by database_cleaner for Ruby. It uses flock syscall under the hood to make sure the test can runs in parallel without racing issues.

Basic usage

  • To get the package, execute:
go get
  • To import this package, add the following line to your code:
import ""
  • To install TestSuite:
go get
  • For people who is using old version (v1.0), please change your import to
import ""


During running test suites, there might be deadlock when 2 suites try to acquire the same table. Dbcleaner tries to mitigate the issue by providing options for retry and panic when the deadlock couldn't be resolved after excessive retries.

type Options struct {
	Logger        logging.Logger
	LockTimeout   time.Duration
	NumberOfRetry int
	RetryInterval time.Duration

type Option func(opt *Options)

// SetLogger to an instance of logging.Logger, default to Noop
func SetLogger(logger logging.Logger) Option {
	return func(opt *Options) {
		opt.Logger = logger

// SetLockTimeout sets timeout for locking operation, default to 10 seconds
func SetLockTimeout(d time.Duration) Option {
	return func(opt *Options) {
		opt.LockTimeout = d

// SetNumberOfRetry sets max retries for acquire the table, default to 5 times
func SetNumberOfRetry(t int) Option {
	return func(opt *Options) {
		opt.NumberOfRetry = t

// SetRetryInterval sets sleep duration between each retry, default to 10 seconds
func SetRetryInterval(d time.Duration) Option {
	return func(opt *Options) {
		opt.RetryInterval = d

// SetLockFileDir sets directory for lock files
func SetLockFileDir(dir string) Option {
	return func(opt *Options) {
		opt.LockFileDir = dir

cleaner := dbcleaner.New(SetNumberOfRetry(10), SetLockTimeout(5*time.Second))

Using with testify's suite

import (


var Cleaner = dbcleaner.New()

type ExampleSuite struct {

func (suite *ExampleSuite) SetupSuite() {
  	// Init and set mysql cleanup engine
  	mysql := engine.NewMySQLEngine("YOUR_DB_DSN")

func (suite *ExampleSuite) SetupTest() {

func (suite *ExampleSuite) TearDownTest() {

func (suite *ExampleSuite) TestSomething() {
  	// Have some meaningful test
  	suite.Equal(true, true)

func TestRunSuite(t *testing.T) {
  	suite.Run(t, new(ExampleSuite))

Support drivers

  • postgres
  • mysql
  • sqlite3

Write cleaner for other drivers

Basically all drivers supported by database/sql package are also supported by dbcleaner. Check list of drivers:

For custom driver, implement your own engine.Engine interface and call SetEngine on dbcleaner.Cleaner instance.



Scott Le
See my blog:
Scott Le
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  • Do we need to specify the schema while trying to Aquire tables

    Do we need to specify the schema while trying to Aquire tables

    I started seeing below error all of a sudden when I added schema_name in front of the table it was working fine.

    - FAIL: TestFunctionalTestSuite/TestSendNOAA (100.04s)
            suite.go:62: test panicked: failed to ACQUIRE tables [notice] after 5 times
                goroutine 10 [running]:
                runtime/debug.Stack(0xc0006e1c78, 0x48ced20, 0xc0006321f0)
                    /usr/local/go1.12.7.darwin-amd64/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
                    /Users/bvennapureddy/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:62 +0x57
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                    /usr/local/go1.12.7.darwin-amd64/src/runtime/panic.go:522 +0x1b5
      *cleanerImpl).Acquire(0xc000033700, 0xc00022a0c0, 0x4, 0x4)
                    /Users/bvennapureddy/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/dbcleaner.go:160 +0x586
                    /Users/bvennapureddy/customer_notices/init_test.go:123 +0x126
                    /Users/bvennapureddy/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:119 +0x3e7
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                    /usr/local/go1.12.7.darwin-amd64/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0xc0
                created by testing.(*T).Run
                    /usr/local/go1.12.7.darwin-amd64/src/testing/testing.go:916 +0x35a
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    [Postgres] Executing command TRUNCATE TABLE countries CASCADE
    [Postgres] Executing command TRUNCATE TABLE addresses CASCADE
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