An implementation of a distributed KV store backed by Raft tolerant of node failures and network partitions 🚣


A simple implementation of a consistent, distributed Key:Value store which uses the Raft Concensus Algorithm.

This project launches a cluster of raft nodes that run as concurrent state machines. A client interface is also provided for finding the leader and sending data to the cluster. Each node is equipped with gRPC clients/servers for communication with the client interface and other nodes.

The cluster is tolerant to node failiures and network partitions (a cluster of N can support ⌈N/2βŒ‰ - 1 failures). The cluster is smart enough to elect a new leader if needed, and the client is smart enough to find the leader.

Interesting Events

This project offers a debug flag which creates a log.html file that contains a table of cluster events. The log used to generate the report below is included as log-heartbeats-purged.html. It contains the data for all the interesting events below, but 8000+ lines of heartbeat events have been manually removed to keep the file short.

1. Initial Leader Election

Initial Leader Election All the nodes start as followers without any data. Node 1's randomized election timer runs out first, so it increments its term starts an election. Nodes 0 and 2 grant their votes to node 1, and node 1 votes for itself. Now, all nodes are in term 1 with node 1 as the leader.

2. Heartbeats

Header Heartbeats As the leader, node 1 has the duty to to indicate that there is a leader in the cluster. It sends empty, idempotent requests to append data to each node in the cluster to indicate that it is functional. No more elections start because each follower node resets its election timer upon receiving these heartbeats.

3. Updating Data in the Cluster

Header Updating Data in the Cluster 0 Node 1, the leader, receives data {key: 100, value: "Some Value"} from the client. It tells nodes 1 and 2 to append that change to their logs. Because both succeed, node 0 knows the entry is successfully duplicated on the majority of servers, so it commits the log entry.

Updating Data in the Cluster 1

In the following heartbeat, the node 1 tells its followers that it has committed upto the last entry, so the nodes 0 and 2 commit their log entries locally.

4. Follower Node Failure

Header Follower Node Failure 0 Node 0 dies and does not recieve heartbeats from node 1.

Follower Node Failure 1 Node 1 gets a request to add a value {key: 200}. Although it cannot send it to node 0, it successfully sends the entry to node 2. It commits it knowing that is duplicated on the majority of nodes.

Follower Node Failure 2 Node 0 comes back to life and starts receiving heartbeats again.

Follower Node Failure 3 Node 1 gets a request to add another value {key: 300}. When sending it to node 0, it sees that node 0 missed the previous value {key: 200} while it was dead. Node 1 catches up node 0 by giving it log entries to append. On the following heartbeat, all the nodes see that the leader has committed up to commit up to {key: 300}, so they commit any missed log entries up to and including the entry with {key: 300}.

5. Leader Node Failure and Re-Election

Header Leader Node Failure and Re-Election 0 Here, the leader node dies. Node 2 starts an election for itself. Node 2 fails to get elected as leader. Most likely, this is because node 0 started an election at roughly the same time and voted for itself. Node starts and election and succeeds, getting a vote from node 2 and itself.

Leader Node Failure and Re-Election 1 As the new leader, node 0 gets a new entry, modifying {key:200}. As the leader, it duplicates the entry onto node 2 and commits it. Node 2 commits it after the following heartbeat.

Leader Node Failure and Re-Election 2 Node 1 comes back online and starts getting heartbeats again.

Leader Node Failure and Re-Election 3 Node 0 gets the request to add an entry to modify {key:300}. When sending it to node 1, it sees that node 1 is out of date, so it catches up node 1. Node 1 appends the entry it missed {key:200} and the new entry {key:300} to its log. Node 2 appends the new entry to its log. Node 0 commits its newest entry, knowing that it was duplicated on the majority of servers (all of them in this case). During the next heartbeat, nodes 1 and 2 see that the leader has committed up to its newest entry {key:300}, so they commit all uncommitted entries up to that.



The configuration.yml file defines the networking configs needed to run the simulation.

To launch the cluster with html log: go build && ./barge -debug

To launch the client with: go build && ./barge -client

Client Commands:

  1. {key}={value} Set int32 key to string value
  2. kill {nodeId} Kill a node with a given id (must be a node id from the config file)
  3. revive {nodeId} Restore a dead node to the follower state


Download Deps go mod download

Generate Protocol Buffer for node <-> node RPCs protoc -I node/ node/raft.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:node

Generate Protocol Buffer for client <-> cluster RPCs protoc -I api/ api/api.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:api

go fmt ./...

Shehjad Khan
Software & ML Engineer. Mathematics @uWaterloo.
Shehjad Khan
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