MySQL Backed Locking Primitive


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go-mysql-lock provides locking primitive based on MySQL's GET_LOCK Lock names are strings and MySQL enforces a maximum length on lock names of 64 characters.

Use cases

Though there are mature locking primitives provided by systems like Zookeeper and etcd, when you have an application which is primarily dependent on MySQL for its uptime and health, added resiliency provided by systems just mentioned doesn't add much benefit. go-mysql-lock helps when you have multiple application instances which are backed by a common mysql instance and you want only one of those application instances to hold a lock and do certain tasks.


go get


package main

import (
    _ ""

func main() {
	db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", "root@tcp(localhost:3306)/dyno_test")

	locker := gomysqllock.NewMysqlLocker(db)

	lock, _ := locker.Obtain("foo")


Customizable Refresh Period

Once the lock is obtained, a goroutine periodically (default every 1 second) keeps pinging on connection since the lock is valid on a connection(session). To configure the refresh interval

locker := gomysqllock.NewMysqlLocker(db, gomysqllock.WithRefreshInterval(time.Millisecond*500))

Obtain Lock With Context

By default, an attempt to obtain a lock is backed by background context. That means the Obtain call would block indefinitely. Optionally, an Obtain call can be made with user given context which will get cancelled with the given context.

The following call will give up after a second if the lock was not obtained.

locker := gomysqllock.NewMysqlLocker(db)
ctxShort, _ := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(time.Second))
lock, err := locker.ObtainContext(ctxShort, "key")

Obtain Lock With (MySQL) Timeout

MySQL has the ability to timeout and return if the lock can't be acquired in a given number of seconds. This timeout can be specified when using ObtainTimeout and ObtainTimeoutContext. On timeout, ErrMySQLTimeout is returned, and the lock is not obtained.

The following call will give up after a second if the lock was not obtained, using MySQL timeout option:

locker := gomysqllock.NewMysqlLocker(db)
lock, err := locker.ObtainTimeout("key", 1)

Know When The Lock is Lost

Obtained lock has a context which is cancelled if the lock is lost. This is determined while a goroutine keeps pinging the connection. If there is an error while pinging, assuming connection has an error, the context is cancelled. And the lock owner gets notified of the lost lock.

context := lock.GetContext()


This library is tested (automatically) against MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10.1, and it should work for MariaDB versions >= 10.1 and MySQL versions >= 5.6.

Note that GET_LOCK function won't lock indefinitely on MariaDB 10.1 / MySQL 5.6 and older, as 0 or negative value for timeouts are not accepted in those versions. This means that in MySQL <= 5.6 / MariaDB <= 10.1 you can't use Obtain or ObtainContext. To achieve a similar goal, you can use ObtainTimeout (and ObtainTimeoutContext) using a very high timeout value.

Sanket Patel
DevOps for Fun and Profit!™
Sanket Patel
  • Fix Vitess support by removing use of `COALESCE()`

    Fix Vitess support by removing use of `COALESCE()`

    Vitess supports GET_LOCK() and RELEASE_LOCK() but does not allow you to call these functions within other functions like COALESCE(). This PR switches back to calling GET_LOCK() by itself but tests for a NULL result instead of coalescing it. This change retains the same compatibility with other MySQL/MariaDB versions while adding Vitess support, so it should be a good compromise to support the widest set of options.

    You can see an example here from trying these queries against a Vitess 14 test instance, and can see how the vtgate will fail the COALESCE(GET_LOCK(...

    mysql> SELECT COALESCE(GET_LOCK('foo', 1), 2) FROM dual;
    ERROR 1235 (42000): get_lock(:vtg1, :vtg2) allowed only with dual
    mysql> SELECT GET_LOCK('foo', 1);
    | get_lock('foo', 1) |
    |                  1 |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> DO RELEASE_LOCK('foo');
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
  • Add MySQL timeout parameter / fix compatibility with MariaDB 10.1 and older

    Add MySQL timeout parameter / fix compatibility with MariaDB 10.1 and older

    I added two methods to use an explicit timeout, as they might be useful, and this also fixes an incompatibility with older MySQL/MariaDB (tested with 10.1) where GET_LOCK does not support -1 for infinite value.

    I added new test cases for the timeout part. I tested it with a build flag (as in tests with older versions current tests will fail on -1 timeouts), but I'm open to suggestions :-)

  • Go Routine Leak

    Go Routine Leak

    There is currently a go-routine leak when spawning a refresher goroutine go lock.refresher(l.refreshInterval, cancelFunc) due to the use of an unbuffered channel unlocker: make(chan struct{}) , as in l.Release() called after connection ping fails due to cancellation of connection context, as there is no consumer listening to the channel l.unlocker <- struct{}{} while calling release goes to an infinite deadlock wait.

    Using unlocker: make(chan struct{}, 1) should fix this deadlock.

  • Would it be possible create a v0.0.5 tag based of the current state of master?

    Would it be possible create a v0.0.5 tag based of the current state of master?


    Would it be possible to create a v0.0.5 tag from the current state of master. The company I work at prefers to use tags in our module versions rather than using whatever is on master and we want to use some of the improved error handling that is in master but not in v0.0.4


  • DB connection not returned to connection pool if failed to acquire the lock

    DB connection not returned to connection pool if failed to acquire the lock

    I got my application hung after doing a load test. I dug into the library code and see that the database connection is not closed (return connection to the connection pool) if unable to obtain the lock.

  • Multiple Retries Before Giving Up

    Multiple Retries Before Giving Up

    Currently, a goroutine periodically pings on the connection that holds the lock. If a ping fails, it bails out and closes the connection.

    1. Confirm what happens to connection when a ping fails
    2. If connection is still kept in pool, consider multiple ping retries before giving up (and possibly make it configurable)
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