Handy Kakoune companion.


Handy Kakoune companion.


Download release binary

Download the compiled binary for your system from Releases page and put it somewhere in your $PATH.

Build from source

Requires Go installed on your system.

Clone the repository and run go build, then copy the compiled binary somewhere in your $PATH.

If Go is configured to install packages in $PATH, it's also possible to install without cloning the repository: run go install github.com/kkga/kks@latest.

How to use

Kakoune configuration

Source kks init to add kks-connect command to Kakoune...

eval %sh{ kks init }

... and use your terminal integration to connect provided scripts, for example: kks-connect terminal kks-files.

Kakoune mappings example

map global normal -docstring 'terminal'         <c-t> ': kks-connect terminal<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'files'            <c-f> ': kks-connect popup kks-files<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'buffers'          <c-b> ': kks-connect popup kks-buffers<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'files by content' <c-g> ': kks-connect popup kks-grep<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'lines in buffer'  <c-l> ': kks-connect popup kks-lines<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'recent files'     <c-r> ': kks-connect popup kks-mru<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'lf'               <c-h> ': kks-connect panel kks-lf<ret>'
map global normal -docstring 'lazygit'          <c-v> ': kks-connect popup lazygit<ret>'

For more terminal integrations and for the (quite handy) popup command, see:

Shell configuration example

export EDITOR=`kks edit`

alias k='kks edit'
alias ks='eval (kks-select)'
alias kcd='cd (kks get %sh{pwd})'
alias ka='kks attach'
alias kl='kks list'

kks configuration

kks can be configured through environment variables.

At the moment, there is a single configuration option:

    • when set to any value and KKS_SESSION is empty, running kks edit will do the following:
      • if file is inside a git directory, kks will search for an existing session based on top-level git directory name and connect to it;
      • if a session for the directory doesn't exist, kks will start a new session and connect to it.


  kks <command> [-s <session>] [-c <client>] [<args>]

  new, n         create new session
  edit, e        edit file
  send, s        send command
  attach, a      attach to session
  kill           kill session
  ls             list sessions and clients
  get            get %{val}, %{opt} and friends
  cat            print buffer content
  env            print env
  init           print Kakoune definitions

  KKS_SESSION    Kakoune session
  KKS_CLIENT     Kakoune client

Use "kks <command> -h" for command usage.

Provided scripts

Similar projects

Gadzhi Kharkharov
Gadzhi Kharkharov
  • add git-like subcommand deferring mechanism

    add git-like subcommand deferring mechanism

    This commit implements a simple mechanism of deferring unknown subcommands to other executables in $PATH.

    When users executes kks foo kks will try to run kks-foo command.


    $ cat ~/.local/bin/kks-date                                                                                                                                                                                  
    date $@
    $ kks date -I
    $ kks grep

    Just an idea, feel free to ignore if you don't like it (It can be implemented as wrapper script by user) :)

  • Panic on list command when no session is running

    Panic on list command when no session is running

    $ kak -l
    $ kks list
    panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/home/teddy/src/kks/kak/kak.go:33 +0x8e
    	/home/teddy/src/kks/cmd/list.go:75 +0x176
    github.com/kkga/kks/cmd.Root({0xc0001a8010, 0x0, 0xc000066750})
    	/home/teddy/src/kks/cmd/root.go:38 +0x689
    	/home/teddy/src/kks/main.go:21 +0xe8

    Reason: in kak/kak.go

    strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(o)), "\n")

    Always returns 1 element slice where the only element is empty string when o == "".

    Simple fix:

    diff --git i/kak/kak.go w/kak/kak.go
    index 270ff4..3037f7 100644
    --- i/kak/kak.go
    +++ w/kak/kak.go
    @@ -46,6 +48,9 @@ func (s *Session) Clients() (clients []Client, err error) {
     func Sessions() (sessions []Session, err error) {
     	o, err := exec.Command("kak", "-l").Output()
     	for _, s := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(o)), "\n") {
    +		if s == "" {
    +			continue
    +		}
     		sessions = append(sessions, Session{s})
  • Strip leading `-` from session name

    Strip leading `-` from session name

    My dotfiles repo lives in ~/.dotfiles, so the resulting gitdir session name is -dotfiles. This wreaks havoc with kak-lsp and kakoune itself, the former thinking it is a command-line flag, and the latter thinking it's a switch to the command you pass %val{session} to.

    shell stderr: <<<
    error: Found argument '-o' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
        kak-lsp --daemonize --kakoune --session <SESSION>
    For more information try --help

    Suggested fix

    Strip any non-alphanumeric characters from the front of the session name.

    To reproduce

    • Create a Git repo inside a hidden folder (e.g. ".test")
    • Open kakoune and try to enable kak-lsp with evaluate-commands %sh{ kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session }
    • Check *debug* and you will see kak-lsp complain about an unknown command line flag.
  • grep: force sh to be used for fzf preview command

    grep: force sh to be used for fzf preview command

    Fixes kks-grep preview on non POSIX shells (Fish)

    $SHELL variable is usually set to users preferred shell 1. If set, FZF uses the variable to run preview command. kks-grep preview command requires POSIX compatible shell.

  • Various code optimizations, ensure session exist when starting new daemons

    Various code optimizations, ensure session exist when starting new daemons

    • wip: use types for session, client, buffer
    • add KakContext struct
    • use new types in commands
    • use new type in connect
    • add short descriptions to commands
    • move filepath to kak package
    • kak.Create -> kak.Start
    • update preview cmd in scripts
    • move tmp reader to separate file
    • use filepath in run
    • scripts: ensure normal mode before executing keys in kks-lines
    • ensure session exists when starting new kak sessions
    • close fsnotify watcher and cleanup tmp files immediately after reading
    • use tmp naming in cat
  • check scanner for error

    check scanner for error

    It's considered a good practice to check for scanner's error. Also I allowed to myself to dismiss the clearSessions func, as it's called from single place only where kakExec is already available.

  • kks doesn't parse flags when running external commands

    kks doesn't parse flags when running external commands

    example: running a script kks-files as an external command should parse flags and properly set environments variables for the script

    kks -s mysession files
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