Handy tools to manipulate korean character.

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About hangul

hangul is a set of handy tools for manipulate korean character in Go language.

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package main

import (
        hangul "github.com/suapapa/go_hangul"

func main() {
        var i, m, f, ci, cm, cf rune
        var c int
        for _, r := range "맥도날드" {
                // Storke count
                c = hangul.Stroke(r)
                // Split to three elements
                i, m, f = hangul.Split(r)
                // Convert between jamo and compatibility-jamo
                ci = hangul.CompatJamo(i)
                cm = hangul.CompatJamo(m)
                cf = hangul.CompatJamo(f)

                fmt.Printf("%c %d %c(%v) %c(%v) %c(%v)\n", r, c, ci, i, cm, m, cf, f)

            hangul.EndsWithConsonant("강")) // true
            hangul.EndsWithConsonant("그")) // false
            hangul.AppendPostposition("강", "이", "가")) // "강이"
            hangul.AppendPostposition("물고기", "은", "는")) // "물고기는"


$ go get github.com/suapapa/go_hangul


Homin Lee <[email protected]>

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2012, Homin Lee. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

  • AppendPostposition for (으)로

    AppendPostposition for (으)로

    Thanks for the very useful library to manipulate Hangul letters.

    AppendPostposition() takes the allomorphs of a postposition at with and without. The choice between with and without depends on only the prior final consonant. This implementation works well and is enough in most cases. But there's one exception.

    (으)로 becomes after a vowel. Also, it becomes 으로 after a final consonant EXCEPT . After a final , (으)로 becomes , not 으로.

    Check the below examples:

    학교로 (로 after a final consonant)
    집으로 (으로 after a vowel)
    마을로 (로 after a final ㄹ)
  • Revive EndsWithConsonant for backward compatibility

    Revive EndsWithConsonant for backward compatibility

    Now EndsWithConsonant is obsolete due to LastConsonant but some libraries which depend on go_hangul may still require it. Also, we still can find it in README. So for backward compatibility, it should remain.

  • CP949 out of index error

    CP949 out of index error

    github.com/suapapa/go_hangul/encoding/cp949/cp949.go in func (p *translateFromCp949) Translate() for len(data) > 0 { // <- allow length 1 data slice ... n := uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1]) // <- data[1] is out of index. ... }

  • Add final consonant(종성) utilities

    Add final consonant(종성) utilities


    Added two functions:

    • EndsWithConsonant determines whether the given word ends with consonant or not.
    • AppendPostposition concatenates the given word and proper postposition(조사).

    Both functions are taking string arguments for the sake of convenience.

  • godoc.org에 올라간 API 설명이 반대로 된 것 같아요...

    godoc.org에 올라간 API 설명이 반대로 된 것 같아요...

    From(): convert utf-8 stream to cp949 stream To(): convert cp949 stream to utf-8 stream

    이렇게 서술되어 있는데, 반대로 된 것 같아요.. 실제로 windows에서 저장된 파일(노트패드로)을 To()로 변환하면 올바르게 utf-8 string으로 변환되지 않고, From()으로 변환하면 올바르게 변환되더라구요..

    간단한 토이 프로그램을 작성했는데 iconv를 쓸 수 없는 상황이고 윈도까지 지원해야 하는 상황이라 난감했었는데, 좋은 라이브러리 덕분에 해결되었습니다. 감사합니다. :)

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