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Package tango is a micro & pluggable web framework for Go.

Current version: v0.5.0 Version History

Getting Started

To install Tango:

go get

A classic usage of Tango below:

package main

import (

type Action struct {

func (Action) Get() interface{} {
    if true {
        return map[string]string{
            "say": "Hello tango!",
    return errors.New("something error")

func main() {
    t := tango.Classic()
    t.Get("/", new(Action))

Then visit http://localhost:8000 on your browser. You will get

{"say":"Hello tango!"}

If you change true after if to false, then you will get

{"err":"something error"}

This code will automatically convert returned map or error to a json because we has an embedded struct tango.JSON.


  • Powerful routing & Flexible routes combinations.
  • Directly integrate with existing services.
  • Easy to plugin features with modular design.
  • High performance dependency injection embedded.


Middlewares allow you easily plugin features for your Tango applications.

There are already many middlewares to simplify your work:





This project is under BSD License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.

  • index.html问题

    index.html问题 文档中的 tg := tango.New() tg.Get("/index.html", tango.File("./public/index.html")) tg.Run() 这一部分不能正确访问到index.html

    当按以下运行时,当我访问"http://localhost:8080" 会跳转到index.html页面,而没有进入getHandler tg.Get("/", new(getHandler)) tg.Use(tango.Static(tango.StaticOptions{ RootPath: "./public/html", }))

  • I have questions about Social Auth lib

    I have questions about Social Auth lib

    Hi, Thank you for contributing to the community.

    Do you find it viable to use your authentication library? Https:// Well I see that it has been years that is not updated.


  • Tango routing broken?

    Tango routing broken?

    I'm currently preparing the next run of the the Go HTTP Routing Benchmark. Since several broken implementations were discovered already, I added a test validating the routing of each router earlier: julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark@b5a1ebab84d686b0675a3c0c7d0b928a3b998d02

    Unfortunately it seems like there is a problem with Tango:

        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /notifications/threads/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /gists/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected DELETE /gists/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /orgs/:org
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /teams/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected DELETE /teams/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GitHub: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /users/:user
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GPlus: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /people/:userId
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API GPlus: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /activities/:activityId
        routers_test.go:78: Tango in API Parse: 404 - Not Found; expected GET /1/classes/:className

    I need your help to figure out what is broken and to fix it. The current implementation for Tango is here: Tango Implementation The complete list of routes can be found here: GitHub, GPlus, Parse

    Thanks in advance!

  • 读取Form会清空body



    type Action struct {
    func (a *Action) PermTag() string {
        flag := r.Context.Form("type")
        bd, _ := r.Context.Body()


    func (a *Action) PermTag() string {
        bd, _ := r.Context.Body()
        flag := r.Context.Form("type")


  • Group时为什么路由为变量时会不识别,自动默认为第一个GET了


    t.Get("/", new(action.Index))
    t.Get("/:param", new(action.Index))
    logger.Info("AdminURL", config.DefaultAdminURL)
    // output: /admin
    t.Group(config.DefaultAdminURL, func(g *tango.Group) {
        g.Get("", new(master.Index))
        g.Get("/", new(master.Index))
        g.Get("/index", new(master.Index))

    Group时为什么路由为变量时会不识别,自动默认为第一个GET了 但是把config.DefaultAdminURL改为直接定义就正常了?

  • 一个return处理的问题



    var result = ctx.Result
    if res, ok := ctx.Result.(*StatusResult); ok {
        ctx.WriteHeader(res.Code) //这里写了一次状态码
        result = res.Result
    switch res := result.(type) {
    case AbortError, error:
    case []byte:
    case string:
        ctx.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) //这里写了第二次状态码

    如果有个action 是这样写的:

    func (a *Action) Get() (int, interface{}){
        return 201,"Created"

    返回的却是200,而终端里会提示http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

  • Sample implementation with xorm

    Sample implementation with xorm

    Hi, thank you for your great work. Is there sample implementation for tango and xorm? I am looking for best framework to make CMS server, work with javascript client and json. If you have it, please let me know. Thank you.

  • struct context maybe cause memory leak?

    struct context maybe cause memory leak?

    memory leak in this case:

       24.51MB  1.77% 20.68%   327.24MB 23.58%  net/http.readRequest
      258.23MB 18.61% 39.29%   283.23MB 20.41%  net/textproto.(*Reader).ReadMIMEHeader


    see more: see more:

    Important Note: If you aren't using gorilla/mux, you need to wrap your handlers with 
    context.ClearHandler or else you will leak memory! An easy way to do this is to wrap the top-level mux when calling http.ListenAndServe:
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", context.ClearHandler(http.DefaultServeMux))
    The ClearHandler function is provided by the gorilla/context package.
    More examples are available on the Gorilla website.
  • Compitable with context.Context middlewares

    Compitable with context.Context middlewares

    Action is an interface in an middleware and context.Context is also an interface. Their are some similar feature between Action and context.Context. In tango, we use assert to get the info from Action, in context.Context, it's also a regular usage get info via assert.

    func (ctx *tango.Ctx) {
         if sess, ok := ctx.Action().(Sessioner); ok {
               // do something
    func (resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        if sess, ok := req.Context().(Sessioner); ok {
              // do something 

    So that maybe all the tango's middlewares could be changed slightly to apply in http.Handler.

  • tango Group 与 Static 配合使用的问题

    tango Group 与 Static 配合使用的问题


    t := tango.Classic()
    g := tango.NewGroup()
        RootPath:   "./admin",
        Prefix:     "/",
        IndexFiles: []string{"index.html"},
    t.Group("/admin", g)


    从这个代码来说,把 tango.StaticPrefix 设成/admin似乎也达成目的。但我这么做的初衷是希望给 http://localhost/admin/ 做中间件,特别地控制它的权限。

:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: [deprecated] Moved to
:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: [deprecated] Moved to

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