A language agnostic HTTP mock server for quick stub testing


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Test external services faster and better with an HTTP stub server.

MockItOut is a simple to use HTTP stub server. With a small YAML configuration you can quickly create test end-points for HTTP APIs. Unlike other mock servers this project is language agnostic and easy to setup.

Key Features

  • HTTP response stubbing, maching URI with pre-canned body, header and status code replies.
  • Logging request data for troubleshooting and diagnostics.
  • Runs as a docker container or as a local binary.
  • Callable as an external service for unit or functional tests.
  • Simple YAML configuration.

Running MockItOut

To run MockItOut is simple, just run the following commands.

$ docker run -p 443:8443 madflojo/mockitout:latest

This will start the service with our example mock file. To test it you can use curl.

$ curl -vk https://localhost/hi

Specifying your own mocks file

To add your own mocks file, simply use volume mounts with the docker run command.

$ docker run -p 443:8443 -v stubs/:stubs -e MOCKS_FILE="stubs/mystubs.yml" madflojo/mockitout:latest

Mocks Configuration File

To define end-points create a YAML file with the following format.

    path: "/hi"
      "content-type": "application/json"
      "server": "MockItOut"
    # Multi-line values can be created like this
    body: | 
        "greeting": "Hello",
        "name": "World"
    path: "/no"
      "content-type": "application/json"
      "server": "MockItOut"
    body: |
      {"status": false}
    return_code: 403
    path: "/names/*"
      "content-type": "application/json"
      "server": "WalkItOut"
    return_code: 200
    body: |
        "1": {
          "name": "DJ Unk"
        "2": {
          "name": "Andre 3000"
        "3": {
          "name": "Jim Jones"

Configuring with Environment Variables

MockItOut is controlled via environment variables. The below is a list of all environment variables available and what they control.

  • DEBUG can be true or false. This will enable or disable debug logs. Default is false.
  • DISABLE_LOGGING can be true or false. This will disable all logging. Default is false.
  • ENABLE_TLS can be true or false. This will have the server use HTTPS by default. Default is true.
  • LISTEN_ADDR defines the server listener address and port. Default is
  • CERT_FILE defines the location of the TLS Certificate file.
  • KEY_FILE defines the location of the TLS Certificate Key file.
  • GEN_CERTS can be true or false. This will enable the server to create temporary testing certs on boot. Default is true.
  • MOCKS_FILE defines the location of the mocks configuration file.


Thank you for your interest in helping develop MockItOut. The time, skills, and perspectives you contribute to this project are valued.

Please reference our Contributing Guide for details.


Apache License 2.0

Benjamin Cane
Thoughts and opinions are my own.
Benjamin Cane
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