A tool to determine the highest version number that's smaller than a target version number


A tool to determine the highest version number that's smaller than a target version number.


go install github.com/marten-seemann/semver-highest@latest


./semver-highest -target v0.2.0 -versions v0.1.0,v0.1.1,v0.3.0 # v0.1.1

By default, pre-releases are skipped

./semver-highest -target v0.2.0 -versions v0.1.0,v0.1.1,v0.1.2-alpha,v0.3.0 # v0.1.1
./semver-highest -target v0.2.0 -versions v0.1.0,v0.1.1,v0.1.2-alpha,v0.3.0 -prerelease # v0.1.2-alpha
Marten Seemann
Developer of quic-go
Marten Seemann
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