Mackerel SLI/SLO tools

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For SRE to operate and monitor services using Mackerel.


shimesaba is a tool for tracking SLO/ErrorBudget using Mackerel as an SLI measurement service.

  1. Get and aggregate Mackerel (host/service) metrics within the calculated period.
  2. Calculate the SLI from the metric obtained in step 1 and determine if it is an SLO violation in the rolling window.
  3. Calculate the time (minutes) of SLO violation within the time frame of the rolling window and calculate the error budget.
  4. Post the calculated error budget, failure time for SLO violation, etc. as Mackerel service metric.


binary packages


Homebrew tap

$ brew install mashiike/tap/shimesaba


as CLI command

$ shimesaba -config config.yaml -mackerel-apikey <Mackerel API Key> run
   shimesaba - A commandline tool for tracking SLO/ErrorBudget using Mackerel as an SLI measurement service.

   shimesaba [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   dashboard  manage mackerel dashboard for SLI/SLO
   run        run shimesaba. this is main feature
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --config value, -c value           config file path, can set multiple [$CONFIG, $SHIMESABA_CONFIG]
   --debug                            output debug log (default: false) [$SHIMESABA_DEBUG]
   --mackerel-apikey value, -k value  for access mackerel API (default: *********) [$MACKEREL_APIKEY, $SHIMESABA_MACKEREL_APIKEY]
   --help, -h                         show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                      print the version (default: false)
2021/11/14 23:29:45 [error] Required flag "config" not set

run command usage is follow

$ shimesaba run --help
   main run - run shimesaba. this is main feature

   shimesaba -config 
     run [command options]

   --dry-run         report output stdout and not put mackerel (default: false) [$SHIMESABA_DRY_RUN]
   --backfill value  generate report before n point (default: 3) [$BACKFILL, $SHIMESABA_BACKFILL]
   --help, -h        show help (default: false)

as AWS Lambda function

shimesaba binary also runs as AWS Lambda function. shimesaba implicitly behaves as a run command when run as a bootstrap with a Lambda Function

CLI options can be specified from environment variables. For example, when MACKEREL_APIKEY environment variable is set, the value is set to -mackerel-apikey option.

Example Lambda functions configuration.

" } }, "Handler": "shimesaba", "MemorySize": 128, "Role": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/lambda-function", "Runtime": "provided.al2", "Timeout": 300 } ">
  "FunctionName": "shimesaba",
  "Environment": {
    "Variables": {
      "SHIMESABA_CONFIG": "config.yaml",
  "Handler": "shimesaba",
  "MemorySize": 128,
  "Role": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/lambda-function",
  "Runtime": "provided.al2",
  "Timeout": 300

Configuration file

YAML format.

=0.0.0" metrics: - id: alb_p90_response_time name: custom.alb.response.time_p90 type: host service_name: prod host_name: dummy-alb aggregation_interval: 1m aggregation_method: max - id: component_response_time name: component.dummy.response_time type: service service_name: prod aggregation_interval: 1m aggregation_method: avg definitions: - id: latency service_name: prod time_frame: 28d #4weeks calculate_interval: 1h error_budget_size: 0.001 objectives: - expr: alb_p90_response_time <= 1.0 - expr: component_response_time <= 1.0 dashboard: dashboard.jsonnet ">
required_version: ">=0.0.0"

  - id: alb_p90_response_time
    name: custom.alb.response.time_p90
    type: host
    service_name: prod
    host_name: dummy-alb
    aggregation_interval: 1m
    aggregation_method: max
  - id: component_response_time
    name: component.dummy.response_time
    type: service
    service_name: prod
    aggregation_interval: 1m
    aggregation_method: avg

  - id: latency
    service_name: prod 
    time_frame: 28d #4weeks
    calculate_interval: 1h
    error_budget_size: 0.001
      - expr: alb_p90_response_time <= 1.0
      - expr: component_response_time <= 1.0

dashboard: dashboard.jsonnet


the requied_version accepts a version constraint string, which specifies which versions of shimesaba can be used with your configuration.


The metrics accepts list of Mackerel metrics configure.
shimesaba gets the mackerel metric specified in this list.
The metrics described in this list can be found in the definitions settings described below. Each setting item in the list is as follows


An identifier to refer to in definitions. Must be unique in the list


Metric identifier on Mackerel


The type of metric. Host metric must set host and service metric must set service.


Specify the name of the service to which the metric belongs


Optional, only type=host
Specifies the role when searching for hosts that are subject to host metrics.


Optional, only type=host
Specify the host name when searching for the host that is the target of host metrics.


Optional, default=1m It's time to aggregate the metrics. This is also the unit for determining SLO violations. For example, if you calculate SLI using a metric with an aggregation interval of 5 minutes, you will get an SLO violation check in 5 minute increments.


Optional, default=max How to aggregate metrics. There are max, total, avg.


The definitions accepts list of SLI/SLO definition configure.
6 Mackerel service metrics are posted per definition.

For example, if id is latency, the following service metric will be posted.

  • shimesaba.error_budget.latency: Current error budget remaining number (unit:minutes)
  • shimesaba.error_budget_percentage.latency: percentage of current error budget remaining. If it exceeds 100%, the error budget is used up.
  • shimesaba.error_budget_consumption.latency: Error budget newly consumed in this calculation window (unit:minutes)
  • shimesaba.error_budget_consumption_percentage.latency: Percentage of newly consumed error budget in this calculation window
  • shimesaba.failure_time.latency: Time of SLO violation within the rolling window time frame (unit:minutes)
  • shimesaba.uptime.latency: Time that can be treated as normal operation within the time frame of the rolling window (unit:minutes)

Each setting item in the list is as follows


The identifier of definition. Based on this identifier, the service metric masterpiece at the time of posting is determined.
Must be unique in the list.


The service to which the service metric is posted


Requied. The size of the time frame of the rolling window.
For example, if you specify 40320 minutes, the error budget will be calculated for the SLI for the last 4 weeks.



The shift width of the rolling window. Service metrics are posted to Mackerel at individually specified time intervals.
This width is recommended to be shorter than 1440 minutes (1 day) because Mackerel ignores postings of time stamp metrics before 24 hours *1.


We recommend running sihmesaba every hour with calculate_interval set to 60 minutes (1 hour).


Setting how much error budget should be taken with respect to the width of the time frame of the rolling window. For example, if time_frame is 40320 and you specify 0.001 (0.1%), the size of the error budget will be 40 minutes. This means that we will tolerate SLO violations of up to 40 minutes in the last 4 weeks.


A list of specific SLO definitions. This is a list of expr. expr defines a Go syntax comparison expression. You can use the id specified in metrics like a variable. The right-hand side of the comparison must always be a numeric literal. If multiple expr are defined in the objectives, all must be true. If any of expr are false, it is a violation of SLO.

For example:
Assuming that you have obtained the metrics alb_2xx and alb_5xx, you can write the following comparison formula.

- expr: rate(alb_2xx, alb_2xx + alb_5xx) >= 0.95

rate() is a function prepared to safely execute division while avoiding division by zero. The meaning of this comparison formula is If the HTTP request rate is 95% or higher, the service is healthy.

Environment variable SSMWRAP_PATHS

It incorporates for parameter management.
If you specify the path of the Parameter Store of AWS Systems Manager separated by commas, it will be output to the environment variable.
Useful when used as a Lambda function.

Usage Dashboard subcommand.

This subcommand can only be used when acting as a CLI.
If the dashboard of the config file contains the dashboard definition file, you can manage the dashboard JSON using Go Template.

For example, you can build a simple dashboard by defining a json file like the one below.


local errorBudgetCounter(x, y, def_id, title) = {
  type: 'value',
  title: title,
  layout: {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    width: 10,
    height: 5,
  metric: {
    type: 'service',
    name: 'shimesaba.error_budget.' + def_id,
    serviceName: 'shimesaba',
  graph: null,
  range: null,
  fractionSize: 0,
  suffix: 'min',
  title: 'SLI/SLO',
  urlPath: '4oequPJEwwd',
  memo: '',
  widgets: [
    errorBudgetCounter(0, 0, 'availability', ''),
    errorBudgetCounter(10, 0, 'latency', ''),
      type: 'markdown',
      title: 'SLO Definitions',
      layout: {
        x: 20,
        y: 0,
        width: 5,
        height: 20,
      markdown: '{{file `` | json_escape }}',

{{ range $def_id, $def := .Definitions }}
## SLO {{ $def_id }}

- TimeFrame      : {{ $def.TimeFrame }}
- ErrorBudgetSize: {{ $def.ErrorBudgetSizeDuration }}  

{{ range $def.Objectives }}
- {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}



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