Cache oci login token for kubectl


Cache oci login token. This command cache oci login token into ~/.oci/token-cache.json and re-use for kubectl.


Currently, your ~/.kube/config is like below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ""
- name: cluster-zzzzzzzz
    certificate-authority-data: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- name: user-zzzzzzzz
      command: oci
      - ce
      - cluster
      - generate-token
      - --cluster-id
      - ocid1.cluster.oc1.yyyyyyy.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
      - --region
      - yyyyyyy
      env: []
- name: context-zzzzzzzz
    cluster: cluster-zzzzzzzz
    user: user-zzzzzzzz
current-context: context-zzzzzzzz

Just replace command to oci-token-cache, and shift args like below.

- name: user-zzzzzzzz
      command: oci-token-cache
      - oci
      - ce
      - cluster
      - generate-token
      - --cluster-id
      - ocid1.cluster.oc1.yyyyyyy.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
      - --region
      - yyyyyyy
      env: []


go install




Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)

Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++
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