MBotC plugin for Mattermost

Plugin Starter Template CircleCI branch

This plugin serves as a starting point for writing a Mattermost plugin. Feel free to base your own plugin off this repository.

To learn more about plugins, see our plugin documentation.

Getting Started

Use GitHub's template feature to make a copy of this repository by clicking the "Use this template" button.

Alternatively shallow clone the repository matching your plugin name:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-starter-template com.example.my-plugin

Note that this project uses Go modules. Be sure to locate the project outside of $GOPATH.

Edit the following files:

  1. plugin.json with your id, name, and description:
    "id": "com.example.my-plugin",
    "name": "My Plugin",
    "description": "A plugin to enhance Mattermost."
  1. go.mod with your Go module path, following the <hosting-site>/<repository>/<module> convention:
module github.com/example/my-plugin
  1. .golangci.yml with your Go module path:
  # [...]
    local-prefixes: github.com/example/my-plugin

Build your plugin:


This will produce a single plugin file (with support for multiple architectures) for upload to your Mattermost server:



To avoid having to manually install your plugin, build and deploy your plugin using one of the following options.

Deploying with Local Mode

If your Mattermost server is running locally, you can enable local mode to streamline deploying your plugin. Edit your server configuration as follows:

    "ServiceSettings": {
        "EnableLocalMode": true,
        "LocalModeSocketLocation": "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket"

and then deploy your plugin:

make deploy

You may also customize the Unix socket path:

export MM_LOCALSOCKETPATH=/var/tmp/alternate_local.socket
make deploy

If developing a plugin with a webapp, watch for changes and deploy those automatically:

export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_TOKEN=j44acwd8obn78cdcx7koid4jkr
make watch

Deploying with credentials

Alternatively, you can authenticate with the server's API with credentials:

export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin
export MM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
make deploy

or with a personal access token:

export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_TOKEN=j44acwd8obn78cdcx7koid4jkr
make deploy


How do I make a server-only or web app-only plugin?

Simply delete the server or webapp folders and remove the corresponding sections from plugin.json. The build scripts will skip the missing portions automatically.

How do I include assets in the plugin bundle?

Place them into the assets directory. To use an asset at runtime, build the path to your asset and open as a regular file:

bundlePath, err := p.API.GetBundlePath()
if err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get bundle path")

profileImage, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(bundlePath, "assets", "profile_image.png"))
if err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read profile image")

if appErr := p.API.SetProfileImage(userID, profileImage); appErr != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set profile image")

How do I build the plugin with unminified JavaScript?

Setting the MM_DEBUG environment variable will invoke the debug builds. The simplist way to do this is to simply include this variable in your calls to make (e.g. make dist MM_DEBUG=1).

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