๐Ÿค˜ The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

Golang SSH Client.

Fast and easy golang ssh client module.

Goph is a lightweight Go SSH client focusing on simplicity!

Installation โ˜ Features โ˜ Usage โ˜ Examples โ˜ License

๐Ÿš€   Installation and Documentation

go get github.com/melbahja/goph

You can find the docs at go docs.

๐Ÿค˜   Features

  • Easy to use and simple API.
  • Supports known hosts by default.
  • Supports connections with passwords.
  • Supports connections with private keys.
  • Supports connections with protected private keys with passphrase.
  • Supports upload files from local to remote.
  • Supports download files from remote to local.
  • Supports connections with ssh agent (Unix systems only).
  • Supports adding new hosts to known_hosts file.
  • Supports file system operations like: Open, Create, Chmod...

๐Ÿ“„   Usage

Run a command via ssh:

package main

import (

func main() {

	// Start new ssh connection with private key.
	auth, err := goph.Key("/home/mohamed/.ssh/id_rsa", "")
	if err != nil {

	client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)
	if err != nil {

	// Defer closing the network connection.
	defer client.Close()

	// Execute your command.
	out, err := client.Run("ls /tmp/")

	if err != nil {

	// Get your output as []byte.

๐Ÿ” Start Connection With Protected Private Key:

auth, err := goph.Key("/home/mohamed/.ssh/id_rsa", "you_passphrase_here")
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)

๐Ÿ”‘ Start Connection With Password:

client, err := goph.New("root", "", goph.Password("you_password_here"))

โ˜› Start Connection With SSH Agent (Unix systems only):

auth, err := goph.UseAgent()
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)

โคด๏ธ Upload Local File to Remote:

err := client.Upload("/path/to/local/file", "/path/to/remote/file")

โคต๏ธ Download Remote File to Local:

err := client.Download("/path/to/remote/file", "/path/to/local/file")

โ˜› Execute Bash Commands:

out, err := client.Run("bash -c 'printenv'")

โ˜› Execute Bash Command With Env Variables:

out, err := client.Run(`env MYVAR="MY VALUE" bash -c 'echo $MYVAR;'`)

๐Ÿฅช Using Goph Cmd:

Goph.Cmd struct is like the Go standard os/exec.Cmd.

// Get new `Goph.Cmd`
cmd, err := client.Command("ls", "-alh", "/tmp")

if err != nil {
	// handle the error!

// You can set env vars, but the server must be configured to `AcceptEnv line`.
cmd.Env = []string{"MY_VAR=MYVALUE"}

// Run you command.
err = cmd.Run()

๐Ÿ—’๏ธ Just like os/exec.Cmd you can run CombinedOutput, Output, Start, Wait, and ssh.Session methods like Signal...

๐Ÿ“‚ File System Operations Via SFTP:

You can easily get a SFTP client from Goph client:

sftp, err := client.NewSftp()

if err != nil {
	// handle the error!

file, err := sftp.Create("/tmp/remote_file")

file.Write([]byte(`Hello world`))

๐Ÿ—’๏ธ For more file operations see SFTP Docs.

๐Ÿฅ™   Examples

See Examples.

๐Ÿค   Missing a Feature?

Feel free to open a new issue, or contact me.

๐Ÿ“˜   License

Goph is provided under the MIT License.

Mohamed El Bahja
Developer, FOSS Enthusiast.
Mohamed El Bahja
  • Making defaultPath evaluation lazy

    Making defaultPath evaluation lazy

    Would you consider wrapping defaultPath in a function? The issue is on Windows environments HOME is not set by default. Simple solution would be setting it manually when the program starts:

    os.Setenv("HOME", os.Getenv("USERPROFILE"))

    but it doesn't get recognized by goph since it is evaluated beforehand.

  • upload multiple files with same sftp connection

    upload multiple files with same sftp connection

    I noticed that when trying to upload in sequence multiple files (calling the Upload function for one file after the other) at some point Linux hosts will kick you out with a "administratively prohibited: open failed". Is there a way around it?

  • Issue with known hosts

    Issue with known hosts

    I believe this is not completely correct. I have have a host (NAME) I should be saving that first and then the remote IP or both but right now it only save the remote IP.. but the Check for Knownhost seems to use the host rather than IP so I get a mistmatched


    Also I was looking at https://www.godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh#HostKeyCallback and it seems that It receives the hostname as passed to Dial or NewClientConn

    I think the logic should check if host and remote are the same otherwise write the host if not matching

  • Custom

    Custom "port" ?

    There are a few places (including command line flags) where it is mentioned but I don't see it being actually used. Is it implemented? If yes, how is it set?

  • Prompt to Add to knownhosts on new connections

    Prompt to Add to knownhosts on new connections

    This is an ssh.HostKeyCallback function I came up with and probably needs to be cleaned up. This was apart of an internal package I created for ssh connections. It doesn't print fingerprints as it should. But it was ignored because the tool I was creating was an internal project.

    func knownHostKey(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {
    	knownFile := os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts")
    	_, err := os.Stat(knownFile)
    	if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
    		f, ferr := os.OpenFile(knownFile, os.O_CREATE, 0600)
    		if ferr != nil {
    			return ferr
    	callback, err := knownhosts.New(knownFile)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	err = callback(hostname, remote, key)
    	if err == nil {
    		return nil
    	var keyErr *knownhosts.KeyError
    	if errors.As(err, &keyErr) && len(keyErr.Want) == 0 {
    		r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
    		fmt.Print("Unknown Host. Would you like to add it [y/N]: ")
    		reply, rerr := r.ReadString('\n')
    		if rerr != nil {
    			return rerr
    		reply = strings.Replace(reply, "\n", "", -1)
    		reply = strings.Replace(reply, "\r", "", -1)
    		if strings.ToLower(reply) != "y" {
    			return err
    		f, ferr := os.OpenFile(knownFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0600)
    		if ferr != nil {
    			return ferr
    		defer f.Close()
    		knownHost := knownhosts.Normalize(remote.String())
    		_, err = f.WriteString(knownhosts.Line([]string{knownHost}, key) + "\n")
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    	return err

    I can add a PR if this is something you would like to support in this package.

  • Support two-factor auth with key and password

    Support two-factor auth with key and password

    Hello! It seems that goph currently does not support two-factor auth with a key AND a password. See https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/17931/possible-to-use-both-private-key-and-password-authentication-for-ssh-login. Thank you!

  • Need a function that automatically adds host to known_hosts.

    Need a function that automatically adds host to known_hosts.

    Are you considering adding a function that automatically adds hosts to known_hosts for goph.Config.Callback?

    For some controllable internal networks, we basically do not need to consider man-in-the-middle attacks when connecting to the server, and we use other solutions to control user login and record behavior.

  • SSH NewSession Can Hang Indefinitely

    SSH NewSession Can Hang Indefinitely

    See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26643

    The relevant fix can be seen here: https://github.com/cybozu-go/cke/pull/81/files

    I hit this using the latest goph client on a remote machine with a badly behaving SSH Server.

    Workaround is to timeout the channel in which the goph calls are being executed.

        select {
        case result := <- someChannel:
        case <- time.After(timeout * time.Second):
            fmt.Println("ssh new session was hung")
  • Fix issue around adding incorrect KnownHost

    Fix issue around adding incorrect KnownHost

    Host should always be check against remote as it could be a name or an IP. but if the name is passed then it won t match the remote IP and therefore saved the incorrect entry in the known host

  • Download files

    Download files

    I get this error "no new variables on left side of :=" on this line of code err := client.Download("/path/to/remote/file", "/path/to/local/file")

    what can i do???

  • context support for command cancellation

    context support for command cancellation

    It is convenient to be able to cancel a command with context.

    A standard go library already has exec.CommandContext, and I just used the same approach here.

    When the context is cancelled, a SIGINT signal is sent to the session. I also considered making a specific signal configurable (because interrupt asks nicely and isn't always reliable). But for now this seems to work fine.

    The previous API without context still works fine, so no compatibility is broken.

  • Invalid Handle problem

    Invalid Handle problem


    I just tried to use goph to test it one of my servers that has ssh, but get an error:

    test> go run .\examples\goph\main.go --ip --pass --cmd ls
    go: downloading github.com/pkg/sftp v1.13.4
    go: downloading golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211
    go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211031064116-611d5d643895
    Enter SSH Password: panic: The handle is invalid.
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    main.askPass({0x5ebee3, 0xd})
            D:/dMUSE/SCP/test07/test/examples/goph/main.go:169 +0xe5 main.main()
            D:/dMUSE/SCP/test07/test/examples/goph/main.go:116 +0x13e exit status 2

    Any thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks

  • Can file transfers be via SCP?

    Can file transfers be via SCP?


    I am developing a cross-platform Go project for Windows, Linux, and MaxOSX which needs low latency secure file transfers. I have read that SCP is significantly faster than SFTP for the actual file transfers, but that SCP does not support file operations that SFTP does.

    In your goph library I am wondering if the transfers are SCP or SFTP?


  • Added 'SeparatedOutput' command to capture stdout and stderr separately

    Added 'SeparatedOutput' command to capture stdout and stderr separately

    I just copy/pasted the code you already had but allowed a channel for stderr. Had to wrestle with the type checker, so that's why all the code I added is duplicate.

    The interesting part is here

     	c.Session.Stdout = &stdout_buff
    	c.Session.Stderr = &stderr_buff

    And now I don't have to lose any information when running remote commands that may have stdout and stderr.

  • Add sudo

    Add sudo

    This pr is for this issue: https://github.com/melbahja/goph/issues/21 You can now run sudo commands like this:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	// Start new ssh connection with private key.
    	auth, err := Key("/home/smss/.ssh/id_rsa", "")
    	if err != nil {
    	client, err := New("smss", "", auth)
    	if err != nil {
    	// Defer closing the network connection.
    	defer client.Close()
    	out, err := client.Run("sudo ls /")
    	if err != nil {
    	// Get your output as []byte.
  • How can I escape ```client.Run(cmd)``` loop?

    How can I escape ```client.Run(cmd)``` loop?

    Question: How can I escape the client.Run(cmd) loop? When I call client.Run(cmd) or cmd.Execute(myCmd) my program can't go to the next tasks. I am trying to run the command in the background of the remote host. then Close connection and allow the app to do other things.

    defer sshClient.Close()         // The app cannot close this 
     _, _:= sshClient.Run(myCmd + "&")     // Infinite loop.
    someEsleTasks()                // The app cannot execute this line 

    Currently I'm skipping Runc(cmd) and jumping to the next code via goroutine. like this

           go func() {
               _, _:= sshClient.Run(myCmd + "&")     // Infinite loop.
               sshClient.Close()             // The app cannot execute this line 

    I'm looking for a logical solution to my problem. thank you so much

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Gsshrun - Running commands via ssh on the server/hosting (if ssh support) specified in the connection file

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