Cryptographic Addition Chain Generation in Go

Build Status Go Report Card DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4662389

Cryptographic Addition Chain Generation in Go

addchain generates short addition chains for exponents of cryptographic interest with results rivaling the best hand-optimized chains. Intended as a building block in elliptic curve or other cryptographic code generators.

  • Suite of algorithms from academic research: continued fractions, dictionary-based and Bos-Coster heuristics
  • Custom run-length techniques exploit structure of cryptographic exponents with excellent results on Solinas primes
  • Generic optimization methods eliminate redundant operations
  • Simple domain-specific language for addition chain computations
  • Command-line interface or library

Table of Contents


An addition chain for a target integer n is a sequence of numbers starting at 1 and ending at n such that every term is a sum of two numbers appearing earlier in the sequence. For example, an addition chain for 29 is

1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 17, 25, 29

Addition chains arise in the optimization of exponentiation algorithms with fixed exponents. For example, the addition chain above corresponds to the following sequence of multiplications to compute x29

 x2 = x1 * x1
 x4 = x2 * x2
 x8 = x4 * x4
 x9 = x1 * x8
x17 = x8 * x9
x25 = x8 * x17
x29 = x4 * x25

An exponentiation algorithm for a fixed exponent n reduces to finding a minimal length addition chain for n. This is especially relevent in cryptography where exponentiation by huge fixed exponents forms a performance-critical component of finite-field arithmetic. In particular, constant-time inversion modulo a prime p is performed by computing xp-2 (mod p), thanks to Fermat's Little Theorem. Square root also reduces to exponentiation for some prime moduli. Finding short addition chains for these exponents is one important part of high-performance finite field implementations required for elliptic curve cryptography or RSA.

Minimal addition chain search is famously hard. No practical optimal algorithm is known, especially for cryptographic exponents of size 256-bits and up. Given its importance for the performance of cryptographic implementations, implementers devote significant effort to hand-tune addition chains. The goal of the addchain project is to match or exceed the best hand-optimized addition chains using entirely automated approaches, building on extensive academic research and applying new tweaks that exploit the unique nature of cryptographic exponents.


The following table shows the results of the addchain library on popular cryptographic exponents. For each one we also show the length of the best known hand-optimized addition chain, and the delta from the library result.

Name This Library Best Known Delta
Curve25519 Field Inversion 266 265 +1
NIST P-256 Field Inversion 266 266 +0
NIST P-384 Field Inversion 397 396 +1
secp256k1 (Bitcoin) Field Inversion 269 269 +0
Curve25519 Scalar Inversion 283 284 -1
NIST P-256 Scalar Inversion 294 292 +2
NIST P-384 Scalar Inversion 434 433 +1
secp256k1 (Bitcoin) Scalar Inversion 293 290 +3

See full results listing for more detail and results for less common exponents.

These results demonstrate that addchain is competitive with hand-optimized chains, often with equivalent or better performance. Even when addchain is slightly sub-optimal, it can still be considered valuable since it fully automates a laborious manual process. As such, addchain can be trusted to produce high quality results in an automated code generation tool.


Command-line Interface

Install a pre-compiled release binary:

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

Alternatively build from source:

go get -u

Search for a curve25519 field inversion addition chain with:

addchain search '2^255 - 19 - 2'


addchain: expr: "2^255 - 19 - 2"
addchain: hex: 7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeb
addchain: dec: 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819947
addchain: best: opt(runs(continued_fractions(dichotomic)))
_10       = 2*1
_11       = 1 + _10
_1100     = _11 << 2
_1111     = _11 + _1100
_11110000 = _1111 << 4
_11111111 = _1111 + _11110000
x10       = _11111111 << 2 + _11
x20       = x10 << 10 + x10
x30       = x20 << 10 + x10
x60       = x30 << 30 + x30
x120      = x60 << 60 + x60
x240      = x120 << 120 + x120
x250      = x240 << 10 + x10
return      (x250 << 2 + 1) << 3 + _11



go get -u

Algorithms all conform to the alg.ChainAlgorithm or alg.SequenceAlgorithm interfaces and can be used directly. However the most user-friendly method uses the alg/ensemble package to instantiate a sensible default set of algorithms and the alg/exec helper to execute them in parallel. The following code uses this method to find an addition chain for curve25519 field inversion:

func Example() {
	// Target number: 2²⁵⁵ - 21.
	n := new(big.Int)
	n.SetString("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeb", 16)

	// Default ensemble of algorithms.
	algorithms := ensemble.Ensemble()

	// Use parallel executor.
	ex := exec.NewParallel()
	results := ex.Execute(n, algorithms)

	// Output best result.
	best := 0
	for i, r := range results {
		if r.Err != nil {
		if len(results[i].Program) < len(results[best].Program) {
			best = i
	r := results[best]
	fmt.Printf("best: %d\n", len(r.Program))
	fmt.Printf("algorithm: %s\n", r.Algorithm)

	// Output:
	// best: 266
	// algorithm: opt(runs(continued_fractions(dichotomic)))


This section summarizes the algorithms implemented by addchain along with references to primary literature. See the bibliography for the complete references list.


The alg/binary package implements the addition chain equivalent of the basic square-and-multiply exponentiation method. It is included for completeness, but is almost always outperformed by more advanced algorithms below.

Continued Fractions

The alg/contfrac package implements the continued fractions methods for addition sequence search introduced by Bergeron-Berstel-Brlek-Duboc in 1989 and later extended. This approach utilizes a decomposition of an addition chain akin to continued fractions, namely

(1,..., k,..., n) = (1,...,n mod k,..., k) ⊗ (1,..., n/k) ⊕ (n mod k).

for certain special operators ⊗ and ⊕. This decomposition lends itself to a recursive algorithm for efficient addition sequence search, with results dependent on the strategy for choosing the auxillary integer k. The alg/contfrac package provides a laundry list of strategies from the literature: binary, co-binary, dichotomic, dyadic, fermat, square-root and total.


Bos-Coster Heuristics

Bos and Coster described an iterative algorithm for efficient addition sequence generation in which at each step a heuristic proposes new numbers for the sequence in such a way that the maximum number always decreases. The original Bos-Coster paper defined four heuristics: Approximation, Divison, Halving and Lucas. Package alg/heuristic implements a variation on these heuristics:

  • Approximation: looks for two elements a, b in the current sequence with sum close to the largest element.
  • Halving: applies when the target is at least twice as big as the next largest, and if so it will propose adding a sequence of doublings.
  • Delta Largest: proposes adding the delta between the largest two entries in the current sequence.

Divison and Lucas are not implemented due to disparities in the literature about their precise definition and poor results from early experiments. Furthermore, this library does not apply weights to the heuristics as suggested in the paper, rather it simply uses the first that applies. However both of these remain possible avenues for improvement.



Dictionary methods decompose the binary representation of a target integer n into a set of dictionary terms, such that n may be written as a sum

n = ∑ 2ei di

for exponents e and elements d from a dictionary D. Given such a decomposition we can construct an addition chain for n by

  1. Find a short addition sequence containing every element of the dictionary D. Continued fractions and Bos-Coster heuristics can be used here.
  2. Build n from the dictionary terms according to the sum decomposition.

The efficiency of this approach boils down to the decomposition method. The alg/dict package provides:

  • Fixed Window: binary representation of n is broken into fixed k-bit windows
  • Sliding Window: break n into k-bit windows, skipping zeros where possible
  • Run Length: decompose n into runs of 1s up to a maximal length
  • Hybrid: mix of sliding window and run length methods



The runs algorithm is a custom variant of the dictionary approach that decomposes a target into runs of ones. It leverages the observation that building a dictionary consisting of runs of 1s of lengths l1, l2, ..., lk can itself be reduced to:

  1. Find an addition sequence containing the run lengths li. As with dictionary approaches we can use Bos-Coster heuristics and continued fractions here. However here we have the advantage that the li are typically very small, meaning that a wider range of algorithms can be brought to bear.
  2. Use the addition sequence for the run lengths li to build an addition sequence for the runs themselves r(li) where r(e) = 2e-1. See dict.RunsChain.

This approach has proved highly effective against cryptographic exponents which frequently exhibit binary structure, such as those derived from Solinas primes.

I have not seen this method discussed in the literature. Please help me find references to prior art if you know any.


Close inspection of addition chains produced by other algorithms revealed cases of redundant computation. This motivated a final optimization pass over addition chains to remove unecessary steps. The alg/opt package implements the following optimization:

  1. Determine all possible ways each element can be computed from those prior.
  2. Count how many times each element is used where it is the only possible way of computing that entry.
  3. Prune elements that are always used in computations that have an alternative.

These micro-optimizations were vital in closing the gap between addchain's automated approaches and hand-optimized chains. This technique is reminiscent of basic passes in optimizing compilers, raising the question of whether other compiler optimizations could apply to addition chains?

I have not seen this method discussed in the literature. Please help me find references to prior art if you know any.


If you use addchain in your research a citation would be appreciated. Citing a specific release is preferred, since they are archived on Zenodo and assigned a DOI. Please use the following BibTeX to cite the most recent 0.2.0 release.

    title        = {addchain: Cryptographic Addition Chain Generation in Go},
    author       = {Michael B. McLoughlin},
    year         = 2021,
    month        = apr,
    howpublished = {Github repository \url{}},
    version      = {0.2.0},
    license      = {BSD 3-Clause License},
    doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4662389},
    url          = {},

If you need to cite a currently unreleased version please consider filing an issue to request a new release, or to discuss an appropriate format for the citation.


Thank you to Tom Dean, Riad Wahby, Brian Smith and str4d for advice and encouragement. Thanks also to Damian Gryski and Martin Glancy for review.


Contributions to addchain are welcome:


addchain is available under the BSD 3-Clause License.

  • alg: extremely slow for 3000+ bit exponents

    alg: extremely slow for 3000+ bit exponents

    addchain search '2^3072 - 1103717' takes an extremely long time, and in fact appears to get stuck.

    See for more context.

  • all: generate citable release

    all: generate citable release

    Build releases of addchain with DOIs from Zenodo.

  • all: look for unused code

    all: look for unused code

    Since this was extracted from a larger project, it's likely some of the library code isn't needed. Perhaps use staticcheck's unused check to look for anything that could be removed.

    Related #6

  • results: NIST P-256 Field Inversion is out of date

    results: NIST P-256 Field Inversion is out of date

    Playing around, I ran NIST P-256 Field Inversion. The results page (and readme) says the best known cost is 266:

    But a local run of addchain says 264. :)

    addchain: expr: "2^256-2^224+2^192+2^96-1"
    addchain: hex: ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff
    addchain: dec: 115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951
    addchain: best: opt(dictionary(sliding_window(32),continued_fractions(dichotomic)))
    addchain: cost: 264
    _10       = 2*1
    _11       = 1 + _10
    _1100     = _11 << 2
    _1111     = _11 + _1100
    _11110000 = _1111 << 4
    _11111111 = _1111 + _11110000
    x16       = _11111111 << 8 + _11111111
    x32       = x16 << 16 + x16
    i230      = ((x32 << 32 + 1) << 128 + x32) << 32
    return      (x32 + i230) << 32 + x32

    I wonder how many other "best knowns" you've now bested. :)

  • cmd/addchain: search options to modify costs

    cmd/addchain: search options to modify costs

    Doubling (squaring) is typically cheaper than addition (multiplication). This PR adds options to the search subcommand to score addition chains based on a weighted sum.

    Closes #55 Updates #117

  • alg: include weighted costs in the optimization function

    alg: include weighted costs in the optimization function

    addchain optimizes for the minimum of M+S. However, this assumes the cost of M and S are equal.

    It's common the rate S/M varies depending on the field.

    | Example | S=M | S=0.8M | S=0.6 M | 
    | 3M + 2S | 5.0 |  5.6   |  4.2    |
    | 4M + 1S | 5.0 |  4.8   |  4.6    |

    The feature request is allow the user to specify the cost of operations.

  • code generation support

    code generation support

    People use this package for code generation support #93. The current output is intended to be as concise as possible, similar to the descriptions in The Most Efficient Known Addition Chains for Field Element & Scalar Inversion for the Most Popular & Most Unpopular Elliptic Curves. However this format can be a little annoying to convert into code. See for example the script.

    The ec3 project has code to output a Go program for a given addition chain:

    Providing access to this logic would be helpful. Specifically, temporary variable allocation and the sequence of add, double and shift operations.

  • addchain/acc: prettify ast building and printing

    addchain/acc: prettify ast building and printing

    The chain we find for the curve25519 scalar is converted to the following acc script.

    _10 = 2*1
    _11 = 1 + _10
    _100 = 1 + _11
    _1000 = 2*_100
    _1010 = _10 + _1000
    _1011 = 1 + _1010
    _10000 = 2*_1000
    _10110 = 2*_1011
    _100000 = _1010 + _10110
    _100110 = _10000 + _10110
    _1000000 = 2*_100000
    _1010000 = _10000 + _1000000
    _1010011 = _11 + _1010000
    _1100011 = _10000 + _1010011
    _1100111 = _100 + _1100011
    _1101011 = _100 + _1100111
    _10010011 = _1000000 + _1010011
    _10010111 = _100 + _10010011
    _10111101 = _100110 + _10010111
    _11010011 = _10110 + _10111101
    _11100111 = _1010000 + _10010111
    _11101011 = _100 + _11100111
    _11110101 = _1010 + _11101011
    ((((((((((((((_1011 + _11110101) << 126 + _1010011) << 9 + _10 + _11110101) << 7 + _1100111) << 9 + _11110101) << 11 + _10111101) << 8 + _11100111) << 9 + _1101011) << 6 + _1011) << 14 + _10010011) << 10 + _1100011) << 9 + _10010111) << 10 + _11110101) << 8 + _11010011) << 8 + _11101011

    The last expression is ugly. Change the generation so this looks more intelligible.

  • acc/pass: handle missing allocations

    acc/pass: handle missing allocations

    The variable allocator currently raises an assertion error if it encounters a write to an operand without an allocation. Allocation is done like liveness analysis: the instructions are processed in reverse and variables are allocated as they are read, freed when they're written to. Therefore this assertion would trigger if the operand is never read after it's written.

    Therefore, this would only happen for a redundant chain which computes a value it never needs. Clearly this isn't ideal, but it does seem to happen for some algorithms. It seems best that the allocator doesn't crash in these cases.

    This PR updates the allocation logic to handle this case. In practice if this happens the variable would be immediately allocated and freed.

    Updates #129 #133 #136

  • meta: extract from internal

    meta: extract from internal

    We intend to expose package metadata through the code generation interface #94. If so, it seems wrong to publically expose an internal package. Instead of duplicating data we'll just make it public instead.

  • alg: prune chains with unused intermediate values

    alg: prune chains with unused intermediate values

    When testing changes to the allocator related to #129 I was running the allocator on chains randomly generated by alg/rand.SolverGenerator. This test triggered an assertion in the allocator:

    Allocation is done like liveness analysis: the instructions are processed in reverse and variables are allocated as they are read, freed when they're written to. Therefore this assertion would trigger if the operand is never read after it's written.

    It appears this is actually what's happening. See the example:

        exec_test.go:21: pre:
            [1] ← 2 * [0]
            [2] ← 2 * [1]
            [3] ← [0] + [2]
            [4] ← [0] + [3] 		exec_test.go:29: assertion failure: output operand 4 missing allocation
            [5] ← [2] + [3]
            [6] ← [2] + [5]
            [7] ← [1] + [6]
            [8] ← [2] + [7]
            [9] ← [1] + [8]
            [10] ← [1] + [9]
            [11] ← [2] + [10]
            [12] ← [1] + [11]
            [13] ← [1] + [12]
            [14] ← [8] + [12]
            [16] ← [14] ≪ 2
            [17] ← [3] + [16]
            [25] ← [17] ≪ 8
            [26] ← [5] + [25]
            [35] ← [26] ≪ 9
            [36] ← [13] + [35]
            [40] ← [36] ≪ 4
            [41] ← [7] + [40]
            [47] ← [41] ≪ 6
            [48] ← [9] + [47]
            [53] ← [48] ≪ 5
            [54] ← [13] + [53]
            [62] ← [54] ≪ 8
            [63] ← [9] + [62]
            [67] ← [63] ≪ 4
            [68] ← [6] + [67]
            [74] ← [68] ≪ 6
            [75] ← [13] + [74]
            [80] ← [75] ≪ 5
            [81] ← [8] + [80]
            [86] ← [81] ≪ 5
            [87] ← [11] + [86]
            [95] ← [87] ≪ 8
            [96] ← [10] + [95]
            [102] ← [96] ≪ 6
            [103] ← [10] + [102]
            [107] ← [103] ≪ 4
            [108] ← [6] + [107]
            [116] ← [108] ≪ 8
            [117] ← [5] + [116]
            [121] ← [117] ≪ 4
            [122] ← [3] + [121]
            [129] ← [122] ≪ 7
            [130] ← [13] + [129]
            [138] ← [130] ≪ 8
            [139] ← [3] + [138]
            [146] ← [139] ≪ 7
            [147] ← [8] + [146]
            [153] ← [147] ≪ 6
            [154] ← [9] + [153]
            [161] ← [154] ≪ 7
            [162] ← [12] + [161]
            [169] ← [162] ≪ 7
            [170] ← [12] + [169]
            [181] ← [170] ≪ 11
            [182] ← [11] + [181]
            [183] ← 2 * [182]
            [184] ← [0] + [183]
            [191] ← [184] ≪ 7
            [192] ← [0] + [191]

    It seems there's either a bug somewhere, perhaps in the conversion from addchain.Program to ir.Program, or this is a trivial optimization pass that could be added to alg/opt.

  • cmd/addchain,internal/gen: allow input parameters

    cmd/addchain,internal/gen: allow input parameters

    Initial code generation support #94 #127 has landed but has some limitations, the most notable of which is that variable names are hard-coded:

    At a minimum these should be configurable.

    It may also make sense to support additional input parameters that are passed on to the template. For example, in the code generation case you might want things like the function name or package name to be configurable so that one template could be shared.

  • cost models

    cost models

    Currently, addition chains are chosen with basic cost models: typically just length, but also #120 allowed weightings for add/double.

    It could be good to support more complex cost functions. For example #54 suggested number of live variables, or estimate of pipeline stalls.

    At the moment this issue is just a placeholder to record the idea and invite discussion.

  • alg: implement Itoh-Tsujii algorithm

    alg: implement Itoh-Tsujii algorithm

    This algorithm is by far the most used for small addition chains. It is formulated for binary fields, but the core idea can be adapted to work in prime fields,

    -- didn't check if this algorithm is already covered

  • code: better variable names

    code: better variable names

    it is noisy to get variables named in binary _100 or _101. Better to follow a standard rule, such as i4 or any other counter in decimal or hex. or at least, allow the user to specify the format desired.

  • alg/dict: SlidingWindow: max zeroes and shortening

    alg/dict: SlidingWindow: max zeroes and shortening

    As discussed in #56. I finally got around to submitting these improvements.

    This change adds new variations of SlidingWindow and modifies Hybrid to use an arbitrary Decomposer after runs are removed. SlidingWindowRTL and SlidingWindowShortRTL construct the windows from least to most significant bit (right-to-left) instead of the default left-to-right approach. SlidingWindowShort and SlidingWindowShortRTL incorporate a "shortening" heuristic that sometimes cuts windows short. The Z parameter restricts the maximum number of zeroes that may appear in a window. If a window is maximum length, contains at least one zero, and the bit following the window is a one, then the window is shortened in order to yield all trailing ones to the next window.

    This new behavior was inspired by the windowing technique used for the upper half of smooth isogeny primes in [isogenychains]. This update also adds p512-2 from [isogenychains] to the result set.

    Improvements with the new Ensemble:

    • p256_scalar improved from +2 to -1
    • p384_scalar improved from +1 to +0
    • isop512_field (new) is -3
    • p2519_field improved from 263 to 261

    Notably, the isop512_field results are better than [isogenychains] when using their weighting metric (square = 0.8 * multiply).

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