Create changelogs for Helm Charts, based on git history


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Create changelogs for Helm Charts, based on git history.

The application depends on the assumption that the helm chart is released on the first commit where the version number is bumped in the Chart.yaml file.

All sub-sequent commits are grouped as commits for the next release, until the version number is bumped again.


The changelog contains the following things:

  • Commits are grouped by releases
  • Each release displays
    • Supported Helm version
    • Release date
    • App Version for the chart
    • Supported Kubernetes version
  • Changes in default helm values


This repository contains a set of example changelogs created for the charts.


All relevant commands are added to the Makefile

$ make help

  make <target>

  help                  Display this help
  test-unit             Run unit-tests
  test-integration      Run integration-tests
  build                 Build binary
  verify                tests and builds
  image                 build docker image
  clean                 clean up created files
  all                   Runs test, build and docker
  test-coverage         Generate test coverage report
  lint                  Generate static analysis report
  update-docs           Upgrade automatic documentations

Run Standalone

First build the standalone binary:

$ make build
go build -o ./bin/helm-changelog .

This results in a binary in ./bin/helm-changelog.

# See all cli options
$ ./bin/helm-changelog --help
Create changelogs for Helm Charts, based on git history

  helm-changelog [flags]

  -h, --help               help for helm-changelog
  -v, --verbosity string   Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "warning")

# Run helm-changelog creator with default params
$ ./bin/helm-changelog

Run in Docker

The helm-changelog can alternatively be run in docker.

This is done in a multi-stage build, and does not require a working go development environment.

# Building the application and docker image
$ make image

# Run the resulting docker image
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data mogensen/helm-changelog:latest

The helm-changelog app is running as a non-root user. This is a security best-practice. If user 1000 does not have write access to the chart directory, you may need to run the container as an other user.

# Run docker image as current user
$ docker run --user $UID it --rm -v $(pwd):/data mogensen/helm-changelog:latest


Running Unit Tests

Unit tests are implemented with Go's standard test framework.

All tests are located in their own test-packages, enforcing that the tests only test the public interface of the go packages.

# Run unit tests and code coverage, including test for race conditions
$ make test-coverage
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