Patreon Go API client

Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card codecov MIT license Patreon


patreon-go is a Go client library for accessing the Patreon API.

How to import

The patreon-go package may be installed by running:

go get


import ""

Basic example

import ""

func main() {
	client := patreon.NewClient(nil)
	user, err := client.FetchUser()
	if err != nil {
		// ...



The patreon-go library does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, pass an http.Client that can handle authentication for you, most likely you will need oauth2 package.

Here is an example with static token:

import (

func NewPatreonClient(ctx context.Context, token string) *patreon.Client {
	ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token})
	tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts)
	client := patreon.NewClient(tc)
	return client

Automatically refresh token:

func NewPatreonClient() (*patreon.Client, error) {
	config := oauth2.Config{
		ClientID:     "<client_id>",
		ClientSecret: "<client_secret>",
		Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
			AuthURL:  AuthorizationURL,
			TokenURL: AccessTokenURL,
		Scopes: []string{"users", "pledges-to-me", "my-campaign"},

	token := oauth2.Token{
		AccessToken:  "<current_access_token>",
		RefreshToken: "<current_refresh_token>",
		// Must be non-nil, otherwise token will not be expired
		Expiry: time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour),

	tc := config.Client(context.Background(), &token)

	client := NewClient(tc)
	_, err := client.FetchUser()
	if err != nil {


Look & Feel

func Example_fetchPatronsAndPledges() {
	ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: testAccessToken})
	tc := oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, ts)

	// Create client with static access token
	client := NewClient(tc)

	// Get your campaign data
	campaignResponse, err := client.FetchCampaign()
	if err != nil {

	campaignId := campaignResponse.Data[0].Id

	cursor := ""
	page := 1

	for {
		pledgesResponse, err := client.FetchPledges(campaignId,

		if err != nil {

		// Get all the users in an easy-to-lookup way
		users := make(map[string]*User)
		for _, item := range pledgesResponse.Included.Items {
			u, ok := item.(*User)
			if !ok {

			users[u.Id] = u

		fmt.Printf("Page %d\r\n", page)

		// Loop over the pledges to get e.g. their amount and user name
		for _, pledge := range pledgesResponse.Data {
			amount := pledge.Attributes.AmountCents
			patronId := pledge.Relationships.Patron.Data.Id
			patronFullName := users[patronId].Attributes.FullName

			fmt.Printf("%s is pledging %d cents\r\n", patronFullName, amount)

		// Get the link to the next page of pledges
		nextLink := pledgesResponse.Links.Next
		if nextLink == "" {

		cursor = nextLink

Maksym Pavlenko
containers, microVMs, Kubernetes. @containerd maintainer.
Maksym Pavlenko
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    Webhook example

    Hi, I'm trying/struggling to build a Patreon webhook using this library.

    Does anyone have a working example I could use as a start? I find the webhook data structures quite complex and I wouldn't want to spend time on this if anyone else did it already.

  • use token to get info failer, nothing to got.

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    config := oauth2.Config{ ClientID: "myclient", ClientSecret: "mysecret", Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: "", TokenURL: "", }, Scopes: []string{"identity","identity[email]","identity.memberships","campaigns", "campaigns.members", "campaigns.members[email]", "campaigns.members.address"},//"users", "pledges-to-me", "my-campaign"}, } // get token token, err := config.PasswordCredentialsToken(ctx, username, password)

    tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, config.TokenSource(ctx, token)) client := patreon.NewClient(tc)

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    //3..... campaign, err := client.GetCampaigns()

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    please help me , if i can not solve the problem,my boss will fire me. thank you very much,you can also use email:[email protected] or wechat guagual to contact me ,thank you again.

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    I'm attempting to call NewPatreonClient() for as defined in the README and receiving this error:

    panic: Get "": oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized
    Response: {"error": "invalid_grant"}

    I did modify the NewPatreonClient() in the README slightly because it was throwing errors due to missing a return and NewClient method not referencing the package. Here's my code:

    func NewPatreonClient() (*patreon.Client, error) {
    	config := oauth2.Config{
    		ClientID:     os.Getenv("PATREON_CLIENT_ID"),
    		ClientSecret: os.Getenv("PATREON_CLIENT_SECRET"),
    		Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
    		Scopes: []string{"users", "pledges-to-me", "my-campaign"},
    	token := oauth2.Token{
    		AccessToken:  os.Getenv("PATREON_CREATOR_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
    		RefreshToken: os.Getenv("PATREON_CREATOR_REFRESH_TOKEN"),
    		// Must be non-nil, otherwise token will not be expired
    		Expiry: time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour),
    	tc := config.Client(context.Background(), &token)
    	client := patreon.NewClient(tc)
    	user, err := client.FetchUser()
    	if err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("%v\n", user)
    	return client, nil

    I'm using patreon-go.v1

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