An Api for Task by Appointy made using go.

AppointyTask API

How to Compile

  • Export All the required environment variables.

  MONGO_URI = Database URI
  PORT = Port to run the server on
  DATABASE_NAME = Database name
  • Navigate to api directory and Run the command.

  go run main.go
  • The server will be running on the port specified using the environment variable PORT.
  • The API will through an runtime error if the environment variables are not set.

Details About the Endpoints

  • [ POST ] /users: To create a new user.

    Checks if the user already exists in the database. If the user does not exist, creates a new user.

    Request Body:

    "_id"       : string,     //Later Converted to Mongo ObjectId
    "name"      : string,
    "username"  : string,
    "password"  : string,
  • [ GET ] /users/{id}: To get a user by id.

    Returns the user with the given id.

    Request Body:

    "_id"       : string,     //Later Converted to Mongo ObjectId
    "name"      : string,
    "username"  : string,
    "password"  : nil,
  • [ POST ] /posts: To create a new post.

    Creates a new post.

    Response :

    "_id"       : string,     //Later Converted to Mongo ObjectId
    "caption"   : string,
    "imageurl"  : string,
    "postedat"  : string,
    "userid"    : mongo.ObectjId,     
  • [ GET ] /posts/{id}: To get a post by id.

    Returns the post with the given id.

    Response :

    "_id"       : string,     //Later Converted to Mongo ObjectId
    "caption"   : string,
    "imageurl"  : string,
    "postedat"  : string,
    "userid"    : mongo.ObectjId,     
  • [ GET ] /posts/users/{uid}: To get all posts by userid.

    For the specified userid, returns the posts of the user based on Page No. and Page Limit.

    Request Body:

    "page"      : int,
    "limit"     : int,

Response :

    "_id"       : string,     //Later Converted to Mongo ObjectId
    "caption"   : string,
    "imageurl"  : string,
    "postedat"  : string,
    "userid"    : mongo.ObectjId,     
  }, Upto the Page Limit or till the end of the posts]
Soumya Ranjan Tripathy
Full Stack Developer | Competitive Coder | A curiosity in machine learning and Flutter.
Soumya Ranjan Tripathy
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