Static analyser for finding Deadlocks in Go

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Static analyser for finding Deadlocks in Go

This is a static analyser to model concurrency and find deadlocks in Go code. The main purpose of this tool is to infer from Go source code its concurrency model in either of the two formats:

  • Communicating Finite State Machines (CFSMs)
  • MiGo types

The inferred models are then passed to separate tools for formal analysis. In both approaches, we apply a system known in the literature as Session Types to look for potential communication mismatches to preempt potential deadlocks.


dingo-hunter can be installed by go get, go version go1.7.1 is required.

$ go get -u


There are two approaches (CFSMs and MiGo types) based on two research work.

CFSMs approach

This approach generates CFSMs as models for goroutines spawned in the program, the CFSMs are then passed to a synthesis tool to construct a global choreography and check for validity (See paper).

First install the synthesis tool gmc-synthesis by checking out the submodule:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/; git submodule init; git submodule update
$ cd third_party/gmc-synthesis

Follow README to install and build gmc-synthesis, i.e.

$ cabal install MissingH split Graphalyze
$ ./getpetrify # and install to /usr/local/ or in $PATH
$ ghc -threaded GMC.hs --make && ghc --make BuildGlobal

To run CFSMs generation on example/local-deadlock/main.go:

$ dingo-hunter cfsms --prefix deadlock example/local-deadlock/main.go

Output should say 2 channels, then run synthesis tool on extracted CFSMs

$ cd third_party/gmc-synthesis
$ ./runsmc inputs/deadlock_cfsms 2 # where 2 is the number of channels

The SMC check line indicates if the global graph satisfies SMC (i.e. safe) or not.


  • Our tool currently support synchronous (unbuffered channel) communication only
  • Goroutines spawned after any communication operations must not depend on those communication. Our model assumes goroutines are spawned independenly.

MiGo types approach

This approach generates MiGo types, a behavioural type introduced in this work, to check for safety and liveness by a restriction called fencing on channel usage (See paper).

The checker for MiGo types is available at nickng/gong, follow the instructions to build the tool:

$ git clone ssh://
$ cd gong; ghc Gong.hs

To run MiGo types generation on example/local-deadlock/main.go:

$ dingo-hunter migo example/local-deadlock/main.go --no-logging --output deadlock.migo
$ /path/to/Gong -A deadlock.migo


  • Channels as return values are not supported right now
  • Channel recv,ok test not possible to represent in MiGo (requires inspecting value but abstracted by types)

Research publications


This is a research prototype, and may not work for all Go source code. Please file an issue for problems that look like a bug.


dingo-hunter is licensed under the Apache License

  • cfsms extraction panics when analysing undefined channel

    cfsms extraction panics when analysing undefined channel

    Running cfsms on my code, I get a panic. See below a part of the output. I attach full output :

    ` -- return from net.cgoLookupServicePort (2 retvals) net.cgoLookupPort.t28 = extract t27[#0] == Undefined net.cgoLookupPort.t29 = extract t27[#1] == net.cgoLookupServicePort.t47@0 New channel net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0 { type: net.portLookupResult } by net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0 at /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/net/cgo_unix.go:84:16 ^ in role main & changetype from net.cgoLookupPort.t30 to net.cgoLookupPort.t31 (channel net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0) ^ origin @@ queue go net.cgoPortLookup(result:caller[net.cgoLookupPort.t31] = net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0 channel net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0, hints:caller[net.cgoLookupPort.t0] = net.cgoLookupPort.t0@0 struct, network:caller[] = Undefined, service:caller[net.cgoLookupPort.service] = Undefined) ++ invoke net.cgoLookupPort.ctx.func (context.Context).Done() <-chan struct{} select net.cgoLookupPort.t30@0 (2 states) Recv main←ᶜʰnet.cgoLookupPort.t30@0nondet Called by: net.cgoLookupPort() Called by: (*net.Resolver).lookupPort() Called by: (*net.Resolver).LookupPort() Called by: (*net.Resolver).internetAddrList() Called by: net.ResolveUDPAddr() Called by: Called by: panic: Select: Channel net.cgoLookupPort.t32 at /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/net/cgo_unix.go:89:17 is undefined

    goroutine 919 [running]:, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0xf37, 0xc436ba2180, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x39e, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x7e, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0xacd, 0xc436b9e980, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x97f, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x7e, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x4b, 0xc436b8a438, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x647, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x7e, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0xa01, 0xc436b9e780, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x97f, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x7e, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0xa01, 0xc436b9e700, 0xc42f79c380) /Users/dpinyol/socialpoint/src/ +0x97f, 0xc42f79c380) `

  • golang/go/wiki/ResearchPapers


    Hi! this paper is removed from golang/go/wiki/ResearchPapers :disappointed: history:

    Is it possible to re-add ? ( or revert changes ? )

  • go get failed

    go get failed

    $  go get -u
    src/ cannot use map[string]string literal (type map[string]string) as type gographviz.Attrs in field value
    src/ cannot use map[string]string literal (type map[string]string) as type gographviz.Attrs in field value
    src/ cannot use map[string]string literal (type map[string]string) as type gographviz.Attrs in field value
    src/ cannot use map[string]string literal (type map[string]string) as type gographviz.Attrs in field value
    src/ cannot use map[string]string literal (type map[string]string) as type gographviz.Attrs in field value
    src/ cannot use dotNode.Attrs (type gographviz.Attrs) as type map[string]string in argument to dot.Graph.AddNode
  • readme usage example typos

    readme usage example typos

    At the Readme some command line are not up to date, for example the command

    dingo-hunter infer example/local-deadlock/main.go --no-logging --output deadlock.migo

    should be

    dingo-hunter migo examples/local-deadlock/main.go --no-logging --output deadlock.migo

  • sesstype -> CFSM conversion ignores self-loop

    sesstype -> CFSM conversion ignores self-loop

    Conversion from a sesstype (graph of actions) into CFSMs ignores actions which loops directly back to its parent. e.g. Label X; Recv; Goto X; generates a state machine that does a one-shot receive.

    This is due to the automatic creation of a new state for a receive transition, which covers ordinary case but not self-loop.

    Instead, the conversion from sesstype to CFSM should detect self-loop and treat as a special case.

  • Run  my project with panic

    Run my project with panic

    on centos7, I run commd:

    ~/workspace/Server/go/bin/dingo-hunter cfsms --prefix deadlock myproject/

    to check deadlock end with panic output:

    panic: Select: Channel net.cgoLookupPort.^[[4mt32^[[0m at /usr/local/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:90:17 is undefined

    goroutine 1255 [running]:, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x10e0, 0xc4289d2e40, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x401, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x81, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xc1a, 0xc4377c9820, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb8d, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x81, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x4d, 0xc42dedf368, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x76e, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x81, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb3b, 0xc4377c95c0, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb8d, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x81, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb3b, 0xc4377c9500, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb8d, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0x81, 0xc426af0980) /root/workspace/Server/go/src/ +0xb3b ....

  • Unknown name issue when there are no instructions after if block or select block

    Unknown name issue when there are no instructions after if block or select block

    When there are no (channel-related) instructions after if block or select block, the MiGo code is broken due to the unknown function name.

    A sample code is the following

    func main() {
        x := make(chan bool)
        go func() { x <- true }()
        if true {

    This code is converted to:

    def main.main():
        let t1 = newchan main.main.t1_0_0, 0;
        spawn main.main$1(t1);
        if recv t1; call main.main#2(t1); else endif;
    def main.main$1(x):
        send x;

    The problem is undefined main.main#2.

  • Some channel-closing programs are failed for the naming issue

    Some channel-closing programs are failed for the naming issue

    This simple channel-closing program is failed with a Gong error Some of ["main.main.t0_0_0"] are not declared.

    func main() {
        x := make(chan bool)

    This Go program is translated into MiGo below:

    def main.main():
        let t0 = newchan main.main.t0_0_0, 0;
        close main.main.t0_0_0;

    I think this error occurred because the argument of close in MiGo is main.main.t0_0_0 instead of t0.

  • Split CFSMs extraction to smaller reusable modules

    Split CFSMs extraction to smaller reusable modules

    Bump version up to build with go1.6.2 Refactoring

    • cfsmextract: CFSMs extraction, previously the main deadlock analysis
    • ssabuilder: for building SSA for program with standard defaults
    • logwriter: wrapper for logging
    • Now uses spf13/cobra to handle command line arguments
  • Impossible type assertion

    Impossible type assertion

    Build fails on the latest go release (go1.5.3) with the following error: sesstype/sesstype.go:37: impossible type assertion: *"".Chan does not implement "go/types".Type (wrong type for Underlying method) have Underlying() "".Type want Underlying() "go/types".Type

    The reason seems to be

    Temporarily workaround (before go1.6 release) is to build with go1.5

  • Errors when running examples

    Errors when running examples


    I get some errors when running dingo-hunter on the programs from the examples folder. I have contacted Nick about this, but he was busy and could not help me at the time. Below is a summary of the errors, in the hope that someone can clarify if these are really errors related to the tool or if I'm doing anything wrong. Thank you!

    CFSMs errors:

    • altbit - panic: Select: Channel main.rx.t12 is undefined
    • dining-philosophers - panic: Select: Channel (*main.Philosopher).getChopsticks.t16 is undefined
    • fcall - FATAL ERROR: (line 3) place q00q10q20q30q40 not declared
    • multiple-files - Undeclared name: x ; couldn't load packages due to errors: main
    • multiple-timeout - panic: Select: Channel main.main.t1 is undefined
    • philo - Not exactly an error, but running for 10-15 minutes does not seem to be enough to show the full output.
    • powsers - panic: Select: Channel main.getn.t21 is undefined
    • timeout-behaviour - panic: Select: Channel main.main.t2 is undefined

    MiGo Types errors:

    • channel-scoping-test - Gong: Some of ["t0"] are not declared.
    • deadlocking-philosophers - panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    • dining-philosophers - panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    • fanin-pattern - Gong: Some of ["t0", "t1", "t3"] are not declared.
    • fanin-pattern-commaok - Gong: [unfoldTillGuard] We don't deal with Seq yet: main.fanin5 <t0, t1>; main.main#14 <t0, t11>; 0
    • fcall - Gong: Some of ["t0"] are not declared.
    • github-golang-go-issue-12734 - github-golang-go-issue-12734.migo is not fenced.
    • golang-blog-prime-sieve - Gong: [unfoldTillGuard] We don't deal with Seq yet
    • makechan-in-loop - Gong: Some of ["t12"] are not declared.
    • md5 - panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    • multi-makechan-same-var - Gong: Some of ["t0"] are not declared.
    • multiple-files - Undeclared name: x ; couldn't load packages due to errors: main
    • multiple-timeout - Gong: Something went wrong, can't find: main.main#1
    • philo - Gong: Some of ["t5"] are not declared.
    • powsers - Gong: Some of ["t32"] are not declared.
    • producer-consumer - Gong: Some of ["done"] are not declared.
    • ring-pattern - ring-pattern.migo is not fenced
    • russ-cox-fizzbuzz - Gong: Some of ["t4", "t1"] are not declared.
    • select-with-weak-mismatch - Gong: Something went wrong, can't find: main.main#1
    • single-gortn-method-call - Gong: Some of ["t1"] are not declared.
    • spawn-in-choice - panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    • squaring-cancellation - Gong: Some of ["t3", "t0"] are not declared.
    • squaring-fanin - Gong: Some of ["t11", "t2"] are not declared.
    • squaring-fanin-bad - Gong: Some of ["t11", "t2"] are not declared.
    • squaring-pipeline - Gong: Some of ["t4"] are not declared.
    • struct-done-channel - Gong: Some of ["t1"] are not declared.
  • Migrate to go/packages

    Migrate to go/packages

    Similar to the migration of Go modules, the new go/packages supports non-mod and mod's way of loading packages as a coherence set of packages.

    We should retire our use of package loading and use go/packages going forward for forward/backward compatibility.

  • Error running example

    Error running example

    Hello, I am having some problems running some the example programs provided, namely the deadlocking-philosophers. When I try to generate a .migo file, it panics:

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x7e7651]
    goroutine 275 [running]:*Const).String(0xc0027af200, 0xc000f80000, 0x70)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x31, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc001977e10)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x3fe*Function).call(0xc001977860, 0xc008535fc0, 0xc005146f00, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc0059430e0, 0xc002ab7560, 0x2)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0xbb*Function).callFn(0xc001977860, 0xc008535fc0, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc0059430e0, 0xc002ab7560, 0x60291c00)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x73*Function).Call(0xc001977860, 0xc008535f80, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc0059430e0, 0xc002ab7560)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0xe5, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00115d360)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x225, 0xc008535f80, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00115d360)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x7cb, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc001977860, 0xc0059430e0, 0xc002ab7560)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x3f8, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00160f870)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x43b, 0xc00853efe0, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00115d870)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x6fa, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc001977860, 0xc005942d20, 0xc002ab7560)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x3f8, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00160fc10)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x109f, 0xc0084c3d48, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc00115dc10)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x3ee, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc001977860, 0xc0059426e0, 0xc002ab7560)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x3f8, 0xc0028bb590, 0xc001977860)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x596*TypeInfer).Run(0xc0028bb590)
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x990
    created by
    	/home/afonso/go_projects/src/ +0x538

    Any idea as to why this may be happening? Thanks!

  • Trouble running/installing

    Trouble running/installing


    I have been trying to use this tool using the CFSM approach, but I have not been able to. I followed the instructions and I can't seem to run the line "dingo-hunter cfsms --prefix deadlock example/local-deadlock/main.go", it says that the dingo-hunter command is not found. Additionally, the "go get -u" at the end issues a "code in directory /home/afonso/go_projects/src/ expects import "". I'm not sure if I made any mistake following the installation process, but any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you!

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