xkcd.com API client in Go


HTTP Client for the xkcd API.

wercker status Coverage Status GoDoc


Details on the xkcd API can be found here.


Outside a project using go modules, get the latest version by running:

go get github.com/nishanths/go-xkcd

Inside a project using go modules, use:

go get github.com/nishanths/go-xkcd@latest


The following program prints details about xkcd.com/599:

package main

import (


func main() {
    client := xkcd.NewClient()

    comic, err := client.Get(context.Background(), 599)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", comic.Title, comic.ImageURL) // Apocalypse: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/apocalypse.png


To run tests:

$ go test -race




The MIT License. Copyright © Nishanth Shanmugham.

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    Here's the main part of the readme:


    xkcd [mode] [params]


    • config
    • fetch
    • likes
    • random
    • help


    xkcd help [mode]  # info on a given mode
    xkcd next  # fetch the comic whose index is one before the last one you saw
    xkcd prev  # fetch the comic whose index is one greater than the last comic you saw
    xkcd fetch -f  # fetch the latest comic even if you checked for it in the past 24 hours
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