Open Cluster Management API

Open Cluster Management API

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The api repository defines relevant concepts and types for problem domains related to managing 0..* Kubernetes clusters.

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  • support Registration FeatureGates to pass feature gates(e.g. V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility) to registration

    support Registration FeatureGates to pass feature gates(e.g. V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility) to registration

    add HubRegistrationFeatureGates to ClusterManager Spec, and SpokeRegistrationFeatureGates to Klusterlet Spec.

    input is like:

      - V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility=true
      - AddonManagement=true
      - V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility=true

    And then, registration-operator will convert them to --feature-gates=AddonManagement=true,--feature-gates=V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility=true, add pass to registration deployment

    We need to set V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility dynamically to registration controller.

    The PR of registration-operator pr 230 on project api, I will modify go.mod and vendor after merging this PR

    an example of klustelet CR image

    Signed-off-by: ivan-cai [email protected]

  • Introduce a PlaceWork API.

    Introduce a PlaceWork API.

    • Initial commit
    • Allows the specification of a ManifestWork.Spec
    • Allows Placement targeting of the ManifestWork.Spec
    • The controller will take the API Spec details and PlacementDecision and create new ManifestWork resources in the appropriate clusters
    • It will also remove ManifestWorks from the appropriate clusters

    Signed-off-by: Joshua Packer [email protected]

  • Make ManagedClusterSet exclusive

    Make ManagedClusterSet exclusive

    We have a proposal about how to make ManagedClusterSet exclusive:, which was discussed in ACM Architecture Topics Open Forum on Sept. 3rd. And it's agreed that option 3 is a better solution. That's the reason why I made this change.

  • Bugfix: Adding `omitempty` jsontag for ManifestWork.status.conditions

    Bugfix: Adding `omitempty` jsontag for ManifestWork.status.conditions

    $ kubectl apply --server-side -f manifestwork-example.yaml .... .... I0506 15:03:19.363009 25916 request.go:1097] Request Body: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"ManifestWork","metadata":{"creationTimestamp":"2021-04-30T12:18:44Z","labels":{"foo":"bar"},"name":"demo-test","namespace":"zuoxiu-local"},"status":{"conditions":[]}} .... .... I0506 15:03:19.386561 25916 request.go:1097] Response Body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"Apply failed with 1 conflict: conflict with "work" using .status.conditions","reason":"Conflict","details":{"causes":[{"reason":"FieldManagerConflict","message":"conflict with "work" using","field":".status.conditions"}]},"code":409} F0506 15:03:19.387107 25916 helpers.go:115] error: Apply failed with 1 conflict: conflict with "work" using .status.conditions Please review the fields above--they currently have other managers. Here...

    b/c the status.conditions field doesnt have the omitempty tag, the server-side applying for manifestwork resources will be constantly failing due to apply conflict. as we can tell from the patch request body, a correct SSA body omitting status subresource should be {"status":{}}, this pull will make SSA work on the manifestwork resources.

  • Add placement APIs

    Add placement APIs

    The related task:

    The enhancement proposal:

    Signed-off-by: Yang Le [email protected]

  • add work helpers

    add work helpers

    Signed-off-by: Zhiwei Yin [email protected]


    1. add work helpers
    2. upgrade k8s to v0.24.0 because the the old pkg ""and the new "" conflict
  • Add a helper function to get all valid ManagedClusterSetBindings

    Add a helper function to get all valid ManagedClusterSetBindings

    Signed-off-by: Mike Ng [email protected]

    Based on the community meeting discussion, this repo was recommended to be a place where some OCM cluster API helper functions can live. I am looking for some feedback before I proceed with enhancing the tests and adding more test cases.

  • add API AddOnPlacementScore

    add API AddOnPlacementScore

    The related feature request: open-cluster-management-io/community#52 Ref:

    Signed-off-by: haoqing0110 [email protected]

  • move registration feature gates to api, can be used by registration-o…

    move registration feature gates to api, can be used by registration-o…

    move registration feature gates to api, can be used by registration-operator for check input feature gates if valid.

    Signed-off-by: ivan-cai [email protected]

  • Update API objects to be more descriptive

    Update API objects to be more descriptive

    This markdown doc describes updates to the API to align names with existing conventions within ACM and to provide more straightforward language for discussing what has been called the nucleus operator.

  • using plural cluster in api group

    using plural cluster in api group

    Our generated client cannot list the spokecluster due to

    Failed to list *v1.SpokeCluster: the server could not find the requested resource (get

    this because we register the api with a singular cluster in api group (, I think we should use the plural form

  • The v1beta1 klusterlet CRD is invalid

    The v1beta1 klusterlet CRD is invalid

    The klusterlet CRD generated for kubernetes cluster which's version is <=1.16 is invalid

    If we apply this CRD to a 1.16.3 kubernetes cluster, will get:

    # kubectl apply -f operator/v1/
    The CustomResourceDefinition "" is invalid:
    *[spec].properties[registrationConfiguration].properties[featureGates][mode].default: Forbidden: must not be set
    *[spec].properties[workConfiguration].properties[featureGates][mode].default: Forbidden: must not be set

    Another validation result from GitHub action

  • WIP:Remove default value of feature gate mode

    WIP:Remove default value of feature gate mode

    Signed-off-by: zhujian [email protected] Remove the default value of feature gate mode. because if we want to import a managed cluster which Kubernetes version is <= 1.16, it will use v1beta1 CustomResourceDefinition, but the v1beta1 CustomResourceDefinition does not support +kubebuilder:default

    ~And the default value of the feature gate false is a little confusing. if we configure a feature specifically, In most cases, I think we want our specified feature to be enabled.~

  • Addon certificate tracking and more addon status condition types

    Addon certificate tracking and more addon status condition types

    1. syncing a few existing condition types from the addon-framework, including RegistrationApplied and ManifestApplied
    2. extending new fields in the addon status to track the validtiy of the certificate
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