cluster registration and lifecycle

Cluster Registration

Contains controllers that support the registration of managed clusters to a hub to place them under management.

Community, discussion, contribution, and support

Check the CONTRIBUTING Doc for how to contribute to the repo.

Getting Started


These instructions assume:

  • You have a running kubernetes cluster
  • You have KUBECONFIG environment variable set to a kubeconfig file giving you cluster-admin role on that cluster

Notice: The time of hub and managed clusters should be synchronized.

Deploy Hub

  1. Run make deploy-hub
  2. Run make deploy-webhook

Deploy Spoke

  1. Run make bootstrap-secret
  2. Run make deploy-spoke
  • Add V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility feature gate for registration-controller

    Add V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility feature gate for registration-controller

    In some cases, our hub cluster's kubernetes version is less than 1.19, and its is v1beta1. So we need to enable the feature gate V1beta1CSRAPICompatibility. Otherwise, the registration-controller will get the following error message.

    W0630 07:07:55.361239       1 reflector.go:324][email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: failed to list *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: the server could not find the requested resource
    E0630 07:07:55.361260       1 reflector.go:138][email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: failed to list *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: the server could not find the requested resource

    Signed-off-by: Promacanthus [email protected]

  • Refactor and make client cert controller reusable

    Refactor and make client cert controller reusable

    As @qiujian16 suggested, it is split into two PRs to support addon registration. This is the first one.

    The related issue:

    Signed-off-by: Yang Le [email protected]

  • add controller to set default clusterset label

    add controller to set default clusterset label

    add a controller to set default cluster set label for managed clusters which not set cluster set label. the label will be

    Signed-off-by: ycyaoxdu [email protected]

  • Report all res information to managedcluster status like cpu and memory

    Report all res information to managedcluster status like cpu and memory

    Signed-off-by: suigh [email protected]

    This change is used to report the GPU information to hub cluster, the status in the managedcluster will be updated. We will use this GPU information to get placement decision in the future. is used here for GPU information because: 1: it is used by nvidia and k8s 2: if we support other GPUs (like AMD gpu) later, we needn't change the current name that only for nvidia gpu only, no compatibility issue.

    The output of kc describe managedclusters is updated as following, is displayed:

    Name:         cluster2
      Hub Accepts Client:      true
      Lease Duration Seconds:  60
        Cpu:             64
        Memory:          256168Mi  1
        Cpu:             64
        Memory:          256468Mi  1

    BTW: Thanks very much for Jian (@zhujian7), without his help, I cannot build the test env at all.

  • add taints controller

    add taints controller

    Signed-off-by: JiaHaoWei [email protected] Implement the Taints mentioned in #, and add ut and integration tests

  • Add details (metric) about Spoke cluster

    Add details (metric) about Spoke cluster

    This is a WIP PR. But since this could generate lots of discussions, wanted raise this and capture all the discussion through this PR.

    Goal: We aim to capture a metric about the Spoke cluster that joins the Hub in Prometheus exposition format as shown

    //cluster_id = OCP ID of the Cluster (need to resolve for eks, etc)
    //type = K8s Distribution, e.g. OCP, EKS, etc
    //version = Distribution version
    //cluster_infrastructure_provider = value "Type" from cluster_infrastructure_provider
    //hub_id = cluster_id of hub server
    //cluster_name =User Display Name of Cluster (defaults to Id if not provided)
    var managedClusterMetric = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
    	Name: "a_managed_cluster",
    	Help: "Managed Cluster being managed by ACM Hub.",
    }, []string{"cluster_name", "cluster_id", "type", "version", "cluster_infrastructure_provider", "hub_id"})


    1. Metrics endpoint is created such that it can be scraped by Prometheus. For this reason we have exposed a new API endpoint in We also have been told by @deads2k and @qiujian16 that we should NOT expose this endpoint - but use the default 8443 port which is available for this and already exposes some other key metrics about the performance of the controller. Moving to 8443 will be WIP.
    2. For the code to work the way it is, we need to add an environment variable (ie we have fenced this off): . So unless the env variable is specifically added to the deployment yaml, this code will not get called.
    3. We are working on adding e2e tests.
    4. As of now, we can only gather the cluster-name of the spoke cluster (which may or may not be the OpenShift ClusterID for OpenShift clusters). We will propose to make other changes so that we can get the ClusterID for OpenShift and *KS clusters in a consistent manner. But we can do that elsewhere. We have also captured the ClusterID for the Spoke cluster using the OpenShift ClusterVersionOperator
    5. We are trying to see what metrics are gathered at the default 8443 port of the registration controller POD and running into security issues - which we will try to work through.
  • remove role/rolebinding finalizer when manifestworks are cleaned

    remove role/rolebinding finalizer when manifestworks are cleaned

    remove finalizer on rbac when all manifestworks are cleaned (samiliar from pr but i think it is better to move to registration repo.

  • check e2e mutatingWebhookDeployment replicas

    check e2e mutatingWebhookDeployment replicas

    Fix the below error when running e2e cases before mutatingWebhook Deployment is ready

    Taints update check Check the taint to update according to the condition status 
      Should update taints automatically
    • Failure in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [0.007 seconds]
    Taints update check
      Check the taint to update according to the condition status
        Should update taints automatically [BeforeEach]
        Unexpected error:
            <*errors.StatusError | 0xc0003941e0>: {
                ErrStatus: {
                    TypeMeta: {Kind: "", APIVersion: ""},
                    ListMeta: {
                        SelfLink: "",
                        ResourceVersion: "",
                        Continue: "",
                        RemainingItemCount: nil,
                    Status: "Failure",
                    Message: "Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: the server is currently unable to handle the request",
                    Reason: "InternalError",
                    Details: {
                        Name: "",
                        Group: "",
                        Kind: "",
                        UID: "",
                        Causes: [
                                Type: "",
                                Message: "failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: the server is currently unable to handle the request",
                                Field: "",
                        RetryAfterSeconds: 0,
                    Code: 500,
            Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: the server is currently unable to handle the request

    Signed-off-by: haoqing0110 [email protected]

  • Support install addons in customized namespaces

    Support install addons in customized namespaces

    Signed-off-by: xuezhaojun [email protected]



  • fix cluster labels update conflict.

    fix cluster labels update conflict.

    fix cluster labels update conflict:

    E1122 13:49:38.188870       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-4/work-manager", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-4": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.423603       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3/governance-policy-framework", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.438568       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1/config-policy-controller", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.451226       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3/config-policy-controller", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.460923       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1/config-policy-controller", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.477055       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1/governance-policy-framework", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.488734       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.503787       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1/governance-policy-framework", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-1": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
    E1122 13:49:45.511774       1 base_controller.go:270] "AddOnFeatureDiscoveryController" controller failed to sync "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3", err: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "ocm-controlplane-1-mc-3": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

    Signed-off-by: morvencao [email protected]

  • [RFE] during import cluster auto detect microshift vendor/version

    [RFE] during import cluster auto detect microshift vendor/version

    MicroShift is a project that is exploring how OpenShift and Kubernetes can be optimized for small form factor and edge computing.


    microshift is currently recognized as OpenShiftV3 when registering a cluster. This affects Observability to install monitoring stack for microshift.

  • [WIP] Refactor cluster deletion process

    [WIP] Refactor cluster deletion process

    1. monitor addon/work when deletion
    2. delete ns when a special label is not set
    3. allow adding other resource to monitor before starting deletion process

    Signed-off-by: Jian Qiu [email protected]

  • Add label to all kube resources that are created/managed by registration

    Add label to all kube resources that are created/managed by registration

    We need to add label to all kube resources that are created/managed by registration, thus we can use this label to filter the resources when we inform the resources to reduce the resource usage

  • Add the ability to auth to managed clusters without using CSR

    Add the ability to auth to managed clusters without using CSR

    For some reason we don't have ability for enabling CSR in our clusters. Can you add another way to authenticate managed clusters without using CSR, like sa-token/secret with kubeconfig?

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