A toy project to stream from a Remarkable2


I use this toy project to stream my remarkable 2 (firmware 2.5) on my laptop using the local wifi.

video/demo here

Quick start

You need ssh access to your remarkable

Download two files from the release page:

  • the server "Linux/Armv7" for your remarkable
  • the client for your laptop according to the couple OS/arch

or build it yourself if you have the go toolchain installed on your machine.

The server

Copy the server on the remarkable and start it.

scp goMarkableStreamServer.arm remarkable:
ssh remarkable './goMarkableStreamServer.arm /proc/$(pidof xochitl)/mem'

The client


It is possible to tweak the configuration via environment variables:


Env var Default Descri[ption
RK_SERVER_BIND_ADDR :2000 the TCP listen address
RK_FB_ADDRESS 4387048 the location of the pointer to the framebuffer in the xochitl process. Default works for firmware 2.5


Env var Default Descri[ption
RK_CLIENT_BIND_ADDR :8080 the TCP listen address
RK_SERVER_ADDR remarkabke:2000 the address of the remarkable

How it works?

The server loop

  • The server gets the address of the framebuffer in the memory space of the xochitl
  • The server launches a "ticketing system" to avoid congestion. The ticketing system is a channel that gets an event every 200ms.
  • Then it exposes a gRPC function (with TLS and mutual authentication).
  • The gRPC function waits for a "ticket" on the channel, and then grabs the data from the framebuffer.
  • It packs the data into an image message encoded in protobuf and sends it to the consumer

The client loop

  • The client creates an MJPEG stream and serves it over HTTP on the provided address
  • The client dial server and sends its certificate, and add the compression header.
  • Then it triggers a goroutine to get the image in a for loop.
  • The image is then encoded into JPEG format and added to the MJPEG stream.


The communication is using TLS. The client and the server owns an embedded certificate chain (with the CA). There are performing mutual authentication. A new certificate chain is generated per build. Therefore, if you want restrict the access to your server to your client only, you must rebuild the tool yourself.

Manual build

Note: you need go > 1.16beta to build the tool because of the embedding mechanism for the certificate.

To build the tool manually, the easiest way is to use goreleaser:

goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist

To build the services manually:

go generate ./... # This generates the certificates
cd server && GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o goStreamServer.arm
cd client && go build -o goStreamClient

Inside the remarkable

Most of the information on how to hack the remarkable 2 comes from the reStream project See #28 for more info. All I did was to plumb the information to suit my own need.

Here is the recap:

  • To get the remarkable version:
reMarkable: ~/ cat /usr/share/remarkable/update.conf
  • To find the location of the framebuffer pointer:
strace xochitl

563 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/fb0", O_RDWR)    = 5
564 ioctl(5, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, 0x7ee9d5f4) = 0
565 ioctl(5, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, 0x42f0ec) = 0
566 ioctl(5, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, 0x42f0ec) = 0

Global framebuffer is located at 0x42f0ec-4 =0x42f0e8 (4387048 in decimal)

  • To extract a picture:
pid=`pidof xochitl`
addr=`dd if=/proc/$pid/mem bs=1 count=4 skip=4387048  2>/dev/null | hexdump | awk '{print $3$2}'`
skipbytes=`printf "%d" $((16#$addr))`
dd if=/proc/$pid/mem bs=1 count=2628288 skip=$skipbytes > out.data

Note: 1404*1872 =2628288 is the size of the binary data to get


All the people in the reStream projet and specially @ddvk and @raisjn

Olivier Wulveryck
Here I am a geek and a gopher. In real life, I am a consultant. It means that most of the contribution to the OSS projects is out of office hours.
Olivier Wulveryck
  • White screen only despite connection established

    White screen only despite connection established

    Hi, wondering if something in 2.10 broke streaming. Here is what I got on a rM2 :

    reMarkable: ~/ ./goMarkableStreamServer.arm 
    2021/12/04 15:56:07 listening on tcp :2000
    2021/12/04 15:56:37 New connection from:

    and on desktop

    fabien@fabien-CORSAIR-ONE-i160:~/Downloads$ RK_SERVER_ADDR=remarkable2:2000 goMarkableClient_0.5.2_Linux_x86_64/goMarkableClient
    2021/12/04 16:56:37 listening on :8080
    2021/12/04 16:56:37 Connection established

    so it looks all fine but in the browser, a white screen. If I click on it, I can download the screenshot but then it's all white, empty to be precise as I end up with a transparent png.

    Might be related to https://github.com/rien/reStream/issues/84 hence my reMarkable breaking update suspicion.

  • Feature request: manual rotate

    Feature request: manual rotate

    For some reason the autorotate functionality doesn't work for me. Might be due to the ddvk binary patch of xochitl. A workaround might be a simple manual rotate, say pressing r in the streaming endpoint.

  • Issue with running client script

    Issue with running client script

    Hi thanks for your work!

    I tried to run the instructions (I also use the shortcut remarkable for the ssh so it was straightforward). But when I run the client script I get the following error:

    > ssh remarkable './goMarkableStreamServer.arm $(pidof xochtil)'
    2021/04/29 10:42:10 Usage: ./goMarkableStreamServer.arm $(pidof xochitl)
    >  RK_SERVER_ADDR=remarkable:2000 ./goMarkableClient
    2021/04/29 12:42:22 listening on :8080, registered /video
    press enter to take screenshot -> 2021/04/29 12:42:22 Error when calling GetImage: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: lookup remarkable on server misbehaving"

    Am I missing something?

    Forgot to mention: Remarkable 2 - Version Linux x64 - Ubuntu 20.04

  • not working after update

    not working after update

    Olivier, thank you for your code, made my work and my teaching a lot easier over zoom :-)

    A couple of days ago I updated my remarkable2 (firmware and ... panic ! goMarkableStream is not working... on the client I get the following

    ./goMarkableClient listening on :8080, registered /video Error when calling GetImage: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/218/mem: input/output error

    On the remarkable I tried this reMarkable: ~/ pid=pidof xochitl reMarkable: ~/ addr=dd if=/proc/$pid/mem bs=1 count=4 skip=4387048 2>/dev/null | hexdump | awk '{print $3$2}' reMarkable: ~/ skipbytes=printf "%d" $((16#$addr)) reMarkable: ~/ dd if=/proc/$pid/mem bs=1 count=2628288 skip=$skipbytes > out.data

    --> dd: /proc/218/mem: Input/output error and I get the message above...

    there are more remarkable2's in the family, all with the previous system -I told them to reject this update- and they all work fine with the same goMarkableStream installation. Is anyone having the same issue ?

    Thank you very much Joao Costeira

  • client cannot start: input/output error

    client cannot start: input/output error

    After starting the client, I get

    # RK_SERVER_ADDR= ./goMarkableClient
    2021/03/25 14:15:31 listening on :8080, registered /video
    2021/03/25 14:15:31 Error when calling GetImage: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/3053/mem: input/output error

    On the server side, there is no more details

    2021/03/25 13:12:48 listening on tcp :2000
    2021/03/25 13:14:17 New connection from:
  • Process name

    Process name

    After the remarkable goes to sleep Im finding the process gets a bit funky, and i can't connect to it.

    ps aux doens't seem to work within the remarkable, any idea what the process might be for me to kill it manually?

  • add a way to manually rotate the image

    add a way to manually rotate the image

    Hello 👋 I am loving this project, thanks for your work!

    I love the auto rotate feature but sometimes I want to rotate the image regardless of how the document is oriented. I am not an expert at Go so definitely appreciate any feedback regardless of if this PR gets merged. I also looked into having these buttons within /conf instead of / but I could not figure that out 😅


    add buttons to hit the orientation endpoint when autorotate is disabled either via /conf or RK_CLIENT_AUTOROTATE


    Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 10 56 57 PM


    Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 11 20 17 PM

  • Input/output error on rM1, Firmware

    Input/output error on rM1, Firmware

    Thanks for writing this software, it is exactly what I was looking for!

    Unfortunately I'm having trouble getting it to work with my rM1 on firmware

    2021/06/22 14:11:55 Connection established
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 cannot grab picture rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/216/mem: input/output error
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 Connection established
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 cannot grab picture rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/216/mem: input/output error
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 Connection established
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 cannot grab picture rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/216/mem: input/output error
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 Connection established
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 cannot grab picture rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/216/mem: input/output error
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 Connection established
    2021/06/22 14:11:56 cannot grab picture rpc error: code = Unknown desc = read /proc/216/mem: input/output error

    and so on, forever. The server prints

    2021/06/22 12:11:57 New connection from:
    2021/06/22 12:11:58 New connection from:
    2021/06/22 12:11:58 New connection from:
    2021/06/22 12:11:58 New connection from:
    2021/06/22 12:11:58 New connection from:

    also forever.

  • Single script for starting client and server

    Single script for starting client and server

    Pretty nice work. I really like it. I developed a small script which allows me to start the client and the server simply from the terminal by just issuing rmshare. It uses mpv for showing the video feed.

    Here is the script. Feel free to add it to your repo as well.


  • address already in use

    address already in use

    The tool works perfectly (thanks a lot for it!). I'm just a bit confused by a message which I get when running the server:

    [...] listen tcp :2000: bind: address already in use

    My OS: ubuntu 18.04.

  • Orientation


    This implements an endpoint to change the orientation.

    sending a GET request to /orientation?orientation=[landscape|portrait] should change the orientation.

    This will implement #24


    $ curl http://localhost:9090/orientation\?orientation\=portrait
    $ curl http://localhost:9090/orientation\?orientation\=landscape
  • Improve the service file to run the server as a service on the tablet

    Improve the service file to run the server as a service on the tablet

    I made a script that triggers the server as a daemon on the tablet:


    I had to make an ugly sleep because the server needs to xochitl process to be ready and I could not figure out how to do it ?

    It needs an update (if you know how systemctl works, it would be helpful).

  • Implement support for RM1

    Implement support for RM1

    As discussed in #19 it should be straightforward to implement a support for RM1.

    I will not do it as I do not have a RM1 for testing, but I will eventually provide some help if someone wants to do it.

  • Button to start/stop service on remarkable

    Button to start/stop service on remarkable

    Thank you for your hard work. Do you think, would it be possible to have some button in remarkable to start or stop service? Or it has to be implemented on remarkable side? Thanks again

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