Go specs implemented as a scripting language in Rust.


A script language like Python or Lua written in Rust, with exactly the same syntax as Go's.

The Goal

  • Runs most pure Go code, probably add some dynamic features if requested.

How do I try

The project "engine" is the entry/wrapper. there are test cases in here to browse through.

  • Make sure your Rust installation is up to date.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Go to goscript/engine
  • Run cargo test -- --nocapture

Use Cases

  • As an embedded language like Lua.
  • As a glue language like Python.


  • A scripting language that can be embedded in Rust.
  • Go is popular and easy(even as a scripting language), why invent new grammars?
  • In some cases, when your project gets big:
    • If Go were an embedded language it would be better than Lua.
    • If Go were a glue language it would be better than Python, in terms of project maintainability.
  • I found a new hammer(Rust) that I like, and decided to use it on a nail(Go) that I like.


  • There are five projects:
    • parser -- a port of the official implementation that comes with the Go installer.
    • type checker -- a port of the official implementation that comes with the Go installer.
    • codegen -- generates the bytecode.
    • vm -- runs the bytecode.
    • engine -- the wrapper.


  • Language: Feature complete (except the features that are so insignificant that I forgot -_-) Some of the features are, probably for the first time, implemented in a script language, like Select/Defer/Pointer/Interface/Struct.
  • Standard library: just got started.
  • Production readiness: far from. The parser and the type checker are probably ok because they were ported and passes the test cases comes with the original code. The backend has a lot of rough edges, and we need much more test cases.
  • Next step: no new features for now, polish then work on the standard library.

Get in touch

  • Infinite loop with certain input

    Infinite loop with certain input

    This section of the code loops infinitely with input `.

    fn test() {
        let mut fs = fe::FileSet::new();
        let o = &mut fe::objects::Objects::new();
        let el = &mut fe::errors::ErrorList::new();
        parse_file(o, &mut fs, el, "/a", "`", false);
  • Functions with variadic arguments don't work when called with zero params

    Functions with variadic arguments don't work when called with zero params


    package main
    func broken(elems ...int) {}
    func main() {
    thread 'test_std_temp' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 0', codegen/src/codegen.rs:965:32

    This is a pretty amazing project, thanks for putting it out there :)

  • Dot import does not work

    Dot import does not work

    The Dot import syntax brings the entire package into the current namespace. So, you don’t have to call the functions using the package name. You can directly call them.

    Reproduction code

    package main
    import (
      . "fmt2"
    func main() {
      Println("Hello, World!")

    Expected Results

    That it would print out "Hello, World!"

    Actual Results

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', ...goscript/codegen/src/package.rs:47:60
  • member resolution fails with embedded structs

    member resolution fails with embedded structs

    Hello! Wonderful project. I was playing around with embedded structs as they're a golang feature I quite like, and I found that fields and methods aren't promoted in goscript like they are in golang proper:

    package main
    import (
    type Base struct {
    	name string
    func (b Base) PrintField() {
    type Container struct {
    func main() {
    	t := Container{Base{"go"}}
            //t.PrintField() //error in goscript, but works in golang
    	t.Base.PrintField() //have to use this instead

    I'm not sure if this is an issue with the go specs, or simply this implementation. I'm not even sure if implementing field promotion is on the table. But I felt it was worth bringing up anyway. The error specifically when trying to run this script is: thread 'main' panicked at 'no entry found for key', ...\vm\src\metadata.rs:493:9 so it seems to be an error with field name resolution.

  • some refactoring and reformatting

    some refactoring and reformatting

    the only change of functionality is in the function shorten_with_ellipsis. I also hope I fixed the issue with array into_iter()... (I didn't test it, there may be some errors in it...)

  • Octal integer improvements

    Octal integer improvements

    This PR aims to fix two problems with octal integers:

    1. It fixes the radix notation for integer conversion.
    2. It adds support for "bare" octal notation, e.g. 01, 023 etc. Currently those numbers are treated as if they were decimals (1, 23), whilst their decimal value is different (1, 27).

    Also now integers such as 09 etc. throw lexer error, instead of being converted to decimals, as they should.

  • Remove `smol` and replace it by its dependencies

    Remove `smol` and replace it by its dependencies

    smol brings in a lot of IO related dependencies that are not used by goscript. They are also quite problematic when compiling to WebAssembly. Fortunately since they are not used, we can just remove them and also get faster compile times and a smaller dependency tree out of it.

  • add fuzz target

    add fuzz target

    I found that running a fuzz test on the parser uncovers some bugs. After installing cargo-fuzz, the target can be run with cargo +nightly fuzz run parse_file.

  • Don't call canonicalize when building for wasm32-wasi

    Don't call canonicalize when building for wasm32-wasi

    After building for the wasm32-wasi target, running the engine failed and I narrowed it down to calls to canonicalize() and printing the errors give the following message:

    Error { kind: Unsupported, message: "operation not supported on this platform" }

    It appears that wasi doesn't support canonicalize.

    The changes I made simply skip invoking canonicalize() if the build target is wasm-wasi, and I don't think it's too much to just require that wasm users of the library provide an absolute path if they wish to run goscripts.

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