Prometheus connection watch exporter

connection watch exporter

Exporter of socket connection status for prometheus.

The exporter generates labeled metrics with the status of the socket connection equivalent to execute:

netstat -nap | grep

Why a connection watch exporter?

Most of the time applications interact each other using sockets. It may not enought to know that the process is running it may be usefull to detect it has connections established on remote machines on specified ports. This exporter reports the status and number of connections according to the configuration.

Getting started

To run it:


by default the exporter will read the configuration file config/config.yml. Another file can be passed as a flag:

./cnxwatch_exporter --config-file=config/user_config.yml

The metrics are available at http://localhost:9293/metrics. Here is an example:

# HELP connection_status_count number of socket with same parameter.
# TYPE connection_status_count gauge
connection_status_count{deshost="*",destport="*",name="hostname-grafana",process="*",protocol="tcp6",srchost="::",srcport="3000",status="listen"} 1
connection_status_count{deshost="",destport="22",name="ssh-from-localhost",process="*",protocol="tcp",srchost="",srcport="*",status="established"} 0
# HELP connection_status_up Connection status of the socket (0 down - 1 up).
# TYPE connection_status_up gauge
connection_status_up{deshost="*",destport="*",name="hostname-grafana",process="*",protocol="tcp6",srchost="::",srcport="3000",status="listen"} 1
connection_status_up{deshost="",destport="22",name="ssh-from-localhost",process="*",protocol="tcp",srchost="",srcport="*",status="established"} 0

The metrics are:

  • connection_status_up with the labels for each socket iin the config and the following possible values:

    • 1: Connection found
    • 0: Connection not found
  • connection_status_count with the labels for each socket counting the number of connection with the parameters.


To configure the sockets that te exporter will check, a yaml configuration file is used. This is a configuration example:

  - name: hostname-grafana 
    srcHost: "::"
    port: 3000
    status: listen
    protocol: tcp6
  - name: ssh-from-localhost
    destPort: 22
    status: established

The fields of the sockets to configure are:

  • name: A name to be able to filter by this in prometheus
  • host or srcHost: source Hostname or IP of the socket
  • port or srcPort: source Port to check. Default empty meaning not checked
  • dstHost: Destination Hostname or IP of the socket. Default empty meaning not checked
  • dstPort: destination Port to check. Default empty meaning not checked
  • protocol: network parameter. Known networks are: "tcp" (IPv4-only), "tcp6" (IPv6-only), "udp" (IPv4-only), "udp6" (IPv6-only. If not defined, it will be set to "tcp" by default.
  • processName: the process owner of the socket; WARNING collected only if root or owner the socket !
  • status: the status of the socket: Should be "listen" or "established".

The following fields will be used as labels in the metric:

  • name
  • srchost
  • srcport
  • dsthost
  • dstport
  • protocol
  • process
  • status


Please read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.



This project is published under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.

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  • source host

    source host "any" in conjonction with tcp6 protocol ever mismatched

    With configuration

      - name: hostname-grafana 
        srcHost: "*"
        port: '3000'
        status: listen
        protocol: tcp6

    the results from a scrap are :

    # HELP connection_status_count number of socket with same parameter.
    # TYPE connection_status_count gauge
    connection_status_count{dsthost="*",dstport="*",name="hostname-grafana",process="",protocol="tcp6",srchost="*",srcport="3000",status="listen"} 0
    # HELP connection_status_up Connection status of the socket (0 down - 1 up).
    # TYPE connection_status_up gauge
    connection_status_up{dsthost="*",dstport="*",name="hostname-grafana",process="",protocol="tcp6",srchost="*",srcport="3000",status="listen"} 0

    in the same time the netstat cmd returns:

    # netstat -nap | grep :3000
    tcp6       0      0 :::3000                 :::*                    LISTEN      1401/grafana-server 
  • value for count and status are inverted

    value for count and status are inverted

    Here an example of the sraped vlaues:

    HELP connection_status_count number of socket with same parameter.

    TYPE connection_status_count gauge

    connection_status_count{dsthost="",dstport="22",name="ssh-from-localhost",process="",protocol="tcp",srchost="",srcport="*",status="established"} 1

    HELP connection_status_up Connection status of the socket (0 down - 1 up).

    TYPE connection_status_up gauge

    connection_status_up{dsthost="",dstport="22",name="ssh-from-localhost",process="",protocol="tcp",srchost="",srcport="*",status="established"} 5

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