httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allows to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library, it is designed to maintain the result reliability with increased threads.


FeaturesInstallationUsageRunning httpxNotesJoin Discord

httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library, it is designed to maintain the result reliability with increased threads.



  • Simple and modular code base making it easy to contribute.
  • Fast And fully configurable flags to probe mutiple elements.
  • Supports multiple HTTP based probings.
  • Smart auto fallback from https to http as default.
  • Supports hosts, URLs and CIDR as input.
  • Handles edge cases doing retries, backoffs etc for handling WAFs.

Supported probes:-

Probes Default check Probes Default check
URL true IP true
Title true CNAME true
Status Code true Raw HTTP false
Content Length true HTTP2 false
TLS Certificate true HTTP 1.1 Pipeline false
CSP Header true Virtual host false
Location Header true CDN false
Web Server true Path false
Web Socket true Ports false
Response Time true Request method false

Installation Instructions

httpx requires go1.14+ to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -

▶ GO111MODULE=on go get -v


httpx -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

👉 httpx help menu 👈
Usage of ./httpx:

  -H value
      Custom Header
  -allow value
      Allowlist ip/cidr
  -body string
      Request Body
      Check if domain's ip belongs to known CDN (akamai, cloudflare, ..)
      Output first cname
      Extracts content length
      Extracts content-type
      Send HTTP probes on the extracted CSP domains
      Debug mode
  -deny value
      Denylist ip/cidr
  -extract-regex string
      Extract Regex
  -fc string
      Filter status code
  -filter-regex string
      Filter Regex
  -filter-string string
      Filter String
  -fl string
      Filter content length
      Only follow redirects on the same host
      Follow Redirects
  -http-proxy string
      HTTP Proxy, eg
      HTTP2 probe
      Show Raw HTTP Chain In Output (-json only)
      Show Raw HTTP Response In Output (-json only)
      Output target ip
      JSON Output
  -l string
      File containing domains
      Extracts location header
  -match-regex string
      Match Regex
  -match-string string
      Match string
  -max-response-body-size int
      Maximum response body size (default 2147483647)
  -mc string
      Match status code
      Output method
  -ml string
      Match content length
      No Color
      If HTTPS on port 443 is successful on default configuration, probes also port 80 for HTTP
  -o string
      File to write output to (optional)
  -path string
      Request path/file (example '/api')
  -paths string
      Command separated paths or file containing one path per line (example '/api/v1,/apiv2')
      HTTP1.1 Pipeline
  -ports value
      ports range (nmap syntax: eg 1,2-10,11)
      Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value
  -request string
      File containing raw request
      Show Raw HTTP Response In Output (-json only) (deprecated)
      Output the response time
  -retries int
      Number of retries
      Silent mode
      Save response to file (default 'output')
  -srd string
      Save response directory (default "output")
      Enable statistic on keypress (terminal may become unresponsive till the end)
      Extracts status code
      Save chain to file (default 'output')
      Perform wappalyzer based technology detection
  -threads int
      Number of threads (default 50)
  -timeout int
      Timeout in seconds (default 5)
      Extracts title
      Perform TLS data grabbing
      Send HTTP probes on the extracted TLS domains
      Send raw requests skipping golang normalization
      Verbose Mode
      Show version of httpx
      Check for VHOSTs
      Get a list of vhosts as input
      Extracts server header
      Prints out if the server exposes a websocket
  -x string
      Request Methods, use ALL to check all verbs ()

Running httpX

Running httpx with stdin

This will run the tool against all the hosts and subdomains in hosts.txt and returns URLs running HTTP webserver.

▶ cat hosts.txt | httpx 

    __    __  __       _  __
   / /_  / /_/ /_____ | |/ /
  / __ \/ __/ __/ __ \|   / 
 / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /   |  
/_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/_/|_|   v1.0  

[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.

Running httpx with file input

This will run the tool against all the hosts and subdomains in hosts.txt and returns URLs running HTTP webserver.

▶ httpx -l hosts.txt -silent

Running httpx with CIDR input

echo | httpx -silent

Running httpx with subfinder

▶ subfinder -d | httpx -title -tech-detect -status-code -title -follow-redirects

    __    __  __       _  __
   / /_  / /_/ /_____ | |/ /
  / __ \/ __/ __/ __ \|   /
 / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /   |
/_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/_/|_|
             /_/              v1.0.6

Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage. [404] [Page not found · GitHub Pages] [Varnish,GitHub Pages,Ruby on Rails] [404] [Page not found · GitHub Pages] [Varnish,GitHub Pages,Ruby on Rails] [404] [Page not found · GitHub Pages] [GitHub Pages,Ruby on Rails,Varnish] [200] [HackerOne Platform Documentation] [Ruby on Rails,jsDelivr,Gatsby,React,webpack,Varnish,GitHub Pages] [301,302,301,200] [HackerOne] [Cloudflare,Ruby on Rails,Ruby] [301,301,404] [Sorry, no Folders found.]

📋 Notes

  • As default, httpx checks for HTTPS probe and fall-back to HTTP only if HTTPS is not reachable.
  • For printing both HTTP/HTTPS results, no-fallback flag can be used.
  • Custom scheme for ports can be defined, for example -ports http:443,http:80,https:8443
  • vhost, http2, pipeline, ports, csp-probe, tls-probe and path are unique flag with different probes.
  • Unique flags should be used for specific use cases instead of running them as default with other flags.
  • When using json flag, all the information (default probes) included in the JSON output.


httpx is made with 🖤 by the projectdiscovery team. Community contributions have made the project what it is. See the file for more details. Do also check out these similar awesome projects that may fit in your workflow:

Probing feature is inspired by @tomnomnom/httprobe work ❤️

Security Through Intelligent Automation
  • Improved httpx feature - favicon detection.

    Improved httpx feature - favicon detection.

    1. Current workflow
      • Request to url + /favicon.ico
      • Doesn't check if the is html or it's image
    2. Implemented workflow
      • Request to url + /favicon.ico if failed, will scrape root path for link element with rel (icon or shortcut icon or mask-icon or apple-touch-icon)
      • Supports checking if the response content is actually an image

    Do let me know if I need to make any changes :)

  • [BUG] CIDR in combination with -ports

    [BUG] CIDR in combination with -ports

    To replicate the issue of missing valid host with CIDR input

    with prips:-

    > prips | httpx -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443 -silent | grep [301] [186] [301 Moved Permanently]

    with httpx internal CIDR handler: -

    > echo | httpx -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443 -silent | grep

    To replicate the duplication issue with CIDR input

    > echo | httpx -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443 -silent | sort | grep [403] [16] []
    echo | httpx -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443 -silent | sort | grep [403] [16] [] [403] [16] [] [403] [16] []

    I have opened ports 80 and 443 on

    echo | ./httpx  -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443
        __    __  __       _  __
       / /_  / /_/ /_____ | |/ /
      / __ \/ __/ __/ __ \|   / 
     / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /   |  
    /_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/_/|_|  
                 /_/              v1           
    [WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
    [WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage. [307] [13] [] [307] [13] []

    But when I run CIDR scan, the httpx does not return any open port on

    echo | ./httpx  -title -content-length -status-code -ports 80,443
        __    __  __       _  __
       / /_  / /_/ /_____ | |/ /
      / __ \/ __/ __/ __ \|   / 
     / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /   |  
    /_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/_/|_|  
                 /_/              v1           
    [WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
    [WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
  • Add probe-all-ips feature

    Add probe-all-ips feature

    Added flag to support probe all ips #245.

    Example output: For default output, I just implicitly enable IP address output:

    $ echo | ./httpx -sc -scan-all-ips [302] [] [302] []

    JSON (as described in the original issue):

      "timestamp": "2021-10-23T19:10:52.740432132+03:00",
      "scheme": "https",
      "port": "443",
      "path": "/",
      "body-sha256": "bf697861898d0a7fabf4886f0eb238a440f45622e062ef40ac266e5575796347",
      "header-sha256": "883abfaf1ec8e7c9270389ceb45e0c4b8a16264c933174b93b14766b6f66c85c",
      "a": [
      "url": "",
      "input": "",
      "location": "",
      "webserver": "cloudflare",
      "content-type": "text/html",
      "method": "GET",
      "host": "",
      "content-length": 92,
      "status-code": 302,
      "csp": {
        "domains": [
      "response-time": "963.997528ms",
      "failed": false
      "timestamp": "2021-10-23T19:10:52.774901606+03:00",
      "scheme": "https",
      "port": "443",
      "path": "/",
      "body-sha256": "bf697861898d0a7fabf4886f0eb238a440f45622e062ef40ac266e5575796347",
      "header-sha256": "e129249144cc96d0bcf0273eb03e42f002169966d76179ffbd5d359264e5ea35",
      "a": [
      "url": "",
      "input": "",
      "location": "",
      "webserver": "cloudflare",
      "content-type": "text/html",
      "method": "GET",
      "host": "",
      "content-length": 92,
      "status-code": 302,
      "csp": {
        "domains": [
      "response-time": "1.005377776s",
      "failed": false
  • Some 200 response urls returns 404 response in httpx

    Some 200 response urls returns 404 response in httpx

    httpx version:

    Tested version: v1.2.3, v1.2.0

    Current Behavior:

    Some urls return 404 http response for valid 200 response urls. Was able to reproduce this on twitter site.

    Expected Behavior:

    It should return 200 response.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    echo "" | httpx -fr -sc 
    Response: [302,404]  []

    Same command with redirected url return same response

    echo | httpx -fr -sc [404]
    echo "" | httpx -fr -sc -x HEAD  [302,404] [HEAD] []
    echo | httpx -fr -sc -http2 [404] [http2]

    Curl returns 200 status code for this url

    curl -ik "" -X HEAD
    HTTP/2 200

    Anything else:

  • Add default port for URL to solve automatic use of HTTP

    Add default port for URL to solve automatic use of HTTP

    The results are as expected

    echo ""|httpx   -title -content-length -status-code #auto use https [302] [161] [302 Found]
    echo ""|httpx   -title -content-length -status-code #use  http [200] [300813] [百度一下,你就知道]

    Results did not meet expectations

    echo ""|httpx   -title -content-length -status-code #auto jump https [302] [161] [302 Found]

    Modified program

    echo ""|httpx   -title -content-length -status-code #use http [200] [300813] [百度一下,你就知道]
  • cname probe not work

    cname probe not work

    In pr #108 seems that cname probe has been added, but when I try it locally it seems that not work,

    Use the test case in the original pr:
    ./httpx -l domains.txt -cname
        __    __  __       _  __
       / /_  / /_/ /_____ | |/ /
      / __ \/ __/ __/ __ \|   /
     / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /   |
    /_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/_/|_|
                 /_/              v1.0.5
    Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
    Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.

    When I dig into source code I find that in internal/runner/runner.go:

    dnsData, err := hp.Dialer.GetDNSData(domain)

    and in fast dialer GetDNSData function:

    		data, err = d.dnsclient.Resolve(hostname)
    		if err != nil && d.options.EnableFallback {
    			data, err = d.dnsclient.ResolveWithSyscall(hostname)
    		if err != nil {
    			return nil, err
    		if data == nil {
    			return nil, errors.New("could not resolve host")
    		b, _ := data.Marshal()
    		err =, b)
    		if err != nil {
    			return nil, err
    		return data, nil

    It call retryabledns's Resolve function which only query for the A record:

    func (c *Client) Resolve(host string) (*DNSData, error) {
    	return c.Query(host, dns.TypeA)

    So I think it is the root cause? I think the fastdialer need to add an function for A|CNAME type record.

  • Json parsing error while validating the json output in JSONLint

    Json parsing error while validating the json output in JSONLint

    while beautifying the output of json in any online website i encounter an error saying

    Error: Parse error on line 22: ...": "500.794337ms"} { "ips": ["13.227.1 ----------------------^ Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got '{'

  • Add httprobe like prefer-https option to avoid duplicacy

    Add httprobe like prefer-https option to avoid duplicacy

    If a server is listening on both 80 and 443 ports and the response is identical, there should be an option to avoid saving in output file. httprobe from tomnomnom has the cool feature. You may check it out for better understanding of what I am saying.

  • Installation issue with go modules

    Installation issue with go modules


    Hello Team

    Thank you very much for making this tool for us it's been very helpful for us as I was poking around some features and flag I noticed that there is an issue with the mc flag it actually renders an error when you try to match a 200 or 302 status code


    Let's say I want to check the js file that has in the archive I came with this oneliner echo "" | ~/go/bin/gau | grep '\.js$' | httpx -mc 200

    Expected behavior

    Checking results that has 200 status code and display



    What I tried

    I tried to copy paste the same command you are using in the example section  httpx -status-code -mc 200,302

    Ended up with the same message issue2


    Ubuntu 18.04 Golang1.14 GO111MODULE=on httpx version 0.0.7

  • add TLS SNI and let HTTPS have priority

    add TLS SNI and let HTTPS have priority

    it's possible to let users specify TLS SNI like this one and make HTTPS have the priority.

    Add a new -sni flag that will be used when establishing TLS connections:

    echo | httpx -sni
  • panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    httpx version:[INF] Current Version: v1.1.4

    Current Behavior:httpx -l target.txt -path "///////../../../../../../etc/passwd"

    Expected Behavior:


    Steps To Reproduce:

    Run 'httpx -l target.txt -path "///////../../../../../../etc/passwd"' See error image

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x58 pc=0x9002d3]
    goroutine 14 [running]:*Runner).analyze(_, _, {_, _}, {_, _}, {_, _}, {0xc000eea780, 0x1b}, ...)
            /home/runner/work/httpx/httpx/runner/runner.go:874 +0xe93*Runner).process.func1({0xc000eea780, 0x1b}, {0x9fe1ef, 0x3}, {0xa042ab, 0xa})
            /home/runner/work/httpx/httpx/runner/runner.go:651 +0x125
    created by*Runner).process
            /home/runner/work/httpx/httpx/runner/runner.go:649 +0x965

    Anything else:

  • [Bug] -fc parameter isn't filtering responses

    [Bug] -fc parameter isn't filtering responses

    Run: httpx -l in.txt -path dir.txt -sc -fc 200,201,300,301,401,500,501,502,503 -o out.txt

    The output includes other status codes not listed in the -fc parameter (e.g. 400).

  • httpx 1.2.5 ignores -proxy when -unsafe used

    httpx 1.2.5 ignores -proxy when -unsafe used

    httpx version:


    Current Behavior:

    httpx 1.2.5 ignores -proxy when -unsafe is used.

    Expected Behavior:

    httpx should respect -proxy regardless of -unsafe usage.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    • setup a proxy to listen on
    • httpx -title -sc -td -unsafe -proxy -u
  • Add feature to exclude the same http response

    Add feature to exclude the same http response

    while scanning wide scope there are a lot of urls have the same base code so they have the same http response so it's time to let httpx exclude these urls based on comparing every http response with others

  • SNI override is being in cross domain redirects

    SNI override is being in cross domain redirects

    echo| httpx -sni -fr
  • Choose user agent type

    Choose user agent type

    Please describe your feature request:

    echo | httpx -user-agents mobile,headless,desktop-new-versions
    echo | httpx -user-agents desktop-old-versions

    Describe the use case of this feature:

    Use a random user agent, but in the chosen category. This feature should be added in nuclei too

  • Issue with blank location header with redirerct status code

    Issue with blank location header with redirerct status code

    Hello, v1.2.1

    echo "" | httpx -status-code -content-length -ip -cdn -title -tech-detect -random-agent


    curl -v

    > GET /redir.php HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.82.0
    > Accept: */*
    * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
    < HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    < Server: nginx/1.19.0
    < Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 04:51:09 GMT
    < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < X-Powered-By: PHP/
    < Location:
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
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