Prometheus instrumentation library for Go applications

Prometheus Go client library

Build Status Go Report Card go-doc

This is the Go client library for Prometheus. It has two separate parts, one for instrumenting application code, and one for creating clients that talk to the Prometheus HTTP API.

This library requires Go1.9 or later. The minimum required patch releases for older Go versions are Go1.9.7 and Go1.10.3.

Important note about releases and stability

This repository generally follows Semantic Versioning. However, the API client in prometheus/client_golang/api/… is still considered experimental. Breaking changes of the API client will not trigger a new major release. The same is true for selected other new features explicitly marked as EXPERIMENTAL in

Features that require breaking changes in the stable parts of the repository are being batched up and tracked in the v2 milestone. The v2 development happens in a separate branch for the time being. v2 releases off that branch will happen once sufficient stability is reached. In view of the widespread use of this repository, v1 and v2 will coexist for a while to enable a convenient transition.

Instrumenting applications

code-coverage go-doc

The prometheus directory contains the instrumentation library. See the guide on the Prometheus website to learn more about instrumenting applications.

The examples directory contains simple examples of instrumented code.

Client for the Prometheus HTTP API

code-coverage go-doc

The api/prometheus directory contains the client for the Prometheus HTTP API. It allows you to write Go applications that query time series data from a Prometheus server. It is still in alpha stage.

Where is model, extraction, and text?

The model packages has been moved to prometheus/common/model.

The extraction and text packages are now contained in prometheus/common/expfmt.

Contributing and community

See the contributing guidelines and the Community section of the homepage.

  • Add timer helper function

    Add timer helper function

    @beorn7 we didn't discuss this at all so I'm not sure if I tested how you would like or even implemented the timer correctly, I just went off the API you described in #231

  • v1.12.0 exposes some high cardinality metrics

    v1.12.0 exposes some high cardinality metrics

    It seems that v1.12.0 includes some extra high cardinality metrics, most likely autogenerated by Go itself thanks to #955.

    Here's a full diff of metrics between 1.11 and 1.12 -

    Having so many extra metrics exposed by default might cause problems for people with lots of Go services.

  • go1.11rc1 modules

    go1.11rc1 modules

    Looks like the v1 directory name is messing with go module's semantic import versioning.

    Note: I'm working outside of the GOPATH


    package main
    import (
    	_ ""
    func main() {}


    go get
    go1.10rc1 download
    go1.11rc1 mod init prom_thing
    go1.11rc1 build


    go: finding latest
    go: finding latest
    build prom_thing: cannot find module for path
  • Alert Manager API

    Alert Manager API

    This is a reboot of the 9 month old #263 PR. It builds on that work by adding the /status endpoint and reorganises the code so that it is a little DRYer and the package name matches the import path.

    Feedback welcome.

  • Feature Request: Permit histogram's Observe() method to take an observation count

    Feature Request: Permit histogram's Observe() method to take an observation count

    We had a case where we in theory update a histogram at some frequency. In actuality, we only update it when things are happening, and when nothing is happening, we just count the amount of time that has passed and then update it with that many ~zeros~ [edit: observations] when the next thing happens.

    Right now adding a value to a historgram N times takes N calls of Observe(). It would be very nice if we could pass N as a parameter instead, and if I follow the code, it could be done in constant time.

  • Create a public registry interface and separate out HTTP exposition

    Create a public registry interface and separate out HTTP exposition

    @grobie who might be most keen on this. @juliusv whom I gave a short preview in person. But then probably everybody else is interested, @fabxc , @brian-brazil , …

    General context and approch

    This is the first part of the long awaited wider refurbishment of client_golang/prometheus/.... After a lot of struggling, I decided to not go for one breaking big-bang, but cut things into smaller steps after all, mostly to keep the changes manageable and easy to review. I'm aiming for having the invasive breaking changes concentrated in as few steps as possible (ideally one). Some steps will not be breaking at all, but typically there will be breaking changes that only affect quite special cases so that 95+% of users will not be affected. This first step is an example for that, see details below.

    What's happening in this commit?

    This step is about finally creating an exported registry interface. This could not be done by simply export the existing internal implementation because the interface would be way too fat. This commit introduces a qutie lean Registry interface (compared to the previous interval implementation). The functions that act on the default registry are retained (with very few exceptions) so that most use cases won't see a change. However, several of those are deprecated now to clean up the namespace in the future.

    The default registry is kept in the public variable DefaultRegistry. This follows the example of the http package in the standard library (cf. http.DefaultServeMux, http.DefaultClient) with the same implications. (This pattern is somewhat disputed within the Go community but I chose to go with the devil you know instead of creating something more complex or even disallowing any changes to the default registry. The current approach gives everybody the freedom to not touch DefaultRegistry or to do everything with a custom registry to play save.)

    Another important part in making the registry lean is the extraction of the HTTP exposition, which also allows for customization of the HTTP exposition. Note that the separation of metric collection and exposition has the side effect that managing the MetricFamily and Metric protobuf objects in a free-list or pool isn't really feasible anymore. By now (with better GC in more recent Go versions), the returns were anyway dimisishing. To be effective at all, scrapes had to happen more often than GC cycles, and even then most elements of the protobufs (everything excetp the MetricFamily and Metric structs themselves) would still cause allocation churn. In a future breaking change, the signature of the Write method in the Metric interface will be adjusted accordingly. In this commit, avoiding breakage is more important.

    The following issues are fixed by this commit (some solved "on the fly" now that I was touching the code anyway and it would have been stupid to port the bugs): #46 #100 #170 #205

    Documentation including examples have been amended as required.

    What future changes does this commit enable?

    The following items are not yet implemented, but this commit opens the possibility of implementing these independently.

    • The separation of the HTTP exposition allows the implementation of other exposition methods based on the Registry interface, as known from other Prometheus client libraries, e.g. sending the metrics to Graphite. Cf. #197
    • The public Registry interface allows the implementation of convenience tools for testing metrics collection. Those tools can inspect the collected MetricFamily protobufs and compare them to expectation. Also, tests can use their own testing instance of a registry. Cf. #58

    Notable non-goals of this commit

    Non-goals that will be tackled later

    The following two issues are quite closely connected to the changes in this commit but the line has been drawn deliberately to address them in later steps of the refurbishment:

    • InstrumentHandler has many known problems. The plan is to create a saner way to conveniently intrument HTTP handlers and remove the old InstrumentHandler altogether. To keep breakage low for now, even the default handler to expose metrics is still using the old InstrumentHandler. This leads to weird naming inconsistencies but I have deemed it better to not break the world right now but do it in the change that provides better ways of instrumenting HTTP handlers. Cf. #200
    • There is work underway to make the whole handling of metric descriptors (Desc) more intuitive and transparent for the user (including an ability for less strict checking, cf. #47). That's quite invasive from the perspective of the internal code, namely the registry. I deliberately kept those changes out of this commit.
    • While this commit adds new external dependency, the effort to vendor anything within the library that is not visible in any exported types will have to be done later.

    Non-goals that might be tackled later

    There is a strong and understandable urge to divide the prometheus package into a number of sub-packages (like registry, collectors, http, metrics, …). However, to not run into a multitude of circular import chains, this would need to break every single existing usage of the library. (As just one example, if the ubiquitious prometheus.MustRegister (with more than 2,000 uses on GitHub alone) is kept in the prometheus package, but the other registry concerns go into a new registry package, then the prometheus package would import the registry package (to call the actual register method), while at the same time the registry package needs to import the prometheus package to access Collector, Metric, Desc and more. If we moved MustRegister into the registry package, thousands of code lines would have to be fixed (which would be easy if the world was a mono repo, but it is not). If we moved everything else the proposed registry package needs into packages of their own, we would break thousands of other code lines.)

    The main problem is really the top-level functions like MustRegister, Handler, …, which effectively pull everything into one package. Those functions are however very convenient for the easy and very frequent use-cases.

    This problem has to be revisited later.

    For now, I'm trying to keep the amount of exported names in the package as low as possible (e.g. I unexported expvarCollector in this commit because the NewExpvarCollector constructor is enough to export, and it is now consistent with other collectors, like the goCollector).

    Non-goals that won't be tackled anytime soon

    Something that I have played with a lot is "streaming collection", i.e. allow an implementation of the Registry interface that collects metrics incrementally and serves them while doing so. As it has turned out, this has many many issues and makes the Registry interface very clunky. Eventually, I made the call that it is unlikely we will really implement streaming collection; and making the interface more clunky for something that might not even happen is really a big no-no. Note that the Registry interface only creates the in-memory representation of the metric family protobufs in one go. The serializaton onto the wire can still be handled in a streaming fashion (which hasn't been done so far, without causing any trouble, but might be done in the future without breaking any interfaces).

    What are the breaking changes?

    • Signatures of functions pushing to Pushgateway have changed to allow arbitrary grouping (which was planned for a long time anyway, and now that I had to work on the Push code anyway for the registry refurbishment, I finally did it, cf. #100). With the gained insight that pushing to the default registry is almost never the right thing, and now that we are breaking the Push call anyway, all the Push functions were moved to their own package, which cleans up the namespace and is more idiomatic (pushing Collectors is now literally done by push.Collectors(...)).
    • The registry is doing more consistency checks by default now. Past creators of inconsistent metrics could have masked the problem by not setting EnableCollectChecks. Those inconsistencies will now be detected. (But note that a "best effort" metrics collection is now possible with HandlerOpts.ErrorHandling = ContinueOnError.)
    • EnableCollectChecks is gone. The registry is now performing some of those checks anyway (see previous item), and a registry with all of those checks can now be created with NewPedanticRegistry (only used for testing).
    • PanicOnCollectError is gone. This behavior can now be configured when creating a custom HTTP handler.

    This change is Reviewable

  • api: reorganize API package and add label values endpoint implementation

    api: reorganize API package and add label values endpoint implementation

    This adds a client side implementation for fetching label values from prometheus api.

    Would love to get some review on this as this is my first contribution here. Some design questions i may have oversimplified:

    1. return a more descriptive value instead of []string? Maybe model.LabelValues?
    2. create a separated interface for metadata api(following the separation on the docs)?

    Related to #290.

  • API client doesn't support POST method for Query/QueryRange

    API client doesn't support POST method for Query/QueryRange

    POST support was added to query/query_range API endpoints in prometheus with This client currently only sends GET requests, which means that it isn't won't work for large query string values. As the API stands today:

    Query(ctx context.Context, query string, ts time.Time) (model.Value, error)
    QueryRange(ctx context.Context, query string, r Range) (model.Value, error)

    There isn't really a place to put it, so I see a couple options:

    1. add a NewPOSTAPI method to return an httpAPI instance with a flag to use POST for both query and query_range (this would be done by setting an option in the httpAPI struct-- to be added).
    2. add QueryPost and QueryRangePost to the API interface
    3. add METHOD argument to Query and QueryRange

    I'm not sure what the compatibility guarantees are on this client interface, so I'm not sure how we want to proceed. I'm leaning towards 1 or 2 (probably in that order)

    cc @juliusv

  • new handler instrumentation

    new handler instrumentation

    The main premise is to provide some middleware that a user can compose as s/he wishes, instead of the "all or nothing" approach of the current InstrumentHandler() approach.

    Things to note:

    • This pr makes use of the Observer interface, and additionally adds an ObserverVec interface.
    • The ObserverVec interface was discussed with @beorn7 and necessitated a breaking change to SummaryVec and HistogramVec by changing the return types of their methods for interacting with labels. @beorn7 scanned code usage for this library and saw that while it is a breaking change, in practice he didn't find anyone using methods other than Observe() on the return type, which will not break based on this change. @beorn7 can you confirm this?
    • The tests fail because we are compiling against go-1.6 and go-1.7, while the code requires go-1.8 because of its use of http.Pusher.
    • Additional work needs to be done to check that this works with http/2.
    • The middleware does not register the collectors passed to them. This allows the user to a custom registery, as opposed to the default registry. This is decision is up for discussion.
    • If a user doesn't write an http status in their wrapped handler, our middleware will report the default value (0). If no status is written, go doesn't add a status until all handlers have been executed:
  • Consider using for compression

    Consider using for compression

    I have use client_golang to implement a subservice like pushgateway. Every 30s scrape 500k - 700k line metrics from one subservice. And it seems gzip cause very high cpu usage. image

    With this large data, gzip didn't make the request much more quick

    curl -w %{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total} -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' http://k4637v:6060/metrics HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Length: 4935721 Content-Type: text/plain; version=0.0.4 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 14:25:26 GMT


    curl -w %{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total} -I http://k4637v:6060/metrics HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 70412653 Content-Type: text/plain; version=0.0.4 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 14:25:52 GMT


  • Add storage.Warnings to client

    Add storage.Warnings to client


    This adds storage.Warnings to the error return of Query and QueryRange. Unfortunately the client.Do() method interface makes this a bit difficult to implement.

    So either we go down this path (where the specific error is a known type people should check for) or we need to change the Do() methods' interface to return a separate "warning" error.

  • Bump from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0

    Bump from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0

    Bumps from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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  • Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0

    Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0

    Bumps from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.

    0.9.0 / 2022-12-22

    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:

    • bb7727a Merge pull request #483 from prometheus/superq/err_invalid
    • 58a6c0a Use errors.Is() for invalid argument
    • 0c4b3aa Merge pull request #426 from binjip978/return-error-on-empty-cpu-freq
    • b9fa528 return error if cpufreq's are empty
    • 03da3a1 handle more columns from softnet_data (#473)
    • 42aaf8e add /proc/interrupts (#475)
    • 88f86e5 Add CPUInfo parsing for LoongArch64 (#384)
    • 85417ca Add support for several /sys/class/sas_* classes (#453)
    • 757109e Add support for several /sys/class/sas_* classes (#453)
    • c8aa9d7 Merge pull request #461 from xixiliguo/on-cpu
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • Bump from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0

    Bump from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0

    Bumps from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    • [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for proxy connect headers. #409
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Add platform info to labels. #403


    • [BUGFIX] Update go.mod for CVE-2022-41717 #420


    • [FEATURE] Implement Stringer on TLSVersion (#405)
    • [FEATURE] Check if TLS certificate and key file have been modified (#345)
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Add the ability to specify the maximum acceptable TLS version (#414)
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Make LoadHTTPConfigFile set directory and move from tests file (#415)
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Get Revision from debug.BuildInfo if not explicitly set (#374)
    • 296ec92 Merge pull request #409 from prometheus/mem/proxy_header
    • 18281a2 Merge pull request #424 from prometheus/repo_sync
    • 4a0d730 Add support for proxy connect headers
    • 017dec0 Update common Prometheus files
    • befeabf Merge pull request #422 from prometheus/superq/add_mod_check
    • 1bc7f65 Add platform info to labels (#403)
    • 82accf3 Add go mod version test
    • 00e3fd7 Merge pull request #418 from roidelapluie/go119
    • 045094f Update deps and test with go 1.19
    • ddb642f Merge pull request #421 from prometheus/superq/update_sigv4
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • How to add a value to MustNewConstMetric

    How to add a value to MustNewConstMetric

    prometheus.NewMetricWithTimestamp(t, prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.metric, prometheus.CounterValue, 123, "2"))

    When I use this method to set the metrics, the value is always 123 and cannot be incremented from the original value.

  • GitHub Workflows security hardening

    GitHub Workflows security hardening

    This PR adds explicit permissions section to workflows. This is a security best practice because by default workflows run with extended set of permissions (except from on: pull_request from external forks). By specifying any permission explicitly all others are set to none. By using the principle of least privilege the damage a compromised workflow can do (because of an injection or compromised third party tool or action) is restricted. It is recommended to have most strict permissions on the top level and grant write permissions on job level case by case.

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