Prometheus support for go-metrics

go-metrics-prometheus Build Status

This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to the prometheus client registry . It just updates the registry, taking care of exporting the metrics is still your responsibility.


	import ""
	import ""

        metricsRegistry := metrics.NewRegistry()
	prometheusClient := prometheusmetrics.NewPrometheusProvider(
	   metrics.DefaultRegistry, "whatever","something",prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, 1*time.Second)
        go prometheusClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics()
  • can't get metrics to show up in prometheus

    can't get metrics to show up in prometheus

    Definitely something stupid I'm doing but can't figure it out. Prometheus shows all the default ones, but not the metrics from the go-metrics examples:

    prometheusRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
    prometheusClient := prometheusmetrics.NewPrometheusProvider(metrics.DefaultRegistry, "", "", prometheusRegistry, 1*time.Second)
    go prometheusClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics()
    http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
    log.Println("Beginning to serve on port :8080")
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("127.1:8080", nil))

    If I create promauto metrics they appear. Any hint?

  • Fix broken go.mod file

    Fix broken go.mod file

    This change fixes the module name in the go.mod file following PR #11, which resulted in broken importing:

    $ go get ...
    go get:[email protected] updating to[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
    	module declares its path as:
    	        but was required as:
  • Use flattened name in description

    Use flattened name in description

    Use the flattened name for the help argument when building the prometheus description since the name parameter uses flattened version as well.

    Without this, you can get an error like: has help "name_for-example" but should have "name_for_example" (notice the difference between the hyphen and the underscore between for and example)

  • Fix to go mod reference for Upstream

    Fix to go mod reference for Upstream

    Need a quick fix here so that we don't run into the issue for go get

    go get:[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
            module declares its path as:
                    but was required as:
  • Race detection

    Race detection

    Replication: Start application with —race flag, Try to get metrics several times. Frequently we catch race condition.

    Trace log: Previous write at 0x00c00019c7f0 by goroutine 97: /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheus/desc.go:81 +0x8d*PrometheusConfig).histogramFromNameAndMetric() /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheusmetrics.go:118 +0xbda*PrometheusConfig).UpdatePrometheusMetricsOnce.func1() /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheusmetrics.go:163 +0x72a*StandardRegistry).Each() /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/registry.go:68 +0x1cc*PrometheusConfig).UpdatePrometheusMetricsOnce() /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheusmetrics.go:148 +0xfb*PrometheusConfig).UpdatePrometheusMetrics() /Users/i.tumanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheusmetrics.go:143 +0xe8

  • include histogram and timer buckets

    include histogram and timer buckets

    default bucket values on instantiation with option to globally set custom buckets integration test for histogram metrics

    At least partially resolves #9

  • Golang 1.5+ requirement

    Golang 1.5+ requirement

    prometheus officially requires golang 1.5. This patch is removing 1.4 from the travis build configuration (as it is failing currently) in favor of adding golang 1.7 and 1.8 build steps.

  • Provide Open Source License to go-metrics-prometheus project

    Provide Open Source License to go-metrics-prometheus project

    Since the project is not private, and it's been linked to from the original go-metrics project I'm guessing the project is intented to be Open Source.

    I'd like to make some additions and submit them for review, however clarifying that the project is open source would be a healthy formality. Addresses #2

    I've created a LICENSE file with copyright given to: Copyright 2016 Csergő Bálint

    Please consider if you'd like contributions. Cheers!

  • Clarify license

    Clarify license

    Hi hi,

    I'm evaluating various monitoring systems and libraries to use with a Go project. This repo came up and looks promising. One thing that would help me is a clarification of what open source license this code is available under.


  • Add more metrics of Meters and Timers to Prometheus registry

    Add more metrics of Meters and Timers to Prometheus registry


    Meters and Timers have quite a lot of methods to acquire rates, counts and other stuff, but not all of them are published to Prometheus registry. I suppose they can be useful in certain situations, thus this PR adds missing metrics to registry as gauges.

    Some of the metrics are still missing (like percentiles) - my guess is to choose a number of the most useful of them (for example, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95%, 99%) and add them as gauges as well.

    Big thanks for the library, by the way :)

  • Support adding more than one pClient targeting the same promRegistry

    Support adding more than one pClient targeting the same promRegistry

    If the target Prometheus Registry has some metrics already registered (for instance, by an previous run of UpdatePrometheusMetrics()), trying to create a new (*PrometheusConfig) targetting the same Prometheus Registry will produce a panic, since MustRegister() will die if an error occurs.

    Simply replacing MustRegister() with Register() will enable this flow without killing the process, since MustRegister() will not panic, but instead return an error.

    Why is this an issue? In our use case, we instantiate a server which creates the goroutine with the pClient.UpdatePrometheusMetricsOnce(). When running in production-ish mode, this happens exactly once per process. But when running the tests, we often create and destroy this server several times in a row, in the same process, along with the goroutine that calls pClient.UpdatePrometheusMetricsOnce(). As it goes, the second time that happens, the call to MustRegister() within gaugeFromNameAndValue() abruptly ends the process with a nice panic, which kinda spoils the fun for us.

    We've changed MustRegister() with the more lax Register(), aiming towards the idempotence of the update process.

    Note that in no way are we trying to run two updaters concurrently.

    Thanks for your time.

    Co-authored-by: Jose Luis Lucas [email protected]

  • Question about metrics.Histogram Percentiles

    Question about metrics.Histogram Percentiles snapshot.Percentiles(buckets) returns a slice of arbitrary percentiles of values in the sample

    It seems that it should correspond to the Summary in Promethus, right ? why use histogram ?

  • Is there any way to stop UpdatePrometheusMetrics?

    Is there any way to stop UpdatePrometheusMetrics?

    I'm trying to collect metrics of my service into prometheus using this rough implementation:

    pc := prometheusmetrics.NewPrometheusProvider(someRegistry, someNameSpace, someSubSystem, prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, time.Second)
    go pc.UpdatePrometheusMetrics()
    http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
    err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
    if err != nil {
    	// stop UpdatePrometheusMetrics

    Is there any way to stop UpdatePrometheusMetrics()? I don't want to leak an unnecessary goroutine if the endpoint is not even accessible.

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