a helper tool to remove and filter movies based on ratings


A helper tool to remove and filter movies based on Rotton Tomatoes ratings. This is built primarly for my own use but I figured I would share it. I was trying to clear some space in my Plex and I realized how many old movies I downloaded that were high quality 10GB files of absolute shit (Jupiter Ascending in 4k). This helps clear out some of the cruft.


  • Download binary from release
  • chmod +x the binary to make it executable chmod +x plex-helper-*
  • rename the binary to be plex-helper if it makes it easier on you mv plex-helper-* plex-helper
  • Move binary to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin/ mv plex-helper /usr/local/bin/
  • If you are on mac you may have to allow permissions for a non apple store app (Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy , click General)
  • Know the ip (public or private) of your Plex server
  • Retrieve plex auth token https://support.plex.tv/articles/204059436-finding-an-authentication-token-x-plex-token/

Use Cases

  • Allows users to list/delete movies/shows based on rating
  • Allows users to choose movies(or shows) to keep (because we all have those 40% RT cult classics that we love...Eurotrip)

Common Commands

plex-helper list <movies|shows> --ip-addr <plex-ipaddr> --token <token> --rating 5 # list movies or shows with RT score of 5 or less

plex-helper list <movies|shows> --ip-addr <plex-ipaddr> --token <token> --rating 5 --minimal # non pretty output of shows/movies

plex-helper delete <movies|shows> --ip-addr <plex-ipaddr> --token <token> --rating 5 # delete shows with RT score of 5 or less

plex-helper list <movies|shows> --ip-addr <plex-ipaddr> --token <token> --rating 10 --minimal # just get a list of all your movies or shows


  • Be careful when using this!! This can wipe out alot of shows/movies by accident if you are not careful. There are prompts to help guide you but it can't save you from yourself


  • I have only really used this on Mac or some kind of linux distribution. I have no idea how this will work on windows (even though i will build a binary for it)
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    Installing with the CLI

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    Install the CLI via Homebrew

    brew install airbrake/airbrake-cli/airbrake

    Authenticate via config command

    Authenticate by setting your user-key with the config command:

    airbrake config set user-key YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE

    You can find your user key in your profile settings page.

    Install command

    Invoke the following to have the Airbrake CLI install the Airbrake notifier for your project:

    airbrake install --project-id YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE

    You can find your project ID in your project's settings.

    After this, you are set! Check out the Testing your installation section to send a test error to Airbrake.

    Installing manually

    Install in existing project

    Navigate to your project's main directory and install our Go package, gobrake:

    go get github.com/airbrake/gobrake/v5

    Install in new app

    Create a new directory, initialize a new module and go get the library:

    mkdir airbrake_example && cd airbrake_example
    go mod init airbrake_example
    go get github.com/airbrake/gobrake/v5


    Import and initialize the gobrake package in your application:

    (You can find your project ID and project key in your project's settings)

    package main
    import "github.com/airbrake/gobrake/v5"
    var airbrake = gobrake.NewNotifierWithOptions(&gobrake.NotifierOptions{
    	ProjectId: <Your project ID>,
    	ProjectKey: "<Your project ID>",
    	Environment: "production",
    func main() {
    	defer airbrake.Close()
    	defer airbrake.NotifyOnPanic()

    That's it! The airbrake.NotifyOnPanic() call will handle automatic panic reporting.

    Testing your installation

    You can use airbrake.Notify() to send handled errors. Let's use it now to check if gobrake is installed correctly:

    import "errors"
    func testAirbrake() {
    	airbrake.Notify(errors.New("Error Test from Airbrake"), nil)

    You should see this dashboard updating with your test error soon after you run that function.

    Full documentation

    Check out our official GitHub repo for info on advanced features like ignoring errors, setting error severity and more.

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