Fake server, Consumer Driven Contracts and help with testing performance from one configuration file with zero system dependencies and no coding whatsoever

mockingjay server

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mj example

Mockingjay lets you define the contract between a consumer and producer and with just a configuration file you get:

  • A fast to launch fake server for your integration tests
  • Configurable to simulate the eratic nature of calling other services
  • Consumer driven contracts (CDCs) to run against your real downstream services.

Mockingjay makes it really easy to check your HTTP integration points. It's fast, requires no coding and is better than other solutions because it will ensure your mock servers and real integration points are consistent so that you never have a green build but failing software.

Running a fake server

 - name: My very important integration point
     uri: /hello
     method: POST
     body: "Chris" # * matches any body
     code: 200
     body: '{"message": "hello, Chris"}'   # * matches any body
       content-type: application/json

# define as many as you need...
$ mockingjay-server -config=example.yaml -port=1234 &
2015/04/13 14:27:54 Serving 3 endpoints defined from example.yaml on port 1234
$ curl http://localhost:1234/hello
{"message": "hello, world"}

Check configuration is compatible with a real server

$ mockingjay-server -config=example.yaml -realURL=http://some-real-api.com
2015/04/13 21:06:06 Test endpoint (GET /hello) is incompatible with http://some-real-api - Couldn't reach real server
2015/04/13 21:06:06 Test endpoint 2 (DELETE /world) is incompatible with http://some-real-api - Couldn't reach real server
2015/04/13 21:06:06 Failing endpoint (POST /card) is incompatible with http://some-real-api - Couldn't reach real server
2015/04/13 21:06:06 At least one endpoint was incompatible with the real URL supplied

This ensures your integration test is working against a reliable fake.

Inspect what requests mockingjay has received


Calling this will return you a JSON list of requests

Make your fake server flaky

Mockingjay has an annoying friend, a monkey. Given a monkey configuration you can make your fake service misbehave. This can be useful for performance tests where you want to simulate a more realistic scenario (i.e all integration points are painful).

# Writes a different body 50% of the time
- body: "This is wrong :( "
  frequency: 0.5

# Delays initial writing of response by a second 20% of the time
- delay: 1000
  frequency: 0.2

# Returns a 404 30% of the time
- status: 404
  frequency: 0.3

# Write 10,000,000 garbage bytes 9% of the time
- garbage: 10000000
  frequency: 0.09
$ mockingjay-server -config=examples/example.yaml -monkeyConfig=examples/monkey-business.yaml
2015/04/17 14:19:53 Serving 3 endpoints defined from examples/example.yaml on port 9090
2015/04/17 14:19:53 Monkey config loaded
2015/04/17 14:19:53 50% of the time | Body: This is wrong :(
2015/04/17 14:19:53 20% of the time | Delay: 1s
2015/04/17 14:19:53 30% of the time | Status: 404
2015/04/17 14:19:53  9% of the time | Garbage bytes: 10000000



Build application

$ go get github.com/quii/mockingjay-server
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server
$ ./build.sh

MIT license

  • Writing log messages to stderr

    Writing log messages to stderr

    I'm not familiar with the go language, but it appears log.Printf prints to stderr instead of the expected stdout for info-level log messages. I created a gulp task to start my mock api server when I startup my dev server:

        gulp.task('serve:api', [], function () {
          var serverPath = './linux_amd64_mockingjay-server';
          var mockPath = path.join(__dirname, './mock.yml');
          var mockingjay = spawn(serverPath, ['-config=./mock.yml']);
          mockingjay.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
            gutil.log('stdout: ' + data);
          mockingjay.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
            gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('[Mockingjay Error]: ' + data));
          mockingjay.on('close', function (code) {
            gutil.log('Mockingjay exited with code ' + code);

    when running I get the message Serving 2 endpoints defined from ./mock.yml on port 9090 through stderr:


  • Running contract tests against the Producer

    Running contract tests against the Producer

    I understand how I can use this to mock the producer, and run tests on the consumer. But what about the other way around - running tests on the producer against the same contracts and making sure the producer does break them?

  • Be able to define different response body for different response code

    Be able to define different response body for different response code

    So when it's sending 400 response defined in the monkey-business.yaml instead of normal 200, it would be nice to have server return different response body

  • Added minimal go build as Dockerfile

    Added minimal go build as Dockerfile

    Rather than download a pre-release bin or build it, it seemed simpler to pull an image for now...

    Created first pass container, currently pushed to quay.io/ukhomeofficedigital/mockingj-server (for now).

  • runtime error: index out of range

    runtime error: index out of range

    panic: runtime error: index out of range
    goroutine 20 [running]:
    panic(0x2d5820, 0xc4200121c0)
    	/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.7.linux.amd64/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1
    github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/vendor/github.com/quii/jsonequaliser.getJSONNodeFromString(0xc420013ee0, 0x2, 0xc4200ce900, 0x2, 0x8)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/vendor/github.com/quii/jsonequaliser/json.go:14 +0x216
    github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/vendor/github.com/quii/jsonequaliser.IsCompatible(0xc420013ee0, 0x2, 0xc4200ce7e8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xc42002c400, 0xc42000f7c0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/vendor/github.com/quii/jsonequaliser/compatability.go:13 +0x39
    github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay.checkBody(0xc4200ce7e8, 0x2, 0xc420013ee0, 0x2, 0xc4200ce7e8, 0x2, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay/compatibility.go:147 +0xca
    github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay.(*CompatibilityChecker).check(0xc4200c2aa0, 0xc420486f18, 0x7fff5fbff712, 0x22, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay/compatibility.go:114 +0x4b2
    github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay.(*CompatibilityChecker).compatabilityWorker(0xc4200c2aa0, 0xc420774720, 0x1e, 0x0, 0xc42000b2f0, 0x28, 0x0, 0xc420013ea8, 0x3, 0x0, ...)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay/compatibility.go:70 +0x72
    created by github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay.(*CompatibilityChecker).CheckCompatibility
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/mockingjay/compatibility.go:56 +0x2c0
  • There were duplicated requests found ...

    There were duplicated requests found ...

    There were duplicated requests found because request body limited 50 bytes https://github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/blob/4a9da103e0c6997bdc069e3cdce5dc09faafcf92/mockingjay/request.go#L154

  • For the go-uninititated, could you provide a little more installation info please?

    For the go-uninititated, could you provide a little more installation info please?

    Using "go get ...." might have worked (maybe), but I have no $mockingjay-server application available on my terminal after sourcing all various profiles etc. Please can you update with any other steps required. I'm on MAC OS X. Thanks

  • swagger support

    swagger support

    it would be really nice to pass MJ a swagger schema, along with some of the flakiness parameters and have MJ serve the endpoints in the schema according to the specified flakiness.

  • Canned Response Headers cannot contain spaces

    Canned Response Headers cannot contain spaces

    Neither the key or the value of the headers in the canned response can contain spaces.

    This blocks using cookies that contain expiry dates.

    The code responsible for this might be in https://github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/blob/master/mockingjay/validationHelpers.go


     - name: render Login form
         uri: /login
         regexuri: \/login.*
         method: GET
         code: 200
         body: 'non-empty body'
         Set-Cookie: 'Expires=Tue, 28 Apr 2037 13:46:30 GMT'
  • Body doesn't seem to be sent in request when doing compatibility check

    Body doesn't seem to be sent in request when doing compatibility check

    - name: Valid login details
        uri: /user-token
        method: POST
        body: '{"email":"[email protected]","password":"secret"}'
         X-Api-Key: supersecret
        code: 200
        body: '{"token": "1234abc"}'
  • Proposal: Allow returning simple code results

    Proposal: Allow returning simple code results

    I'd love to randomize the results - no different than allowing simple code execution. In this case, it might look like the following

     - name: Test endpoint
         uri: /hello
         method: GET
         code: 200
         body: '{"message": "hello, world", "temperatureOutside": `fmt.Sprintf("%s", rand.Intn(100)))`}'
           content-type: text/json

    There is a much much much less ugly way to do it than the above, but you get the idea.

  • Missing Dependency causing go get failure

    Missing Dependency causing go get failure

    I tried to use go get github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/ as defined in the Installation doc.

    The action fails because it cannot find the package https://github.com/johnmuth/xmlcompare.

    14:03 $ go get github.com/quii/mockingjay-server/
    go: finding module for package github.com/johnmuth/xmlcompare
    go: finding module for package github.com/johnmuth/xmlcompare
    ../../pkg/mod/github.com/quii/[email protected]/mockingjay/compatibility.go:13:2: cannot find module providing package github.com/johnmuth/xmlcompare: module github.com/johnmuth/xmlcompare: git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/dennis.valovcin/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/2a071fa2cce3c7382acfab8a0860d125aced727be653d3dcaba277800cbb76b3: exit status 128:
    	fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled
    Confirm the import path was entered correctly.
    If this is a private repository, see https://golang.org/doc/faq#git_https for additional information.
  • Validate JSON format

    Validate JSON format

    Mockingjay conveniently parses JSON requests, however they are provided in a junky YAML file. Just spent way too much time trying to find an issue, because my request body had an extra " and was not matching request. Would have realised much faster if there was a generic (outside of matching specific request) JSON validation if the request content-type was that.

  • Environment variable? API Key?

    Environment variable? API Key?


    Is there a way to have the body read from environment variable?

    We need this for example to add an API KEY inside the yaml file, so we can run the verify against the real API.

  • When there are Regex problems, the output doesn't give information about where that problem is

    When there are Regex problems, the output doesn't give information about where that problem is

    Example output:

    service_name                | 2020/04/15 14:49:29 A regex defined in the request does not pass against it's defined URI

    Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to figure out which config has the regex issue. Could it be updated so that the output says which config had the issue?


    service_name                | 2020/04/15 14:49:29 A regex defined in the request for config 'Name of the config' does not pass against it's defined URI
  • Make field type error less awful

    Make field type error less awful

    JSON err on field 'counterparts->entities->headquarters->state->value' : Field is not a float in other JSON

    This is nice, but what is the type of the field?

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