Spansqlx - Spanner sql pkgs with golang


spanner sql pkgs


go get


Below is an example which shows some common use cases for spansqlx. Check example_test.go for more usage.

package main

import (


func main() {
	var database = "projects/sandbox/instances/sandbox/databases/sandbox"
	// this Pings the spanner database trying to connect
	// use spansqlx.Open() for spanner.NewClient() semantics
	db, err := spansqlx.Open(context.Background(), spansqlx.WithDatabase(database))
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	// use TxPipeline (spanner.ReadWriteTransation), exec multi statements.
	if err := db.TxPipeline(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
		var sqlInsertSingers = `INSERT INTO Singers (SingerId, FirstName, LastName) VALUES(@singer_id, @first_name, @last_name)`
		for _, singer := range allSingers {
			if err := db.Exec(ctx, sqlInsertSingers,
			); err != nil {
				return err

		var sqlInsertAlbums = `INSERT INTO Albums (SingerID, AlbumID, AlbumTitle) VALUES (@SingerID, @AlbumID, @AlbumTitle)`
		for _, album := range allAlbums {
			if err := db.NamedExec(ctx, sqlInsertAlbums, album); err != nil {
				return err

		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to spansqlx.TxPipeline %v", err)

	// Query the database, storing results in a []Singer (wrapped in []interface)
	if err := db.Select(context.Background(), nil, `SELECT * FROM Singers ORDER BY FirstName DESC`); err != nil {

	// You can also get a a single result
	var david Singer
	db.Get(context.Background(), &david, `SELECT * FROM Singers WHERE FirstName=first_name`, "David")
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", david)
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