Automatic AWS Security Group ingress through DDNS

Auto DDNS Security Lambda

Update AWS Security Group rules to an IP resolved from a DNS hostname. Useful to dynamically allow ingress from a DDNS hostname.

How it Works

Every time the Lambda is invoked it will resolve the configured hostname to a single IPv4 address.

It will inspect each of the configured security group IDs.

It updates any of the ingress or egress rules that contain @DDNS in the description, is a IPv4 rule and does not match the resolved IPv4 address with the new target IPv4 address.



  • Configure a DDNS hostname on your router
  • Create one or more security groups containing ingress or egress rules which you would like to allow access from your IP
    • Somewhere in the rule description enter @DDNS

Lambda Setup

  • Compile and package the Lambda function using
  • Create a new IAM role
  • Create a new function in the Lambda console
    • Use the go1.x runtime
    • Use the IAM role created in the previous step as the execution role
  • Once created upload the dist/ archive
  • Change the handler to main
  • Edit the general configuration and set the memory to 128MB (the minimum allowed)
  • Edit the environment variables to include
    • SECURITY_GROUP_IDS A comma delimited list of target security group rules
    • TARGET_HOSTNAME Your DDNS hostname

CloudWatch Schedule

Now the Lambda is configured, you can create a new CloudWatch schedule to check and update the rules at any given interval.

  • Go to the CloudWatch console
  • Go to Rules and click Create rule
  • Select Schedule and enter your desired schedule
  • Add a Target
    • Select Lambda function
    • Select your Lambda function
    • Select Constant (JSON Text) as input and enter {}


  • Only IPv4 addresses are supported

Command Line Utility

A command line variant is also provided which does the same thing as the Lambda

Jason Kingsbury
Small solutions for big systems
Jason Kingsbury
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