A better Generic Pool (sync.Pool)

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A Better sync.Pool

This package is a thin wrapper over the Pool provided by the sync package. The Pool is an essential package to obtain maximum performance by reducing the number of memory allocations.

Extra Features

  • Invalidate an item from the Pool (so it never gets used again)
  • Set a maximum number of items for the Pool
  • Returns the number of items in the pool (idle and in-use)

When should I use a pool?

If you frequently allocate many objects of the same type and you want to save some memory allocation and garbage allocation overhead — @jrv

How did I improve latency by 700% using sync.Pool


import "github.com/rocketlaunchr/go-pool"

pool := pool.New(5) // maximum of 5 items in pool
pool.SetFactory(func() interface{} {
	return &X{}

item := pool.Borrow()
defer item.Return()

// Use item here or mark as invalid
x := item.Item.(*X) // Use item here

Other useful packages

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  • igo - A Go transpiler with cool new syntax such as fordefer (defer for for-loops)
  • mysql-go - Properly cancel slow MySQL queries
  • react - Build front end applications using Go
  • remember-go - Cache slow database queries
  • testing-go - Testing framework for unit testing

Logo Credits

  1. Renee French (gopher)
  2. Samuel Jirénius (illustration)
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