Go package providing tools for working with Library of Congress data.


Go package providing tools for working with Library of Congress data.


Go Reference


$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/parse-lcnaf cmd/parse-lcnaf/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/parse-lcsh cmd/parse-lcsh/main.go


parse-lcnaf is a command-line tool to parse the Library of Congress lcnaf.both.ndjson (or lcnaf.both.ndjson.zip) Name Authority file and output CSV-encoded name authority ID and (English) label data.

For example:

$> ./bin/parse-lcnaf ~/Downloads/lcnaf.both.ndjson.zip > lcnaf.csv

Time passes...
More time passes...
Time keeps on slipping slipping in to the future...

$> wc -l lcnaf.csv
 11024368 lcnaf.csv

$> cat lcnaf.csv
n90699999,"Birkan, Kaarin"
n85299999,"Devorin, Lonyah"
no2007099999,"Graham, Sean"
n94099999,Tampa Joe
n98099999,"McGoggan, Graham"
n79099999,"Brockmann, Lester C."
no2018099999,"Neefe, Christian Gottlob, 1748-1798. Veränderungen über den Priestermarsch aus Mozarts Zauberflöte"
n2003099999,"Halstenberg, Friedrich"
no2019099999,"Colling, Anton"
n88299999,"Herring, Jackson R."
... and so on


  • Person with empty labels are ignored.
  • It is assumed that you have downloaded and uncompressed the lcnaf.both.ndjson file from the Library of Congress' servers. Future releases may support fetching this file directly.
  • This tool will work with the compressed and uncompressed version of lcnaf.both.ndjson. Keep in mind that compressed file is already 7GB and expands to an uncompressed 55GB.
  • This tool creates a temporary SQLite database (in the operating system's "temp" directory to track duplicate records. This is necessary because tracking duplicate IDs in memory tend to cause out-of-memory errors. The temporary SQLite database is removed when the tool exits.


parse-lcsh is a command-line tool to parse the Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh.both.ndjson) Subject Headings file and output CSV-encoded subject heading ID and (English) label data.

For example:

$> ./bin/parse-lcsh /usr/local/data/loc/lcsh.both.ndjson | less
sh98007138,Sports tournaments
sh91004781,Federation Cup
sh2009114899,Anarchism--Italy--History--20th century
sh2002012476,20th century
sh88001899,"Humorous poetry, Russian"
sh85116005,Russian poetry
sh85116022,Russian wit and humor
sh2008123899,Integrated circuits--Amateurs' manuals
sh99001292,Amateurs' manuals
sh85067117,Integrated circuits
sh85065604,Indians of South America--Ecuador--Antiquities
sh2005006899,Valdivian culture
... and so on


  • Subject headings with empty labels are ignored.
  • It is assumed that you have downloaded and uncompressed the lcsh.both.ndjson file from the Library of Congress' servers. Future releases may support fetching this file directly.
  • This tool will work with the compressed and uncompressed version of lcsh.both.ndjson.

See also

San Francisco International Airport Museum
San Francisco International Airport Museum
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  • Extract concordances

    Extract concordances

    > go run -mod vendor cmd/emit/main.go /usr/local/data/loc/lcsh.both.ndjson | grep -B 5 -A 5 wikidata | less
          "@id": "http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1043464",
          "madsrdf:authoritativeLabel": "\"Ocean Ranger (Drilling rig)\" "
          "@id": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1772356",
          "madsrdf:authoritativeLabel": "\"Ocean Ranger\" "
          "@id": "http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85094386",
          "@type": ["skos:Concept", "madsrdf:Authority", "madsrdf:Topic"],
          "madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority": {
            "@id": "http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85094386"
          "madsrdf:hasCloseExternalAuthority": [
              "@id": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1772356"
              "@id": "http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1043464"
          "madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority": {
            "@id": "http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85035599"
          "madsrdf:hasCloseExternalAuthority": [
              "@id": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1595414"
              "@id": "http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1252780"
  • Missing

    Missing "broader" subject headings

    $> go run -mod vendor cmd/parse-lcsh/main.go -include-all /usr/local/data/loc/lcsh.both.ndjson > lcsh.csv
    $> grep sh85015274 lcsh.csv 
    sh85015274,Boeing 727 (Jet transports),,,

    Compared with:


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    go run -mod vendor cmd/emit/main.go /usr/local/data/loc/lcsh.both.ndjson | grep -A 5 '"@type": "madsrdf:GeographicElement",'
          "@type": "madsrdf:GeographicElement",
          "madsrdf:elementValue": {
            "@language": "en",
            "@value": "Sadang River (Celebes, Indonesia)"
          "@type": "madsrdf:GeographicElement",
          "madsrdf:elementValue": {
            "@language": "en",
            "@value": "Indonesia"
          "@type": "madsrdf:GeographicElement",
          "madsrdf:elementValue": {
            "@language": "en",
            "@value": "Spain"
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