Go package for working with Library of Congress data in an SFO Museum context.


Go package for working with Library of Congress data in an SFO Museum context.


Documentation is incomplete at this time. For working example code have a look at:



For example:

$> ./bin/lookup -lookup-uri lcsh:// Airplanes
sh85002782 Airplanes

$> ./bin/lookup -lookup-uri lcnaf:// "Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974"
n79100565 Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974

A note about "lookups"

Please have a look at the A note about "lookup" documentation in the go-sfomuseum-airfield package. The issues outlined there are the same here. The "tl;dr" is:

It's not great. It's just what we're doing today. The goal right now is to expect a certain amount of "rinse and repeat" in the short term while aiming to make each cycle shorter than the last.

A note about the data

The data files in this package, and in particular the data/lcnaf.csv.bz2 file, are very big. As of this writing the data are loaded in to an in-memory sync.Map instance which means that a) it takes a non-zero amount of time to load b) consumes a non-trivial amount of memory. As such the lcnaf lookup table, derived from data which has 11M rows, only stores label -> ID pointers. It is not possible, at this time, to lookup the label for a given lcnaf identifier.

Remember: This package is tailored to SFO Museum's specific needs, and it's specific trade-offs, at the time of writing. As mentioned above "It's not great. It's just what we're doing today."

See also

San Francisco International Airport Museum
San Francisco International Airport Museum
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