A parser combinator library for Go.


A parser combinator library for Go.




Define the parser:

package csv

import (

    . "github.com/shellyln/takenoco/base"
    . "github.com/shellyln/takenoco/string"

var (
    // Comma and line break characters
    cellBreakCharacters []string
    documentParser      ParserFn

func init() {
    cellBreakCharacters = make([]string, 0, len(LineBreakCharacters)+1)
    cellBreakCharacters = append(cellBreakCharacters, ",")
    cellBreakCharacters = append(cellBreakCharacters, LineBreakCharacters...)
    documentParser = document()

// Remove the resulting AST.
func erase(fn ParserFn) ParserFn {
    return Trans(fn, Erase)

// Whitespaces
func sp() ParserFn {
    return erase(ZeroOrMoreTimes(WhitespaceNoLineBreak()))

func quotedCell() ParserFn {
    return Trans(
                    FlatGroup(End(), Error("Unexpected EOF")),

func cell() ParserFn {
    return Trans(

// Convert AST to array data. (line)
func lineTransform(_ ParserContext, asts AstSlice) (AstSlice, error) {
    w := make([]string, len(asts))
    length := len(asts)

    for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
        w[i] = asts[i].Value.(string)

    return AstSlice{{
        ClassName: "*Line",
        Type:      AstType_Any,
        Value:     w,
    }}, nil

func line() ParserFn {
    return Trans(
                First(quotedCell(), cell()),
            First(quotedCell(), cell()),

// Convert AST to array data. (Entire document)
func documentTransform(_ ParserContext, asts AstSlice) (AstSlice, error) {
    length := len(asts)
    w := make([][]string, length)

    for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
        w[i] = asts[i].Value.([]string)
    for i := length - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if len(w[i]) == 0 || len(w[i]) == 1 && w[i][0] == "" {
            w = w[:i]
        } else {

    return AstSlice{{
        ClassName: "*Document",
        Type:      AstType_Any,
        Value:     w,
    }}, nil

func document() ParserFn {
    return Trans(

func Parse(s string) ([][]string, error) {
    out, err := documentParser(*NewStringParserContext(s))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else {
        if out.MatchStatus == MatchStatus_Matched {
            return out.AstStack[0].Value.([][]string), nil
        } else {
            return nil, errors.New("Parse failed at " + strconv.Itoa(out.SourcePosition.Position))

Use the parser:

package main

import (

    csv "github.com/shellyln/takenoco/_examples/csv"

func main() {
    x, err := csv.Parse("0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\n0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

    y := csv.ToCsv(x)



Copyright (c) 2021 Shellyl_N and Authors.

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