The starter code for Module 3: Surfstore


This is the starter code for Module 3: Surfstore. Before you get started, make sure you understand the following 2 things about Go. (These will also be covered in class and in discussions)

  1. Interfaces: They are named collections of method signatures. Here are some good resources to understand interfaces in Go: a. b.

  2. RPC: You should know how to write RPC servers and clients in Go. The online documentation of the rpc package is a good resource.

Data Types

Recall from the module write-up the following things:

  1. The SurfStore service is composed of two services: BlockStore and MetadataStore
  2. A file in SurfStore is broken into an ordered sequence of one or more blocks which are stored in the BlockStore.
  3. The MetadataStore maintains the mapping of filenames to hashes of these blocks (and versions) in a map.

The starter code defines the following types for your usage in SurfstoreInterfaces.go:

type Block struct {
	BlockData []byte
	BlockSize int

type FileMetaData struct {
	Filename      string
	Version       int
	BlockHashList []string

Surfstore Interface

SurfstoreInterfaces.go also contains interfaces for the BlockStore and the MetadataStore:

type MetaStoreInterface interface {
	// Retrieves the server's FileInfoMap
	GetFileInfoMap(_ignore *bool, serverFileInfoMap *map[string]FileMetaData) error
	// Update a file's fileinfo entry
	UpdateFile(fileMetaData *FileMetaData, latestVersion *int) (err error)

type BlockStoreInterface interface {

	// Get a block based on its hash
	GetBlock(blockHash string, block *Block) error

	// Put a block
	PutBlock(block Block, succ *bool) error

	// Check if certain blocks are alredy present on the server
	HasBlocks(blockHashesIn []string, blockHashesOut *[]string) error

The Surfstore interface then glues these two together and is also present in SurfstoreInterfaces.go.

type Surfstore interface {


BlockStore.go provides a skeleton implementation of the BlockStoreInterface and MetaStore.go provides a skeleton implementation of the MetaStoreInterface You must implement the methods in these 2 files which have panic("todo") as their body.

SurfstoreServer.go should then put everything together to provide a complete implementation of the Surfstore interface. You must implement the methods in this file which have panic("todo") as their body. (Hint: You have already implemented these for the BlockStore and the Metastore, you just need to call them appropriately. )

SurfstoreServer.go also has a method ServeSurfstoreServer which you must implement. It should register the Server instance passed to it and start listening for connections from clients.


SurfstoreRPCClient.go provides the rpc client stub for the surfstore rpc server. You must implement the methods in this file which have panic("todo") as their body. (Hint: one of them has been implemented for you)

SurfstoreClientUtils.go also has the following method which you need to implement for the sync logic of clients:

Implement the logic for a client syncing with the server here.
func ClientSync(client RPCClient) {


You will need to setup your runtime environment variables so that you can build your code and also use the executables that will be generated.

  1. If you are using a Mac, open ~/.bash_profile or if you are using a unix/linux machine, open ~/.bashrc. Then add the following:
export GOPATH=<path to starter code>
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
  1. Run source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc


  1. Only after you have implemented all the methods and completed the Setup steps, run the script provided with the starter code. This should create 2 executables in the bin folder inside your starter code directory.
> ./
> ls bin
SurfstoreClientExec SurfstoreServerExec
  1. Run your server using the script provided in the starter code.
  1. From a new terminal (or a new node), run the client using the script provided in the starter code (if using a new node, build using step 1 first). Use a base directory with some files in it.
> mkdir dataA
> cp ~/pic.jpg dataA/ 
> ./ server_addr:port dataA 4096

This would sync pic.jpg to the server hosted on server_addr:port, using dataA as the base directory, with a block size of 4096 bytes.

  1. From another terminal (or a new node), run the client to sync with the server. (if using a new node, build using step 1 first)
> ls dataB/
> ./ server_addr:port dataB 4096
> ls dataB/
pic.jpg index.txt

We observe that pic.jpg has been synced to this client.

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